C++ 继承函数
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; class passport
passport() //默认构造
passport(int id,string tongxingzheng,string mima,string shenfen)
this->id = id;
this->pass = tongxingzheng;
this->password = mima;
this->shenfenzheng = shenfen;
int id;
string pass;
string password;
string shenfenzheng; }; class xiaoming :public passport //子类继承父类passport的成员
xiaoming(int id, string tongxingzheng, string mima, string shenfen)
this->id = id;
this->pass = tongxingzheng;
this->password = mima;
this->shenfenzheng = shenfen;
} }; int main()
passport xiaoxiao(,"xiaoxiao", "", "");
xiaoming xiaoqi(, "xiaoqi", "", "");
return ; }
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