Dev 401-004:Application essential:Building Your user Interface:

Module Agenda
1.Custom Applications
2.Custom Tabs
3.Custom page Layouts

Page Layouts
1. Page layout define the organization of :
- fields
- Custom links
- Related lists on an object detail or edit page.
2. Page layout customization include:
- Field locations
- page section customization
- Field properties(visible, read-only and required)
Note:Establish unique layouts for different business scenarios.

Module Review
1. True or False:when building a custom application, developer can include a custom logo for that app.
2. True or false:when choosing a style for a custon object tab, developers can create custom styles.
3. List things that can be customized on apage layout.
Field,Location, Button, sections...
4. If a field is made read-only or required on a page layout, what happens if a user access that field through the API?

Custom Apps
1.An application is a logical container for all of the objects, tabs, processes, and service associated with a given business function.
2.A custom app consists of a name, a description, an ordered list of tabs, and, optionally, a custom logo and a landing page.
3.Salesforce provides standard apps such as Sales and Call Center.

Custom Apps
1.Custom app logos
- Custom application display the custom-force logo by default.
- For custom logos, any GIF orJPG file from the Documents tab vcan be inserted if it is under 20kb size.
2.Specify custom default landing tab when creating or editing a custom app.
- Use the Default Landing Tab drop-down menu below the tab selection area of the app creation wizard.

Custom Tabs
1. A custom tab is a user interface component you create to display custom object data or eb content embedded in the application.
2. There are two types of custom tabs:
- Custom Object Tabs: Display the data of your custom object in a user interface tab.
- Web Tabs: Display any external web-based application or web page in a user interface tab(more on this later).
3.Custom tabs will have a Tab Style(color scheme and icon)

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