



  1. 项目概述
  2. 了解数据
  3. 探索性分析
  4. 使用不同的机器学习方法进行预测
  5. 总结
  6. 结论
  7. 讨论

1. 项目概述


2. 了解数据








。创建与小时相关的特性,即cos(hourOfDay * 2 * pi / 24)。


%matplotlib inline 

import requests
from StringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd # pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # module for plotting
import datetime as dt # module for manipulating dates and times
import numpy.linalg as lin # 执行线性代数运算的模块
from __future__ import division
from math import log10,exp pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'



然后我们用Pandas 把它们放在一个dataframe里。

file = 'Data/Org/0701-0930-2011.xls'
df = pd.read_excel(file, header = 0, skiprows = np.arange(0,6)) files = ['Data/Org/1101-1130-2011.xls',
'Data/Org/0901-1031-2014.xls'] for file in files:
data = pd.read_excel(file, header = 0, skiprows = np.arange(0,6))
df = df.append(data) df.head()
WARNING *** file size (2481102) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (848833) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1694257) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
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WARNING *** file size (1665736) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1614814) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1665980) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1667276) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1691736) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1666704) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1665920) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1614900) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1666228) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1666191) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1691845) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
WARNING *** file size (1663846) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 1 Gund Bus-A 15 Min Block Demand - kW Gund Bus-A CurrentA - Amps Unnamed: 4 Unnamed: 5 Gund Bus-A CurrentB - Amps Unnamed: 7 Gund Bus-A CurrentC - Amps Unnamed: 9 ... Gund Main Demand - Tons Gund Main Energy - Ton-Days Gund Main FlowRate - gpm Gund Main FlowTotal - kgal(1000) Gund Main SignalAeration - Count Gund Main SignalStrength - Count Gund Main SonicVelocity - Ft/Sec Gund Main TempDelta - Deg F Gund Main TempReturn - Deg F Gund Main TempSupply - Deg F
0 2011-07-01 01:00:00 White 48.458733 65.977882 NaN NaN 52.631417 NaN 55.603840 NaN ... 4.677294 17912.537804 6.916454 48168.083414 0.693405 57.208127 1437.640543 16.238684 59.757447 43.516103
1 2011-07-01 02:00:00 White 40.472697 57.230223 NaN NaN 42.483092 NaN 50.243230 NaN ... 4.586403 17912.853518 6.739337 48168.645429 0.567355 57.082909 1438.030719 16.263573 59.710199 43.495128
2 2011-07-01 03:00:00 #d2e4b0 39.472809 55.487443 NaN NaN 41.911784 NaN 48.482163 NaN ... 4.462877 17913.169232 6.725142 48169.207444 0.441304 57.001646 1439.111130 15.797043 59.248158 43.457344
3 2011-07-01 04:00:00 White 39.198879 55.849806 NaN NaN 41.525529 NaN 48.987457 NaN ... 4.696993 17913.484946 7.041330 48169.769458 0.315254 57.000000 1440.768604 15.947392 59.207097 43.267682
4 2011-07-01 05:00:00 White 39.297522 55.736219 NaN NaN 41.299381 NaN 48.710408 NaN ... 4.550372 17913.800660 6.863004 48170.331473 0.189204 57.000000 1442.426077 15.903679 59.282707 43.372615

5 rows × 55 columns



df.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0':'Datetime'}, inplace=True)
nonBlankColumns = ['Unnamed' not in s for s in df.columns]
columns = df.columns[nonBlankColumns]
df = df[columns]
df = df.set_index(['Datetime'])
df.index.name = None
Gund Bus-A 15 Min Block Demand - kW Gund Bus-A CurrentA - Amps Gund Bus-A CurrentB - Amps Gund Bus-A CurrentC - Amps Gund Bus-A CurrentN - Amps Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr Gund Bus-A Freq - Hertz Gund Bus-A Max Monthly Demand - kW Gund Bus-A PowerApp - kVA Gund Bus-A PowerReac - kVAR ... Gund Main Demand - Tons Gund Main Energy - Ton-Days Gund Main FlowRate - gpm Gund Main FlowTotal - kgal(1000) Gund Main SignalAeration - Count Gund Main SignalStrength - Count Gund Main SonicVelocity - Ft/Sec Gund Main TempDelta - Deg F Gund Main TempReturn - Deg F Gund Main TempSupply - Deg F
2011-07-01 01:00:00 48.458733 65.977882 52.631417 55.603840 15.982278 1796757.502803 59.837524 96.117915 48.757073 12.344712 ... 4.677294 17912.537804 6.916454 48168.083414 0.693405 57.208127 1437.640543 16.238684 59.757447 43.516103
2011-07-01 02:00:00 40.472697 57.230223 42.483092 50.243230 13.423762 1796800.145991 60.005569 96.117915 42.238685 12.967984 ... 4.586403 17912.853518 6.739337 48168.645429 0.567355 57.082909 1438.030719 16.263573 59.710199 43.495128
2011-07-01 03:00:00 39.472809 55.487443 41.911784 48.482163 13.478933 1796840.146023 59.833880 96.117915 41.278573 12.732046 ... 4.462877 17913.169232 6.725142 48169.207444 0.441304 57.001646 1439.111130 15.797043 59.248158 43.457344
2011-07-01 04:00:00 39.198879 55.849806 41.525529 48.987457 13.603309 1796879.023607 59.673044 96.117915 41.345776 12.687845 ... 4.696993 17913.484946 7.041330 48169.769458 0.315254 57.000000 1440.768604 15.947392 59.207097 43.267682
2011-07-01 05:00:00 39.297522 55.736219 41.299381 48.710408 13.797331 1796918.273558 59.986672 96.117915 41.166736 12.437842 ... 4.550372 17913.800660 6.863004 48170.331473 0.189204 57.000000 1442.426077 15.903679 59.282707 43.372615

5 rows × 48 columns


for item in df.columns:
print item
Gund Bus-A 15 Min Block Demand - kW
Gund Bus-A CurrentA - Amps
Gund Bus-A CurrentB - Amps
Gund Bus-A CurrentC - Amps
Gund Bus-A CurrentN - Amps
Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr
Gund Bus-A Freq - Hertz
Gund Bus-A Max Monthly Demand - kW
Gund Bus-A PowerApp - kVA
Gund Bus-A PowerReac - kVAR
Gund Bus-A PowerReal - kW
Gund Bus-A TruePF - PF
Gund Bus-A VoltageAB - Volts
Gund Bus-A VoltageAN - Volts
Gund Bus-A VoltageBC - Volts
Gund Bus-A VoltageBN - Volts
Gund Bus-A VoltageCA - Volts
Gund Bus-A VoltageCN - Volts
Gund Bus-B 15 Min Block Demand - kW
Gund Bus-B CurrentA - Amps
Gund Bus-B CurrentB - Amps
Gund Bus-B CurrentC - Amps
Gund Bus-B CurrentN - Amps
Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr
Gund Bus-B Freq - Hertz
Gund Bus-B Max Monthly Demand - kW
Gund Bus-B PowerApp - kVA
Gund Bus-B PowerReac - kVAR
Gund Bus-B PowerReal - kW
Gund Bus-B TruePF - PF
Gund Bus-B VoltageAB - Volts
Gund Bus-B VoltageAN - Volts
Gund Bus-B VoltageBC - Volts
Gund Bus-B VoltageBN - Volts
Gund Bus-B VoltageCA - Volts
Gund Bus-B VoltageCN - Volts
Gund Condensate Counter - count
Gund Condensate FlowTotal - LBS
Gund Main Demand - Tons
Gund Main Energy - Ton-Days
Gund Main FlowRate - gpm
Gund Main FlowTotal - kgal(1000)
Gund Main SignalAeration - Count
Gund Main SignalStrength - Count
Gund Main SonicVelocity - Ft/Sec
Gund Main TempDelta - Deg F
Gund Main TempReturn - Deg F
Gund Main TempSupply - Deg F


以电力为例,“Gund Bus A”和“Gund Bus B”。“EnergyReal - kWhr”记录累计消耗量。我们不确定什么是“PowerReal”。为了以防万一,我们也把它放进了电日计。

electricity=df[['Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr',
'Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr',
'Gund Bus-A PowerReal - kW',
'Gund Bus-B PowerReal - kW',]]
Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr Gund Bus-A PowerReal - kW Gund Bus-B PowerReal - kW
2011-07-01 01:00:00 1796757.502803 3657811.582122 47.184015 63.486186
2011-07-01 02:00:00 1796800.145991 3657873.464938 40.208796 61.270542
2011-07-01 03:00:00 1796840.146023 3657934.837505 39.209866 61.464394
2011-07-01 04:00:00 1796879.023607 3657995.470348 39.378507 59.396581
2011-07-01 05:00:00 1796918.273558 3658054.470285 39.240837 58.911729


为了检验我们对数据的理解是否正确,我们想从每小时的数据中计算出每个月的用电量,然后将结果与facalities提供的每个月的数据进行比较,这些数据也可以在Energy Witness上找到。

以下是facalities提供的月度数据,"Bus A & B"以月度形式称为"CE603B kWh"和"CE604B kWh"。请注意,查表周期不是公历月份。

file = 'Data/monthly electricity.csv'
monthlyElectricityFromFacility = pd.read_csv(file, header=0)
monthlyElectricityFromFacility = monthlyElectricityFromFacility.set_index(['month'])
startDate endDate CE603B kWh CE604B kWh
Jul 11 6/16/11 7/18/11 43968.1 106307.1
Aug 11 7/18/11 8/17/11 41270.1 83121.1
Sep 11 8/17/11 9/16/11 51514.1 107083.1
Oct 11 9/16/11 10/18/11 65338.1 114350.1
Nov 11 10/18/11 11/17/11 65453.1 115318.1

我们用“EnergyReal - kWhr”列表示两个电表。我们计算了查表周期的开始日期和结束日期的数字,用结束日期的数字减去开始日期的数字,就得到了每月的电量消耗。

monthlyElectricityFromFacility['startDate'] = pd.to_datetime(monthlyElectricityFromFacility['startDate'], format="%m/%d/%y")
values = monthlyElectricityFromFacility.index.values keys = np.array(monthlyElectricityFromFacility['startDate']) dates = {}
for key, value in zip(keys, values):
dates[key] = value sortedDates = np.sort(dates.keys())
sortedDates = sortedDates[sortedDates > np.datetime64('2011-11-01')] months = []
monthlyElectricityOrg = np.zeros((len(sortedDates) - 1, 2))
for i in range(len(sortedDates) - 1):
begin = sortedDates[i]
end = sortedDates[i+1]
monthlyElectricityOrg[i, 0] = (np.round(electricity.loc[end,'Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr']
- electricity.loc[begin,'Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr'], 1))
monthlyElectricityOrg[i, 1] = (np.round(electricity.loc[end,'Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr']
- electricity.loc[begin,'Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr'], 1)) monthlyElectricity = pd.DataFrame(data = monthlyElectricityOrg, index = months, columns = ['CE603B kWh', 'CE604B kWh']) plt.figure()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = monthlyElectricity.plot(marker = 'o', figsize=(15,6), rot = 40, fontsize = 13, ax = ax, linestyle='')
plt.xlabel('Billing month', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel('kWh', fontsize = 15)
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 13)
plt.title('Original monthly consumption from hourly data',fontsize = 17) text = 'Meter malfunction'
ax.annotate(text, xy = (9, 4500000),
xytext = (5, 2), fontsize = 15,
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'top') ax.annotate(text, xy = (8, -4500000),
xytext = (5, 2), fontsize = 15,
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom') ax.annotate(text, xy = (14, -2500000),
xytext = (5, 2), fontsize = 15,
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom') ax.annotate(text, xy = (15, 2500000),
xytext = (5, 2), fontsize = 15,
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'top') plt.show()


monthlyElectricity.loc['Aug 12','CE604B kWh'] = np.nan
monthlyElectricity.loc['Sep 12','CE604B kWh'] = np.nan
monthlyElectricity.loc['Feb 13','CE603B kWh'] = np.nan
monthlyElectricity.loc['Mar 13','CE603B kWh'] = np.nan fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,8))
plt.bar(np.arange(0, len(monthlyElectricity))-0.5,monthlyElectricity['CE603B kWh'], label='Our data processing from hourly data')
plt.plot(monthlyElectricityFromFacility.loc[months,'CE603B kWh'],'or', label='Facility data')
plt.xlim([0, len(monthlyElectricity)])
ax.set_xticklabels(months, rotation=40, fontsize=13)
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('Comparison between our data processing and facilities, Meter CE603B',fontsize=20) text = 'Meter malfunction \n estimated by facility'
ax.annotate(text, xy = (14, monthlyElectricityFromFacility.loc['Feb 13','CE603B kWh']),
xytext = (5, 50), fontsize = 15,
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.15),
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom') ax.annotate(text, xy = (15, monthlyElectricityFromFacility.loc['Mar 13','CE603B kWh']),
xytext = (5, 50), fontsize = 15,
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.15),
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom')
plt.show() fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,8))
plt.bar(np.arange(0, len(monthlyElectricity))-0.5, monthlyElectricity['CE604B kWh'], label='Our data processing from hourly data')
plt.plot(monthlyElectricityFromFacility.loc[months,'CE604B kWh'],'or', label='Facility data')
plt.xlim([0, len(monthlyElectricity)])
ax.set_xticklabels(months, rotation=40, fontsize=13)
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('Comparison between our data processing and facilities, Meter CE604B',fontsize=20) ax.annotate(text, xy = (9, monthlyElectricityFromFacility.loc['Sep 12','CE604B kWh']),
xytext = (5, 50), fontsize = 15,
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.15),
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom') ax.annotate(text, xy = (8, monthlyElectricityFromFacility.loc['Aug 12','CE604B kWh']),
xytext = (5, 50), fontsize = 15,
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.15),
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom')


2013年2月和3月,电表“CE603B”出现故障。2012年8月和9月,电表“CE604B”出现故障。我们把这几个月的关键字设为np.nan。简单地把他们排除在回归之外。再次绘制它们,并与设施月度数据进行比较。 当然,当仪表出故障时除外。在这几个月里,这些设施为了记账而估算能源消耗。对于我们来说,我们只是在回归中剔除了这些月份的每小时和每天的数据点。


electricity['energy'] = electricity['Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr'] + electricity['Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr']
electricity['power'] = electricity['Gund Bus-A PowerReal - kW'] + electricity['Gund Bus-B PowerReal - kW']
Gund Bus-A EnergyReal - kWhr Gund Bus-B EnergyReal - kWhr Gund Bus-A PowerReal - kW Gund Bus-B PowerReal - kW energy power startTime endTime
2011-07-01 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2011-07-01 00:00:00 2011-07-01 01:00:00
2011-07-01 01:00:00 1796757.502803 3657811.582122 47.184015 63.486186 5454569.084925 110.670201 2011-07-01 01:00:00 2011-07-01 02:00:00
2011-07-01 02:00:00 1796800.145991 3657873.464938 40.208796 61.270542 5454673.610929 101.479338 2011-07-01 02:00:00 2011-07-01 03:00:00
2011-07-01 03:00:00 1796840.146023 3657934.837505 39.209866 61.464394 5454774.983528 100.674260 2011-07-01 03:00:00 2011-07-01 04:00:00
2011-07-01 04:00:00 1796879.023607 3657995.470348 39.378507 59.396581 5454874.493955 98.775088 2011-07-01 04:00:00 2011-07-01 05:00:00



电表记录了累计能耗。假设今天一开始,数字是10。一小时后,用电量为1,然后电表号加1变成11,等等。所以仪表的数量应该不断增加。然而,我们发现,有时,水表读数突然下降到0,过了一段时间,又得到一个很高的正数。这将产生负的每小时消费,然后是一个荒谬的高正电荷数。我们用“t + 1时刻的电表读数- t时刻的电表读数”来计算每小时/每天的能源消耗。如果结果是负数,或者高得离谱,我们就认为仪表出了故障。我们把这些数据点设为np.nan。通过查看excel文件中的原始数据和每月的图表,我们计算出了仪表发生故障的确切日期。

除此之外,偶尔还会有更多的无意义数据点,它们比正常值高出一千倍。正常的小时消耗量范围在100到400之间。我们创建了一个过滤器:“index = abs(hourlyEnergy) < 200000”,这意味着只保留低于200000的值。

# 如果有任何遗漏的小时,重新索引,以获得整个时间跨度。填写nan数据。
hourlyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'H') # 不知何故,重索引并不能很好地工作。2011年10月和其他几个小时的失踪。
# 基本上就是原始长度的长度。
# electricity.reindex(hourlyTimestamp, inplace = True, fill_value = np.nan) startTime = hourlyTimestamp
endTime = hourlyTimestamp + np.timedelta64(1,'h')
hourlyTime = pd.DataFrame(data = np.transpose([startTime, endTime]), index = hourlyTimestamp, columns = ['startTime', 'endTime']) electricity = electricity.join(hourlyTime, how = 'outer') # 以防万一,为了使用diff方法,时间戳必须是按升序排列的。
electricity.sort_index(inplace = True)
hourlyEnergy = electricity.diff(periods=1)['energy'] hourlyElectricity = pd.DataFrame(data = hourlyEnergy.values, index = hourlyEnergy.index, columns = ['electricity-kWh'])
hourlyElectricity = hourlyElectricity.join(hourlyTime, how = 'inner') print "Data length: ", len(hourlyElectricity)/24, " days"
Data length:  1218.04166667  days
electricity-kWh startTime endTime
2011-07-01 00:00:00 NaN 2011-07-01 00:00:00 2011-07-01 01:00:00
2011-07-01 01:00:00 NaN 2011-07-01 01:00:00 2011-07-01 02:00:00
2011-07-01 02:00:00 104.526004 2011-07-01 02:00:00 2011-07-01 03:00:00
2011-07-01 03:00:00 101.372599 2011-07-01 03:00:00 2011-07-01 04:00:00
2011-07-01 04:00:00 99.510428 2011-07-01 04:00:00 2011-07-01 05:00:00


# 过滤数据,保留NaN并生成两个excels,有NaN和没有NaN

hourlyElectricity.loc[abs(hourlyElectricity['electricity-kWh']) > 100000,'electricity-kWh'] = np.nan

time = hourlyElectricity.index
index = ((time > np.datetime64('2012-07-26')) & (time < np.datetime64('2012-08-18'))) \
| ((time > np.datetime64('2013-01-21')) & (time < np.datetime64('2013-03-08'))) hourlyElectricity.loc[index,'electricity-kWh'] = np.nan
hourlyElectricityWithoutNaN = hourlyElectricity.dropna(axis=0, how='any') hourlyElectricity.to_excel('Data/hourlyElectricity.xlsx')
fig = hourlyElectricity.plot(fontsize = 15, figsize = (15, 6))
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('All the hourly electricity data', fontsize = 16)
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = hourlyElectricity.iloc[26200:27400,:].plot(marker = 'o',label='hourly electricity', fontsize = 15, figsize = (15, 6))
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('Hourly electricity data of selected days', fontsize = 16)




dailyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'D')
electricityReindexed = electricity.reindex(dailyTimestamp, inplace = False) # 以防万一,为了使用diff方法,时间戳必须是按升序排列的。
electricityReindexed.sort_index(inplace = True)
dailyEnergy = electricityReindexed.diff(periods=1)['energy'] dailyElectricity = pd.DataFrame(data = dailyEnergy.values, index = electricityReindexed.index - np.timedelta64(1,'D'), columns = ['electricity-kWh'])
dailyElectricity['startDay'] = dailyElectricity.index
dailyElectricity['endDay'] = dailyElectricity.index + np.timedelta64(1,'D') # 过滤数据,保留NaN并生成两个excels,有NaN和没有NaN
dailyElectricity.loc[abs(dailyElectricity['electricity-kWh']) > 2000000,'electricity-kWh'] = np.nan time = dailyElectricity.index
index = ((time > np.datetime64('2012-07-26')) & (time < np.datetime64('2012-08-18'))) | ((time > np.datetime64('2013-01-21')) & (time < np.datetime64('2013-03-08'))) dailyElectricity.loc[index,'electricity-kWh'] = np.nan
dailyElectricityWithoutNaN = dailyElectricity.dropna(axis=0, how='any') dailyElectricity.to_excel('Data/dailyElectricity.xlsx')
dailyElectricityWithoutNaN.to_excel('Data/dailyElectricityWithoutNaN.xlsx') dailyElectricity.head()
electricity-kWh startDay endDay
2011-06-30 NaN 2011-06-30 2011-07-01
2011-07-01 NaN 2011-07-01 2011-07-02
2011-07-02 3630.398480 2011-07-02 2011-07-03
2011-07-03 3750.648885 2011-07-03 2011-07-04
2011-07-04 4568.724044 2011-07-04 2011-07-05


fig = dailyElectricity.plot(figsize = (15, 6))
plt.title('All the daily electricity data', fontsize = 16)
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = dailyElectricity.iloc[1000:1130,:].plot(marker = 'o', figsize = (15, 6))
plt.title('Daily electricity data of selected days', fontsize = 16)





chilledWater = df[['Gund Main Energy - Ton-Days']]
Gund Main Energy - Ton-Days
2011-07-01 01:00:00 17912.537804
2011-07-01 02:00:00 17912.853518
2011-07-01 03:00:00 17913.169232
2011-07-01 04:00:00 17913.484946
2011-07-01 05:00:00 17913.800660
file = 'Data/monthly chilled water.csv'
monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility = pd.read_csv(file, header=0)
monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility.set_index(['month'], inplace = True)
startDate endDate chilledWater
11-Jul 6/12/11 7/12/11 2258
11-Aug 7/12/11 8/12/11 2095
11-Sep 8/12/11 9/12/11 2200
11-Oct 9/12/11 10/12/11 1664
11-Nov 10/12/11 11/12/11 447
monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility['startDate'] = pd.to_datetime(monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility['startDate'], format="%m/%d/%y")
values = monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility.index.values keys = np.array(monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility['startDate']) dates = {}
for key, value in zip(keys, values):
dates[key] = value sortedDates = np.sort(dates.keys())
sortedDates = sortedDates[sortedDates > np.datetime64('2011-11-01')] months = []
monthlyChilledWaterOrg = np.zeros((len(sortedDates) - 1))
for i in range(len(sortedDates) - 1):
begin = sortedDates[i]
end = sortedDates[i+1]
monthlyChilledWaterOrg[i] = (np.round(chilledWater.loc[end,:] - chilledWater.loc[begin,:], 1)) monthlyChilledWater = pd.DataFrame(data = monthlyChilledWaterOrg, index = months, columns = ['chilledWater-TonDays']) fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,8))
#plt.plot(monthlyChilledWater, label='Our data processing from hourly data', marker = 'x', markersize = 15, linestyle = '')
plt.bar(np.arange(len(monthlyChilledWater))-0.5, monthlyChilledWater.values, label='Our data processing from hourly data')
plt.plot(monthlyChilledWaterFromFacility[5:-1]['chilledWater'],'or', label='Facility data')
ax.set_xticklabels(months, rotation=40, fontsize=13)
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('Data Validation: comparison between our data processing and facilities',fontsize=20) text = 'Match! Our processing method is valid.'
ax.annotate(text, xy = (15, 2000),
xytext = (5, 50), fontsize = 15,
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom') plt.show()

hourlyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'H')
chilledWater.reindex(hourlyTimestamp, inplace = True) # 以防万一,为了使用diff方法,时间戳必须是按升序排列的。
chilledWater.sort_index(inplace = True)
hourlyEnergy = chilledWater.diff(periods=1) hourlyChilledWater = pd.DataFrame(data = hourlyEnergy.values, index = hourlyEnergy.index, columns = ['chilledWater-TonDays'])
hourlyChilledWater['startTime'] = hourlyChilledWater.index
hourlyChilledWater['endTime'] = hourlyChilledWater.index + np.timedelta64(1,'h') hourlyChilledWater.loc[abs(hourlyChilledWater['chilledWater-TonDays']) > 50,'chilledWater-TonDays'] = np.nan hourlyChilledWaterWithoutNaN = hourlyChilledWater.dropna(axis=0, how='any') hourlyChilledWater.to_excel('Data/hourlyChilledWater.xlsx')
hourlyChilledWaterWithoutNaN.to_excel('Data/hourlyChilledWaterWithoutNaN.xlsx') plt.figure()
fig = hourlyChilledWater.plot(fontsize = 15, figsize = (15, 6))
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('All the hourly chilled water data', fontsize = 16)
plt.show() hourlyChilledWater.head()

chilledWater-TonDays startTime endTime
2011-07-01 01:00:00 NaN 2011-07-01 01:00:00 2011-07-01 02:00:00
2011-07-01 02:00:00 0.315714 2011-07-01 02:00:00 2011-07-01 03:00:00
2011-07-01 03:00:00 0.315714 2011-07-01 03:00:00 2011-07-01 04:00:00
2011-07-01 04:00:00 0.315714 2011-07-01 04:00:00 2011-07-01 05:00:00
2011-07-01 05:00:00 0.315714 2011-07-01 05:00:00 2011-07-01 06:00:00
dailyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'D')
chilledWaterReindexed = chilledWater.reindex(dailyTimestamp, inplace = False) chilledWaterReindexed.sort_index(inplace = True)
dailyEnergy = chilledWaterReindexed.diff(periods=1)['Gund Main Energy - Ton-Days'] dailyChilledWater = pd.DataFrame(data = dailyEnergy.values, index = chilledWaterReindexed.index - np.timedelta64(1,'D'), columns = ['chilledWater-TonDays'])
dailyChilledWater['startDay'] = dailyChilledWater.index
dailyChilledWater['endDay'] = dailyChilledWater.index + np.timedelta64(1,'D') dailyChilledWaterWithoutNaN = dailyChilledWater.dropna(axis=0, how='any') dailyChilledWater.to_excel('Data/dailyChilledWater.xlsx')
dailyChilledWaterWithoutNaN.to_excel('Data/dailyChilledWaterWithoutNaN.xlsx') plt.figure()
fig = dailyChilledWater.plot(fontsize = 15, figsize = (15, 6))
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('All the daily chilled water data', fontsize = 16)
plt.show() dailyChilledWater.head()

chilledWater-TonDays startDay endDay
2011-06-30 NaN 2011-06-30 2011-07-01
2011-07-01 NaN 2011-07-01 2011-07-02
2011-07-02 54.741028 2011-07-02 2011-07-03
2011-07-03 55.649728 2011-07-03 2011-07-04
2011-07-04 109.049077 2011-07-04 2011-07-05


steam = df[['Gund Condensate FlowTotal - LBS']]
Gund Condensate FlowTotal - LBS
2011-07-01 01:00:00 15443350.388455
2011-07-01 02:00:00 15443459.322917
2011-07-01 03:00:00 15443574.687500
2011-07-01 04:00:00 15443701.953125
2011-07-01 05:00:00 15443818.359375
file = 'Data/monthly steam.csv'
monthlySteamFromFacility = pd.read_csv(file, header=0)
monthlySteamFromFacility.set_index(['month'], inplace = True)
startDate endDate steam
Jul 11 6/17/2011 7/21/2011 0.0
Aug 11 7/21/2011 8/20/2011 0.0
Sep 11 8/20/2011 9/17/2011 0.0
Oct 11 9/17/2011 10/20/2011 246.5
Nov 11 10/20/2011 11/20/2011 786.1
monthlySteamFromFacility['startDate'] = pd.to_datetime(monthlySteamFromFacility['startDate'], format="%m/%d/%Y")
values = monthlySteamFromFacility.index.values keys = np.array(monthlySteamFromFacility['startDate']) dates = {}
for key, value in zip(keys, values):
dates[key] = value sortedDates = np.sort(dates.keys())
sortedDates = sortedDates[sortedDates > np.datetime64('2011-11-01')] months = []
monthlySteamOrg = np.zeros((len(sortedDates) - 1))
for i in range(len(sortedDates) - 1):
begin = sortedDates[i]
end = sortedDates[i+1]
monthlySteamOrg[i] = (np.round(steam.loc[end,:] - steam.loc[begin,:], 1)) monthlySteam = pd.DataFrame(data = monthlySteamOrg, index = months, columns = ['steam-LBS']) # 867 LBS ~= 1MMBTU steam fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,8))
#plt.plot(monthlySteam/867, label='Our data processing from hourly data')
plt.bar(np.arange(len(monthlySteam))-0.5, monthlySteam.values/867, label='Our data processing from hourly data')
plt.plot(monthlySteamFromFacility.loc[months,'steam'],'or', label='Facility data')
plt.ylabel('Steam (MMBTU)',fontsize=15)
ax.set_xticklabels(months, rotation=40, fontsize=13)
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('Comparison between our data processing and facilities - Steam',fontsize=20) text = 'Match! Our processing method is valid.'
ax.annotate(text, xy = (9, 1500),
xytext = (5, 50), fontsize = 15,
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'center', va = 'bottom') plt.show()

hourlyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'H')
steam.reindex(hourlyTimestamp, inplace = True) # Just in case, in order to use diff method, timestamp has to be in asending order.
steam.sort_index(inplace = True)
hourlyEnergy = steam.diff(periods=1) hourlySteam = pd.DataFrame(data = hourlyEnergy.values, index = hourlyEnergy.index, columns = ['steam-LBS'])
hourlySteam['startTime'] = hourlySteam.index
hourlySteam['endTime'] = hourlySteam.index + np.timedelta64(1,'h') hourlySteam.loc[abs(hourlySteam['steam-LBS']) > 100000,'steam-LBS'] = np.nan plt.figure()
fig = hourlySteam.plot(fontsize = 15, figsize = (15, 6))
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 17)
plt.title('All the hourly steam data', fontsize = 16)
plt.show() hourlySteamWithoutNaN = hourlySteam.dropna(axis=0, how='any') hourlySteam.to_excel('Data/hourlySteam.xlsx')
hourlySteamWithoutNaN.to_excel('Data/hourlySteamWithoutNaN.xlsx') hourlySteam.head()

steam-LBS startTime endTime
2011-07-01 01:00:00 NaN 2011-07-01 01:00:00 2011-07-01 02:00:00
2011-07-01 02:00:00 108.934462 2011-07-01 02:00:00 2011-07-01 03:00:00
2011-07-01 03:00:00 115.364583 2011-07-01 03:00:00 2011-07-01 04:00:00
2011-07-01 04:00:00 127.265625 2011-07-01 04:00:00 2011-07-01 05:00:00
2011-07-01 05:00:00 116.406250 2011-07-01 05:00:00 2011-07-01 06:00:00
dailyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'D')
steamReindexed = steam.reindex(dailyTimestamp, inplace = False) steamReindexed.sort_index(inplace = True)
dailyEnergy = steamReindexed.diff(periods=1)['Gund Condensate FlowTotal - LBS'] dailySteam = pd.DataFrame(data = dailyEnergy.values, index = steamReindexed.index - np.timedelta64(1,'D'), columns = ['steam-LBS'])
dailySteam['startDay'] = dailySteam.index
dailySteam['endDay'] = dailySteam.index + np.timedelta64(1,'D') plt.figure()
fig = dailySteam.plot(fontsize = 15, figsize = (15, 6))
plt.tick_params(which=u'major', reset=False, axis = 'y', labelsize = 15)
plt.title('All the daily steam data', fontsize = 16)
plt.show() dailySteamWithoutNaN = dailyChilledWater.dropna(axis=0, how='any') dailySteam.to_excel('Data/dailySteam.xlsx')
dailySteamWithoutNaN.to_excel('Data/dailySteamWithoutNaN.xlsx') dailySteam.head()

steam-LBS startDay endDay
2011-06-30 NaN 2011-06-30 2011-07-01
2011-07-01 NaN 2011-07-01 2011-07-02
2011-07-02 3250.651042 2011-07-02 2011-07-03
2011-07-03 3271.276042 2011-07-03 2011-07-04
2011-07-04 3236.718750 2011-07-04 2011-07-05




  • 2014年: GSD(设计研究生院)楼顶上的天气。
  • 2012 & 2013年: 从位于Cambridge, MA的气象站购买天气数据。请注意,2012年和2013年的数据来自不同的气象站。


weather2014 = pd.read_excel('Data/weather-2014.xlsx')
Datetime T-C RH-% Tdew-C windDirection windSpeed-m/s pressure-mbar solarRadiation-W/m2
0 2014-01-01 00:00:00 -5.02 53.2 -13.07 256 4.5 1020.8 1
1 2014-01-01 00:05:00 -5.14 54.3 -12.93 257 4.0 1020.7 1
2 2014-01-01 00:10:00 -5.08 53.4 -13.08 258 3.5 1021.1 1
3 2014-01-01 00:15:00 -5.17 52.6 -13.35 257 2.8 1021.0 1
4 2014-01-01 00:20:00 -5.23 52.9 -13.33 248 2.5 1021.2 1



weather2014 = weather2014.set_index('Datetime')
weather2014 = weather2014.resample('H')
T-C RH-% Tdew-C windDirection windSpeed-m/s pressure-mbar solarRadiation-W/m2
2014-01-01 00:00:00 -5.281667 52.858333 -13.393333 253.500000 2.775000 1021.158333 1
2014-01-01 01:00:00 -5.725000 51.650000 -14.090833 253.000000 2.350000 1021.700000 1
2014-01-01 02:00:00 -6.002500 50.766667 -14.555833 239.250000 1.133333 1022.708333 1
2014-01-01 03:00:00 -6.320833 49.675000 -15.114167 234.333333 1.191667 1023.233333 1
2014-01-01 04:00:00 -6.535833 49.708333 -15.305833 227.333333 1.633333 1023.925000 1


weather2012and2013 = pd.read_excel('Data/weather-2012-2013.xlsx')
Datetime RH-% windDirection solarRadiation-W/m2 T-C Tdew-C pressure-mbar windSpeed-m/s
0 2012-01-01-01 87 310 0 4 1.9 1004 4.166670
1 2012-01-01-02 87 280 0 4 1.9 1005 4.166670
2 2012-01-01-03 81 270 0 5 1.9 1006 4.166670
3 2012-01-01-04 76 290 0 6 1.9 1007 4.722226
4 2012-01-01-05 87 280 0 4 1.9 1007 3.055558


weather2012and2013['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(weather2012and2013['Datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d-%H')
weather2012and2013 = weather2012and2013.set_index('Datetime')
RH-% windDirection solarRadiation-W/m2 T-C Tdew-C pressure-mbar windSpeed-m/s
2012-01-01 01:00:00 87 310 0 4 1.9 1004 4.166670
2012-01-01 02:00:00 87 280 0 4 1.9 1005 4.166670
2012-01-01 03:00:00 81 270 0 5 1.9 1006 4.166670
2012-01-01 04:00:00 76 290 0 6 1.9 1007 4.722226
2012-01-01 05:00:00 87 280 0 4 1.9 1007 3.055558



# 合并两个天气文件
hourlyWeather = weather2014.append(weather2012and2013)
hourlyWeather.index.name = None
hourlyWeather.sort_index(inplace = True) # 增加更多的特征
# 将相对湿度转换为相对湿度 Mw=18.0160 # 水的分子量
Md=28.9660 # 干燥空气的分子量
R = 8.31432E3 # 气体常数
Rd = R/Md # 干燥空气的比气体常数
Rv = R/Mw # 蒸汽的比气体常数
Lv = 2.5e6 # 水蒸气凝结放热[J kg-1]
eps = Mw/Md # 饱和压力
def esat(T):
''' 给定空气温度(单位[K]),得到给定压力(单位[Pa]) '''
from numpy import log10
TK = 273.15
e1 = 101325.0
logTTK = log10(T/TK)
esat = e1*10**(10.79586*(1-TK/T)-5.02808*logTTK+ 1.50474*1e-4*(1.-10**(-8.29692*(T/TK-1)))+ 0.42873*1e-3*(10**(4.76955*(1-TK/T))-1)-2.2195983)
return esat def rh2sh(RH,p,T):
es = esat(T)
W = Mw/Md*RH*es/(p-RH*es) return W/(1.+W) p = hourlyWeather['pressure-mbar'] * 100
RH = hourlyWeather['RH-%'] / 100
T = hourlyWeather['T-C'] + 273.15
w = rh2sh(RH,p,T) hourlyWeather['humidityRatio-kg/kg'] = w
hourlyWeather['coolingDegrees'] = hourlyWeather['T-C'] - 12
hourlyWeather.loc[hourlyWeather['coolingDegrees'] < 0, 'coolingDegrees'] = 0 hourlyWeather['heatingDegrees'] = 15 - hourlyWeather['T-C']
hourlyWeather.loc[hourlyWeather['heatingDegrees'] < 0, 'heatingDegrees'] = 0 hourlyWeather['dehumidification'] = hourlyWeather['humidityRatio-kg/kg'] - 0.00886
hourlyWeather.loc[hourlyWeather['dehumidification'] < 0, 'dehumidification'] = 0 #hourlyWeather.to_excel('Data/hourlyWeather.xlsx')
RH-% T-C Tdew-C pressure-mbar solarRadiation-W/m2 windDirection windSpeed-m/s humidityRatio-kg/kg coolingDegrees heatingDegrees dehumidification
2012-01-01 01:00:00 87 4 1.9 1004 0 310 4.166670 0.004396 0 11 0
2012-01-01 02:00:00 87 4 1.9 1005 0 280 4.166670 0.004391 0 11 0
2012-01-01 03:00:00 81 5 1.9 1006 0 270 4.166670 0.004380 0 10 0
2012-01-01 04:00:00 76 6 1.9 1007 0 290 4.722226 0.004401 0 9 0
2012-01-01 05:00:00 87 4 1.9 1007 0 280 3.055558 0.004382 0 11 0
fig = hourlyWeather.plot(y = 'T-C', figsize = (15, 6))
plt.title('All hourly temperture', fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'Temperature ($\circ$C)')
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = hourlyWeather.plot(y = 'solarRadiation-W/m2', figsize = (15, 6))
plt.title('All hourly solar radiation', fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'$W/m^2$', fontsize = 13)
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = hourlyWeather['2014-10'].plot(y = 'T-C', figsize = (15, 6), marker = 'o')
plt.title('Selected hourly temperture',fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'Temperature ($\circ$C)',fontsize = 13)
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = hourlyWeather['2014-10'].plot(y = 'solarRadiation-W/m2', figsize = (15, 6), marker ='o')
plt.title('Selected hourly solar radiation', fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'$W/m^2$', fontsize = 13)

dailyWeather = hourlyWeather.resample('D')
RH-% T-C Tdew-C pressure-mbar solarRadiation-W/m2 windDirection windSpeed-m/s humidityRatio-kg/kg coolingDegrees heatingDegrees dehumidification
2012-01-01 76.652174 7.173913 3.073913 1004.956522 95.260870 236.086957 4.118361 0.004796 0 7.826087 0
2012-01-02 55.958333 5.833333 -2.937500 994.625000 87.333333 253.750000 5.914357 0.003415 0 9.166667 0
2012-01-03 42.500000 -3.208333 -12.975000 1002.125000 95.708333 302.916667 6.250005 0.001327 0 18.208333 0
2012-01-04 41.541667 -7.083333 -16.958333 1008.250000 98.750000 286.666667 5.127319 0.000890 0 22.083333 0
2012-01-05 46.916667 -0.583333 -9.866667 1002.041667 90.750000 258.333333 5.162041 0.001746 0 15.583333 0
fig = dailyWeather.plot(y = 'T-C', figsize = (15, 6), marker ='o')
plt.title('All daily temperture', fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'Temperature ($\circ$C)', fontsize = 13)
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = dailyWeather['2014'].plot(y = 'T-C', figsize = (15, 6), marker ='o')
plt.title('Selected daily temperture', fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'Temperature ($\circ$C)', fontsize = 13)
plt.show() plt.figure()
fig = dailyWeather['2014'].plot(y = 'solarRadiation-W/m2', figsize = (15, 6), marker ='o')
plt.title('Selected daily solar radiation', fontsize = 16)
plt.ylabel(r'$W/m^2$', fontsize = 14)



holidays = pd.read_excel('Data/holidays.xlsx')
startDate endDate value
0 2011-07-01 2011-09-06 0.5
1 2011-10-10 2011-10-11 0.6
2 2011-11-24 2011-11-28 0.2
3 2011-12-22 2011-12-24 0.1
4 2011-12-24 2012-01-02 0.0
hourlyTimestamp = pd.date_range(start = '2011/7/1', end = '2014/10/31', freq = 'H')
occupancy = np.ones(len(hourlyTimestamp)) hourlyOccupancy = pd.DataFrame(data = occupancy, index = hourlyTimestamp, columns = ['occupancy']) Saturdays = hourlyOccupancy.index.weekday == 5
Sundays = hourlyOccupancy.index.weekday == 6
hourlyOccupancy.loc[Saturdays, 'occupancy'] = 0.5
hourlyOccupancy.loc[Sundays, 'occupancy'] = 0.5 for i in range(len(holidays)):
timestamp = pd.date_range(start = holidays.loc[i, 'startDate'], end = holidays.loc[i, 'endDate'], freq = 'H')
hourlyOccupancy.loc[timestamp, 'occupancy'] = holidays.loc[i, 'value'] #hourlyHolidays['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(hourlyHolidays['Datetime'], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
hourlyOccupancy['cosHour'] = np.cos((hourlyOccupancy.index.hour - 3) * 2 * np.pi / 24) dailyOccupancy = hourlyOccupancy.resample('D')
dailyOccupancy.drop('cosHour', axis = 1, inplace = True)
hourlyElectricityWithFeatures = hourlyElectricity.join(hourlyWeather, how = 'inner')
hourlyElectricityWithFeatures = hourlyElectricityWithFeatures.join(hourlyOccupancy, how = 'inner')
hourlyElectricityWithFeatures.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace = True)
electricity-kWh startTime endTime RH-% T-C Tdew-C pressure-mbar solarRadiation-W/m2 windDirection windSpeed-m/s humidityRatio-kg/kg coolingDegrees heatingDegrees dehumidification occupancy cosHour
2012-01-01 01:00:00 111.479277 2012-01-01 01:00:00 2012-01-01 02:00:00 87 4 1.9 1004 0 310 4.166670 0.004396 0 11 0 0 0.866025
2012-01-01 02:00:00 117.989395 2012-01-01 02:00:00 2012-01-01 03:00:00 87 4 1.9 1005 0 280 4.166670 0.004391 0 11 0 0 0.965926
2012-01-01 03:00:00 119.010131 2012-01-01 03:00:00 2012-01-01 04:00:00 81 5 1.9 1006 0 270 4.166670 0.004380 0 10 0 0 1.000000
2012-01-01 04:00:00 116.005587 2012-01-01 04:00:00 2012-01-01 05:00:00 76 6 1.9 1007 0 290 4.722226 0.004401 0 9 0 0 0.965926
2012-01-01 05:00:00 111.132977 2012-01-01 05:00:00 2012-01-01 06:00:00 87 4 1.9 1007 0 280 3.055558 0.004382 0 11 0 0 0.866025
hourlyChilledWaterWithFeatures = hourlyChilledWater.join(hourlyWeather, how = 'inner')
hourlyChilledWaterWithFeatures = hourlyChilledWaterWithFeatures.join(hourlyOccupancy, how = 'inner')
hourlyChilledWaterWithFeatures.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace = True)
hourlyChilledWaterWithFeatures.to_excel('Data/hourlyChilledWaterWithFeatures.xlsx') hourlySteamWithFeatures = hourlySteam.join(hourlyWeather, how = 'inner')
hourlySteamWithFeatures = hourlySteamWithFeatures.join(hourlyOccupancy, how = 'inner')
hourlySteamWithFeatures.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace = True)
hourlySteamWithFeatures.to_excel('Data/hourlySteamWithFeatures.xlsx') dailyElectricityWithFeatures = dailyElectricity.join(dailyWeather, how = 'inner')
dailyElectricityWithFeatures = dailyElectricityWithFeatures.join(dailyOccupancy, how = 'inner')
dailyElectricityWithFeatures.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace = True)
dailyElectricityWithFeatures.to_excel('Data/dailyElectricityWithFeatures.xlsx') dailyChilledWaterWithFeatures = dailyChilledWater.join(dailyWeather, how = 'inner')
dailyChilledWaterWithFeatures = dailyChilledWaterWithFeatures.join(dailyOccupancy, how = 'inner')
dailyChilledWaterWithFeatures.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace = True)
dailyChilledWaterWithFeatures.to_excel('Data/dailyChilledWaterWithFeatures.xlsx') dailySteamWithFeatures = dailySteam.join(dailyWeather, how = 'inner')
dailySteamWithFeatures = dailySteamWithFeatures.join(dailyOccupancy, how = 'inner')
dailySteamWithFeatures.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace = True)



coolingDegrees: 如果T-C - 12>0,则为T-C-12,否则为0。假设当室外温度低于12C时,不需要冷却,这对许多建筑来说是真实的。这对于每天的预测是有用的,因为每小时的平均冷却度比每小时的平均温度要好。

cosHour: cos(hourOfDay⋅2

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    原文:https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-zerocopy/ <Efficient data transfer through zero c ...

  6. 翻译:load data infile(已提交到MariaDB官方手册)

    本文为mariadb官方手册:LOAD DATA INFILE的译文. 原文:https://mariadb.com/kb/en/load-data-infile/ 我提交到MariaDB官方手册的译 ...

  7. 【一】H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 White Paper 翻译之 Overview of H.264

    翻译版权所有,转载请注明出处~ xzrch@2018.09.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

  8. 翻译——2_Linear Regression and Support Vector Regression

    续上篇 1_Project Overview, Data Wrangling and Exploratory Analysis 使用不同的机器学习方法进行预测 线性回归 在这本笔记本中,将训练一个线性 ...

  9. 探索性数据分析(Exploratory Data Analysis,EDA)

    探索性数据分析(Exploratory Data Analysis,EDA)主要的工作是:对数据进行清洗,对数据进行描述(描述统计量,图表),查看数据的分布,比较数据之间的关系,培养对数据的直觉,对数 ...


  1. sourcetree安装以及跳过sourcetree注册登录 - git仓库管理工具桌面版

      腾讯软件下载:https://pc.qq.com/detail/17/detail_23237.html 官网下载:https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/   下载完直接安装 ...

  2. jQuery文档加载事件

    $(document).ready(handler) $().ready(handler) (this is not recommended) $(handler) 相当于: $(document). ...

  3. SpringBoot 系列教程之编程式事务使用姿势介绍篇

    SpringBoot 系列教程之编程式事务使用姿势介绍篇 前面介绍的几篇事务的博文,主要是利用@Transactional注解的声明式使用姿势,其好处在于使用简单,侵入性低,可辨识性高(一看就知道使用 ...

  4. 吴裕雄--天生自然JAVA SPRING框架开发学习笔记:Spring体系结构详解

    Spring 框架采用分层架构,根据不同的功能被划分成了多个模块,这些模块大体可分为 Data Access/Integration.Web.AOP.Aspects.Messaging.Instrum ...

  5. CLR .net windows对win32 core抽象的新用处

    断断续续 花了一周的时间,把.net clr的一些知识看完了(确切的说是 一个段落),总体的感觉就是,ms把win32 core创建进程线程.虚拟地址.内存隔离的思想又重用了一遍,有所不同的是这次的场 ...

  6. PAT 2012 冬

    A Shortest Distance 题意相当于一个环,找出两点间从不同方向得到的距离中的最小值. #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> ...

  7. 关于Oracle中job定时器(通过create_job创建的)配置示例

    begin dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'JOB_BASIC_STATISTIC', job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDU ...

  8. java多线程之volatile关键字

    public class ThreadVolatile extends Thread { public boolean flag=true; @Override public void run() { ...

  9. go语言小练习——给定英语文章统计单词数量

    给定一篇英语文章,要求统计出所有单词的个数,并按一定次序输出.思路是利用go语言的map类型,以每个单词作为关键字存储数量信息,代码实现如下: package main import ( " ...

  10. cmd定时自动弹窗命令

    at 17:00 /e:m,t,w,th,f,s,su msg * 弹窗文字