本篇主要通过分析Tony Parisi的sim.js库(原版代码托管于:https://github.com/tparisi/WebGLBook/tree/master/sim),总结基础Web3D框架的编写方法。在上一篇的基础上,要求读者具有简短英文阅读或者查字典的能力。








//代码截取自https://github.com/tparisi/WebGLBook/tree/master/sim,在那里Tony Parisi的Sim库依照旧版Three.js库编写,为了使用新版本Three.js库我对Sim.js进行了部分修改,修改点附近以“@@”标记
// Sim.js - A Simple Simulator for WebGL (based on Three.js)
Sim = {};//Sim是一个自包含对象,库中的其他变量和函数都是这个自包含对象的属性,可以在库的外部通过“Sim.”的方式调用库内的方法。 // Sim.Publisher - base class for event publishers
//Publish/Subscribe消息通信,用来优化多个对象之间的消息传递,事实上Tony Parisi的WebGL著作里并没有真正使用这种消息传递方法,关于Publish/Subscribe的简单例程可以参考:http://www.mamicode.com/info-detail-502782.html
Sim.Publisher = function() {
this.messageTypes = {};
} Sim.Publisher.prototype.subscribe = function(message, subscriber, callback) {
var subscribers = this.messageTypes[message];
if (subscribers)
if (this.findSubscriber(subscribers, subscriber) != -)
subscribers = [];
this.messageTypes[message] = subscribers;
} subscribers.push({ subscriber : subscriber, callback : callback });
} Sim.Publisher.prototype.unsubscribe = function(message, subscriber, callback) {
if (subscriber)
var subscribers = this.messageTypes[message]; if (subscribers)
var i = this.findSubscriber(subscribers, subscriber, callback);
if (i != -)
this.messageTypes[message].splice(i, );
delete this.messageTypes[message];
} Sim.Publisher.prototype.publish = function(message) {
var subscribers = this.messageTypes[message]; if (subscribers)
for (var i = ; i < subscribers.length; i++)
var args = [];
for (var j = ; j < arguments.length - ; j++)
args.push(arguments[j + ]);
subscribers[i].callback.apply(subscribers[i].subscriber, args);
} Sim.Publisher.prototype.findSubscriber = function (subscribers, subscriber) {
for (var i = ; i < subscribers.length; i++)
if (subscribers[i] == subscriber)
return i;
} return -;
} // Sim.App - application class (singleton)
Sim.App = function()
//call表示this(Sim.App)继承自Sim.Publisher,意指在Sim.App的上下文环境使用Sim.Publisher的“构造方法”,也就是使用Sim.App与Sim.Publisher重叠的属性(这里没有)执行了this.messageTypes = {};语句,为App对象建立了消息一个队列。 this.renderer = null;
this.scene = null;
this.camera = null;
this.objects = [];
} Sim.App.prototype = new Sim.Publisher;
//prototype表示Sim.App扩展自new Sim.Publisher,当调用Sim.App中的某个未定义的方法时,编译器会尝试到prototype中去寻找,如App.subscribe
//prototype.init表示使用init方法对Sim.App进行原型拓展,这样所有的var myApp=new Sim.App都会自动具有init方法(找不到时去prototype中找);这与"Sim.App.init"是不同的,如果后着的init不在App的“构造方法”中定义,myApp是不会具有init方法的。
Sim.App.prototype.init = function(param)//绘图环境初始化
param = param || {};
var container = param.container;
var canvas = param.canvas; // Create the Three.js renderer, add it to our div
//@@这一段是我自己改的,加入了没有显卡时的软件渲染选择,可惜CanvasRenderer只支持部分的Three.js功能,并且没有找到去除图元边线的方法。 function webglAvailable()//是否可用webgl
var canvas=document.createElement("canvas");
return !!(window.WebGLRenderingContext
return false;
var renderer=new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true, canvas: canvas });
var renderer=new THREE.CanvasRenderer({ antialias: true, canvas: canvas });//对于支持html5但不支持webgl的情况,使用更慢一些的2Dcanvas来软件实现webgl的效果
//var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true, canvas: canvas } );
//@@ renderer.setClearColor( 0xffffff );//@@旧版本中这个是默认的
renderer.setSize(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight);
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
//在部分浏览器中canvas不具备保持焦点的能力,点击canvas时焦点会被设置在外面的container上,影响交互效果 // Create a new Three.js scene
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.add( new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x505050 ) );
scene.data = this; // Put in a camera at a good default location
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( , container.offsetWidth / container.offsetHeight, , );
camera.position.set( , , 3.3333 ); scene.add(camera); // Create a root object to contain all other scene objects
var root = new THREE.Object3D();
scene.add(root); // Create a projector to handle picking
var projector = new THREE.Projector(); // Save away a few things
this.container = container;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.scene = scene;
this.camera = camera;
this.projector = projector;
this.root = root; // Set up event handlers
} //Core run loop
Sim.App.prototype.run = function()
this.renderer.render( this.scene, this.camera );
var that = this;//之所以使用that是为了保存此时的this状态,requestAnimationFrame会在“浏览器认为合适”的时候重调,而那时的“this”可能已经发生变化了。
//requestAnimationFrame(function() { that.run(); });
requestAnimFrame(function() { that.run(); });//@@换用了另一个帧动画库
} // Update method - called once per tick
Sim.App.prototype.update = function()
var i, len;
len = this.objects.length;
for (i = ; i < len; i++)
} // Add/remove objects
Sim.App.prototype.addObject = function(obj)
this.objects.push(obj);//将物体对象添加到前面建立的物体数组里 // If this is a renderable object, add it to the root scene
//Three.js对于场景中object3D类型的对象提供了“parent/children ”式的关联链,Sim.js封装了这一关联
if (obj.object3D)
Sim.App.prototype.removeObject = function(obj)
var index = this.objects.indexOf(obj);
if (index != -)
this.objects.splice(index, );
// If this is a renderable object, remove it from the root scene if (obj.object3D)
} // Event handling
Sim.App.prototype.initMouse = function()
var dom = this.renderer.domElement;//取得canvas //添加监听
var that = this;
dom.addEventListener( 'mousemove',
function(e) { that.onDocumentMouseMove(e); }, false );
dom.addEventListener( 'mousedown',
function(e) { that.onDocumentMouseDown(e); }, false );
dom.addEventListener( 'mouseup',
function(e) { that.onDocumentMouseUp(e); }, false ); //中键滚动
function(e, delta) {
that.onDocumentMouseScroll(e, delta);
); //鼠标悬停的物体
this.overObject = null;
this.clickedObject = null;
Sim.App.prototype.initKeyboard = function()
var dom = this.renderer.domElement; var that = this;
dom.addEventListener( 'keydown',
function(e) { that.onKeyDown(e); }, false );
dom.addEventListener( 'keyup',
function(e) { that.onKeyUp(e); }, false );
dom.addEventListener( 'keypress',
function(e) { that.onKeyPress(e); }, false ); // so it can take focus
dom.setAttribute("tabindex", );
} Sim.App.prototype.addDomHandlers = function()
var that = this;
window.addEventListener( 'resize', function(event) { that.onWindowResize(event); }, false );
} //如果监听到鼠标移动
Sim.App.prototype.onDocumentMouseMove = function(event)
event.preventDefault();//阻止浏览器的默认响应 if (this.clickedObject && this.clickedObject.handleMouseMove)
var hitpoint = null, hitnormal = null;//三维空间中的“点击点”和“点击法线”(鼠标在3D物体上的点击方向)设为空
var intersected = this.objectFromMouse(event.pageX, event.pageY);
if (intersected.object == this.clickedObject)
hitpoint = intersected.point;
hitnormal = intersected.normal;
this.clickedObject.handleMouseMove(event.pageX, event.pageY, hitpoint, hitnormal);
var handled = false; var oldObj = this.overObject;//暂存旧的“悬停物体”
var intersected = this.objectFromMouse(event.pageX, event.pageY);
this.overObject = intersected.object;//将悬停物体设为鼠标所在的物体 if (this.overObject != oldObj)//如果这是一个新物体,也就是说鼠标从一个物体上移到另一物体上
if (oldObj)
this.container.style.cursor = 'auto';//取巧用CSS来处理光标变化,是2D网页和3Dcanvas的结合运用 if (oldObj.handleMouseOut)
oldObj.handleMouseOut(event.pageX, event.pageY);
} if (this.overObject)
if (this.overObject.overCursor)
this.container.style.cursor = this.overObject.overCursor;//光标设置
} if (this.overObject.handleMouseOver)
this.overObject.handleMouseOver(event.pageX, event.pageY);
} handled = true;//表示物体的handleMouseOver执行完毕
} if (!handled && this.handleMouseMove)
this.handleMouseMove(event.pageX, event.pageY);
Sim.App.prototype.onDocumentMouseDown = function(event)
event.preventDefault(); var handled = false; var intersected = this.objectFromMouse(event.pageX, event.pageY);
if (intersected.object)
if (intersected.object.handleMouseDown)
intersected.object.handleMouseDown(event.pageX, event.pageY, intersected.point, intersected.normal);
this.clickedObject = intersected.object;
handled = true;
} if (!handled && this.handleMouseDown)
this.handleMouseDown(event.pageX, event.pageY);
} Sim.App.prototype.onDocumentMouseUp = function(event)
event.preventDefault(); var handled = false; var intersected = this.objectFromMouse(event.pageX, event.pageY);
if (intersected.object)
if (intersected.object.handleMouseUp)
intersected.object.handleMouseUp(event.pageX, event.pageY, intersected.point, intersected.normal);
handled = true;
} if (!handled && this.handleMouseUp)
this.handleMouseUp(event.pageX, event.pageY);
} this.clickedObject = null;
} Sim.App.prototype.onDocumentMouseScroll = function(event, delta)
event.preventDefault(); if (this.handleMouseScroll)
} Sim.App.prototype.objectFromMouse = function(pagex, pagey)
// Translate page coords to element coords
var offset = $(this.renderer.domElement).offset();
var eltx = pagex - offset.left;
var elty = pagey - offset.top; // Translate client coords into viewport x,y
var vpx = ( eltx / this.container.offsetWidth ) * - ;
var vpy = - ( elty / this.container.offsetHeight ) * + ; var vector = new THREE.Vector3( vpx, vpy, 0.5 );//补充一个z轴坐标,形成三维空间中靠原点外侧的一个点(在Three.js中“点”分为Points和Vector两种,前者具有颜色、大小、材质是真正可以被显示出来的物体,后着是数学意义上的点或者向量) //this.projector.unprojectVector( vector, this.camera );
vector.unproject(this.camera);//@@新版本中去掉投影矩阵影响的方法,不要忘记3D场景中看到的东西都是经过投影矩阵变形过的,所以要先把“看到的位置”转化为“实际的位置”再进行位置计算 //@@这里是Sim.js中版本差异最大的地方
//在三维空间中取得物体的原理:从相机到“鼠标所在的点”画一条射线,通过Three.js封装的方法取得这条射线穿过的所有物体,第一个穿过的物体被认为是“鼠标所在的物体” //var ray = new THREE.Ray( this.camera.position, vector.subSelf( this.camera.position ).normalize() );
//var intersects = ray.intersectScene( this.scene );
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(this.camera.position,vector.subVectors(vector,this.camera.position).normalize());
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(this.scene.children,true);
//true表示考虑物体的子物体,这里必须加上,被“穿过到”的物体被存入了一个数组 if ( intersects.length > ) { /*var i = 0;
} var intersected = intersects[i];
var mat = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(intersected.object.matrixWorld);
var point = mat.multiplyVector3(intersected.point); return (this.findObjectFromIntersected(intersected.object, intersected.point, intersected.face.normal)); */
for(var i=;i<intersects.length;i++)
var intersected = intersects[i];
var mat = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(intersected.object.matrixWorld);
var point=intersected.point.applyMatrix4( mat );//可见intersected.point是相对坐标,加上物体所在的姿态矩阵之后变成了3D空间中的绝对坐标
return (this.findObjectFromIntersected(intersected.object, intersected.point, intersected.face.normal));
return { object : null, point : null, normal : null };//没有找到符合条件的物体
return { object : null, point : null, normal : null };
} Sim.App.prototype.findObjectFromIntersected = function(object, point, normal)
{//回溯子物体的parent/children链,找到距它最近的具有data属性的父物体,这样的物体是使用Sim.Object定义的。这种回溯保持了复杂物体的整体性:拉一个人的手使得整个人移动,而非手脱离了人自己移动。 if (object.data)
return { object: object.data, point: point, normal: normal };
else if (object.parent)
return this.findObjectFromIntersected(object.parent, point, normal);
return { object : null, point : null, normal : null };
} //键盘按键被按下
Sim.App.prototype.onKeyDown = function(event)
// N.B.: Chrome doesn't deliver keyPress if we don't bubble... keep an eye on this
event.preventDefault(); if (this.handleKeyDown)
this.handleKeyDown(event.keyCode, event.charCode);
} Sim.App.prototype.onKeyUp = function(event)
// N.B.: Chrome doesn't deliver keyPress if we don't bubble... keep an eye on this
event.preventDefault(); if (this.handleKeyUp)
this.handleKeyUp(event.keyCode, event.charCode);
} Sim.App.prototype.onKeyPress = function(event)
// N.B.: Chrome doesn't deliver keyPress if we don't bubble... keep an eye on this
event.preventDefault(); if (this.handleKeyPress)
this.handleKeyPress(event.keyCode, event.charCode);
} //浏览器窗口大小变化
Sim.App.prototype.onWindowResize = function(event) { this.renderer.setSize(this.container.offsetWidth, this.container.offsetHeight); this.camera.aspect = this.container.offsetWidth / this.container.offsetHeight;//宽高比
this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix();//投影矩阵 }
Sim.App.prototype.focus = function()
if (this.renderer && this.renderer.domElement)
} // Sim.Object - base class for all objects in our simulation
Sim.Object = function()
Sim.Publisher.call(this); this.object3D = null;
this.children = [];
} Sim.Object.prototype = new Sim.Publisher; Sim.Object.prototype.init = function()//物体本身没有init时,才会到“基类”里找
} Sim.Object.prototype.update = function()
} // setPosition - move the object to a new position
Sim.Object.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y, z)
if (this.object3D)
this.object3D.position.set(x, y, z);
} //setScale - scale the object
Sim.Object.prototype.setScale = function(x, y, z)
if (this.object3D)
this.object3D.scale.set(x, y, z);
} //setScale - scale the object
Sim.Object.prototype.setVisible = function(visible)
function setVisible(obj, visible)
obj.visible = visible;
var i, len = obj.children.length;
for (i = ; i < len; i++)
setVisible(obj.children[i], visible);
} if (this.object3D)
setVisible(this.object3D, visible);
// updateChildren - update all child objects
Sim.Object.prototype.updateChildren = function()
var i, len;
len = this.children.length;
for (i = ; i < len; i++)
} Sim.Object.prototype.setObject3D = function(object3D)
object3D.data = this;//建立双向链表,可以相互调用
this.object3D = object3D;//将这个我们自己定义的Sim.Object和Three.js的object3D对象关联在一起
} //Add/remove children
Sim.Object.prototype.addChild = function(child)
this.children.push(child);//Sim.js设置 // If this is a renderable object, add its object3D as a child of mine
if (child.object3D)//Three.js设置
} Sim.Object.prototype.removeChild = function(child)
var index = this.children.indexOf(child);
if (index != -)
this.children.splice(index, );
// If this is a renderable object, remove its object3D as a child of mine
if (child.object3D)
} // Some utility methods
Sim.Object.prototype.getScene = function()
var scene = null;
if (this.object3D)
var obj = this.object3D;
while (obj.parent)
obj = obj.parent;
} scene = obj;
} return scene;
} Sim.Object.prototype.getApp = function()
var scene = this.getScene();
return scene ? scene.data : null;//如果scene不具备data属性,说明scene不对应App
} // Some constants /* key codes
37: left
38: up
39: right
40: down
Sim.KeyCodes = {};
Sim.KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT = ;
Sim.KeyCodes.KEY_UP = ;
Sim.KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT = ;
Sim.KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN = ;



// Constructor
SolarSystemApp = function()
} // Subclass Sim.App
SolarSystemApp.prototype = new Sim.App();//原型扩展 // Our custom initializer
SolarSystemApp.prototype.init = function(container)
// Call superclass init code to set up scene, renderer, default camera
Sim.App.prototype.init.call(this, container);
this.planets = [];//行星数组
this.orbits = [];//行星轨道
this.lastX = ;
this.lastY = ;
this.mouseDown = false;
this.lastTime = ;//上次渲染时间
this.currentlyPressedKeys=[];//当前键盘数组 // Let there be light!
var sun = new Sun();//建立Sun对象
this.addObject(sun);//很自然的把Sun对象添加到SolarSystemApp的objects数组中 // Are the stars out tonight...?
var stars = new Stars();//太阳系外的遥远恒星
// Push the stars out past Pluto
this.addObject(stars); // And on the third day...
this.createPlanets();//建立行星 // Move the camera back so we can see our Solar System
this.camera.position.set(, , Sun.SIZE_IN_EARTHS * );//将相机向外移动一些,看到太阳系的全貌 var amb = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x676767);//环境光
this.scene.add(amb); // Tilt the whole solar system toward the camera a bit
this.root.rotation.x = Math.PI / ; } //下面是对鼠标键盘的响应,其中的监听配置由Sim库完成
SolarSystemApp.prototype.handleMouseMove = function(x, y)
if (this.mouseDown)//如果现在鼠标是按下的状态
var dx = x - this.lastX;//鼠标在x轴上相对于原位置的位移
if (Math.abs(dx) > SolarSystemApp.MOUSE_MOVE_TOLERANCE)//这个位移大于一定程度才能够生效,避免了鼠标微小震动的影响
this.root.rotation.y -= (dx * 0.01);//太阳系绕y轴旋转一定角度
this.lastX = x;//更新x轴原位置 //return; var dy = y - this.lastY;
if (Math.abs(dy) > SolarSystemApp.MOUSE_MOVE_TOLERANCE)
this.root.rotation.x += (dy * 0.01); // Clamp to some outer boundary values
if (this.root.rotation.x < )
this.root.rotation.x = ; if (this.root.rotation.x > SolarSystemApp.MAX_ROTATION_X)//达到一定角度之后禁止继续旋转
this.root.rotation.x = SolarSystemApp.MAX_ROTATION_X; }
this.lastY = y; }
} SolarSystemApp.prototype.handleMouseDown = function(x, y)
this.lastX = x;
this.lastY = y;
this.mouseDown = true;
} SolarSystemApp.prototype.handleMouseUp = function(x, y)
this.lastX = x;
this.lastY = y;
this.mouseDown = false;
} SolarSystemApp.prototype.handleMouseScroll = function(delta)
var dx = delta; this.camera.position.z -= dx*; // Clamp to some boundary values
if (this.camera.position.z < SolarSystemApp.MIN_CAMERA_Z)
this.camera.position.z = SolarSystemApp.MIN_CAMERA_Z;
if (this.camera.position.z > SolarSystemApp.MAX_CAMERA_Z)
this.camera.position.z = SolarSystemApp.MAX_CAMERA_Z;
SolarSystemApp.prototype.handleKeyDown= function(keyCode,charCode)
this.currentlyPressedKeys[keyCode] = true;
SolarSystemApp.prototype.handleKeyUp= function(keyCode,charCode)
this.currentlyPressedKeys[keyCode] = false;
} SolarSystemApp.prototype.update = function()
var speed=//前后速度
var adspeed=//左右速度
if (this.currentlyPressedKeys[]) {
// A键-横向左
adspeed = -0.009;
} else if ( this.currentlyPressedKeys[]) {
// D键-横向右
adspeed = +0.009;
} if (this.currentlyPressedKeys[]) {
// W键-纵向上
speed = 0.003;
} else if ( this.currentlyPressedKeys[]) {
// S键-纵向下
speed = -0.003;
var timeNow = new Date().getTime();
if (this.lastTime != ) {
var elapsed = timeNow - this.lastTime; if (speed != ||adspeed!=) {
this.camera.position.x+=adspeed* elapsed;
this.camera.position.y+=speed* elapsed;
} // adjust yaw and pitch by their respective rates of change
this.lastTime = timeNow; Sim.App.prototype.update.call(this);//驱动Sim中的“this.objects[i].update();”
SolarSystemApp.prototype.createPlanets = function ()
var i, len = SolarSystemApp.planet_specs.length;
for (i = ; i < len; i++)
var spec = SolarSystemApp.planet_specs[i];//这个行星的参数
var planet = spec.type ? new spec.type : new Planet;//除了地球和土星比较特殊,其他星球都创建为Planet对象,Planet继承自Sim.Object planet.init({animateOrbit:true, animateRotation: true, showOrbit:true,
distance:spec.distance * SolarSystemApp.EARTH_DISTANCE + Sun.SIZE_IN_EARTHS,
size:spec.size * SolarSystemApp.EXAGGERATED_PLANET_SCALE,
period : spec.period,
revolutionSpeed : 0.002,
map : spec.map});
this.planets.push(planet); var orbit = new Orbit();//行星轨道
orbit.init(spec.distance * SolarSystemApp.EARTH_DISTANCE + Sun.SIZE_IN_EARTHS);
SolarSystemApp.MAX_ROTATION_X = Math.PI / ;
SolarSystemApp.MAX_CAMERA_Z = Sun.SIZE_IN_EARTHS * ;
SolarSystemApp.MIN_CAMERA_Z = Sun.SIZE_IN_EARTHS * ;//镜头最小z值
SolarSystemApp.EARTH_DISTANCE = ;
SolarSystemApp.planet_specs = [
// Mercury
{ size : / 2.54, distance : 0.4, period : 0.24, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/Mercury.jpg" },
// Venus
{ size : / 1.05, distance : 0.7, period : 0.62, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/venus.jpg" },
// Earth
{ type : Earth, size : , distance : , period : , map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/earth_surface_2048.jpg" },
// Mars
{ size : / 1.88, distance : 1.6, period : 1.88, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/MarsV3-Shaded-2k.jpg" },
// Jupiter
{ size : 11.1, distance : 5.2, period : 11.86, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/realj2k.jpg" },
// Saturn
{ type : Saturn, size : 9.41, distance : , period : 29.46, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/saturn_bjoernjonsson.jpg" },
// Uranus
{ size : , distance : 19.6, period : 84.01, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/uranus.jpg" },
// Neptune
{ size : 3.88, distance : 38.8, period : 164.8, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/neptune.jpg" },
// Pluto - have to exaggerate his size or we'll never see the little guy
{ size : / 5.55, distance : 77.2, period : 247.7, map : "../IMAGE/SOLAR/pluto.jpg" },


// Custom Planet class
Planet = function()
} Planet.prototype = new Sim.Object(); Planet.prototype.init = function(param)
param = param || {}; // Create an orbit group to simulate the orbit - this is the top-level Planet group
var planetOrbitGroup = new THREE.Object3D();//planetOrbitGroup是一个Three.js中的3D对象,Three.js为它准备了各种相关的方法和属性 // Tell the framework about our object
this.setObject3D(planetOrbitGroup);//将Sim.js定义的Sim.object与Three.js定义的Object3D关联起来 // Create a group to contain Planet and Clouds meshes
var planetGroup = new THREE.Object3D();
var distance = param.distance || ;
var distsquared = distance * distance;
planetGroup.position.set(Math.sqrt(distsquared/), , -Math.sqrt(distsquared/));//设置行星位置
planetOrbitGroup.add(planetGroup);//planetGroup是planetOrbitGroup在Three.js层面的子物体 this.planetGroup = planetGroup;
var size = param.size || ;
this.planetGroup.scale.set(size, size, size);//设置大小比例 var map = param.map;//纹理图片
this.createGlobe(map);//使用纹理图片建立行星 this.animateOrbit = param.animateOrbit;//行星是否沿着轨道运动
this.period = param.period;//公转周期
this.revolutionSpeed = param.revolutionSpeed ? param.revolutionSpeed : Planet.REVOLUTION_Y;//公转速度
} Planet.prototype.createGlobe = function(map)
// Create our Planet with nice texture
var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(, , );//建立一个多面体(球)
//var texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(map);
var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(map);
//var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {map: texture, ambient: 0x333333} );
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {map: texture} );
var globeMesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); // Add it to our group
this.planetGroup.add(globeMesh);//globeMesh是planetGroup的子物体 // Save it away so we can rotate it
this.globeMesh = globeMesh;
} Planet.prototype.update = function() //物体的update
// Simulate the orbit
if (this.animateOrbit)
this.object3D.rotation.y += this.revolutionSpeed / this.period;
} Sim.Object.prototype.update.call(this);
} Planet.REVOLUTION_Y = 0.003;




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