
// Description: WindowsNT process control functions.
// The process code is adapted fromcode posted by William F.
// Snodgrass to www.installsite.org.The original code header
// is appended below. The array codeis adapted from code posted
// by Rajesh Ramachandran to theinstallshield.is6.installscript
// newsgroup.
// Submitted by RichardIwasa (riwasa@email.com).
// Usage example:
// ifProcessRunning("notepad") then
// MessageBox("Application isrunning.", INFORMATION);
// ProcessEnd("notepad");
// Delay(2); // Delay to allow process list to refresh
// if ProcessRunning("notepad")then
// MessageBox("Application isrunning.", INFORMATION);
// else
// MessageBox("Application is notrunning.", INFORMATION);
// endif;
// else
// MessageBox("Application is notrunning.", INFORMATION);
// endif;
// Original code headerappended below:
// GetRunningApp();
// ShutDownApp();
// These script createdfunctions will look for any running application
// based on the filename, then display an error message within the Setup.
// You can optionally haltthe install or just continue on.
// You can use theShutDownApp() function for shutting down that process
// or others as well.This is useful for processes that run in the
// background but haveno Windows associated with them. May not work with
// Services.
// This script callsfunctions in PSAPI.DLL that are not supported on
// Windows 95 or 98.
// ***Instructions***
// Place these scriptpeices into the Setup.rul file.
// Modify the script toinclude the applications you would like to get or
// shutdown.
// Submitted by WilliamF. Snodgrass
// Contact info:bsnodgrass@geographix.com
// Created by TheronWelch, 3/3/99
// Minor modificationsby Stefan Krueger, 11/03/99
// Copyright (c)1999-2000 GeoGraphix, Inc.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function prototypes.
///////////////////////////////////////////////// prototype POINTERArrayToPointer(BYREF VARIANT);
prototype NUMBER ProcessEnd(STRING);
prototype BOOL ProcessRunning(STRING); // Kernel functions. prototype NUMBERKernel32.OpenProcess(NUMBER, BOOL, NUMBER);
prototype NUMBERKernel32.TerminateProcess(NUMBER, NUMBER); // Process informationfunctions. prototype NUMBERPSAPI.EnumProcesses(POINTER, NUMBER, BYREF NUMBER);
NUMBER); /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Structures.
///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Structure to mirrorthe C/C++ SAFEARRAY data structure. typedef _SAFEARRAY
SHORT cDims;
SHORT fFeatures;
LONG cbElements;
LONG cLocks;
// rgsaBound omitted
end; // Structure to mirrorthe C/C++ VARIANT data structure. typedef _VARIANT
SHORT wReserver1;
SHORT wReserved2;
SHORT wReserved3;
end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constants.
///////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PSAPI_FILE "psapi.dll" // Windows NT process DLL
#define PROCESSID_LENGTH 4 // 4 bytes (DWORD) for a process ID // Process informationconstants. #definePROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION 0x400
#definePROCESS_ALL_ACCESS 0x1f0fff
#definePROCESS_VM_READ 0x10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: ArrayToPointer
// Description: Convertsan InstallShield array into a C array.
// When an array is created inInstallScript, a VARIANT variable
// is created which holds anOLEAutomation SAFEARRAY. To pass
// such an array to a DLL functionexpecting a C-style array,
// this function explicitlytypecasts the pointer to the array
// to a _VARIANT pointer so that the_SAFEARRAY pointer can be
// extracted. The pointer to theactual data is then extracted
// from the _SAFEARRAY pointer.
// Parameters: structArray - Array variable.
// Returns: POINTER - Pointer to array.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function POINTERArrayToPointer(structArray)
_SAFEARRAY POINTER pstructArray; // _SAFEARRAY array pointer
_VARIANT POINTER pstructVariant; //_VARIANT array pointer
// Typecast the pointer to the array to a_VARIANT pointer. pstructVariant = &structArray; // Extract the _SAFEARRAY pointer from the_VARIANT. pstructArray = pstructVariant->nData; // Return the pointer to the actual datafrom the _SAFEARRAY. return pstructArray->pvData;
end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: _Process_End
// Description:Terminates running processes for the specified application.
// Parameters: szAppName - Name of the application toterminate.
// Returns: >= 0 - Number of processes terminated.
// -1 - Failure.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NUMBERProcessEnd(szAppName)
NUMBER nvReturn; // Number ofprocesses terminated
NUMBER nvProcessIDs(512); // Array ofprocess IDs
NUMBER nvBytesReturned; // Number ofbytes returned in process ID array
NUMBER nvProcesses; // Number ofprocesses running
NUMBER nvIndex; // Loop index
NUMBER nvProcessHandle; // Handle to aprocess
NUMBER nvModuleHandle; // Handle to aprocess module
NUMBER nvBytesRequired; // Number ofbytes required to store values
POINTER pvProcessIDs; // Pointer to process ID array
STRING svModuleName; // Module name
STRING svFileName; // Modulefilename
// The psapi.dll reads the Windows NTperformance database. The DLL
// is part of the Win32 SDK. if UseDLL(WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE) < 0then
// Could not load psapi.dll. MessageBox("ERROR: Could not load[" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return -1;
endif; // Get the PIDs of all currently runningprocesses. pvProcessIDs =ArrayToPointer(nvProcessIDs); EnumProcesses(pvProcessIDs, 512,nvBytesReturned); // Determine the number of process IDsretrieved. Each process ID
// is PROCESSID_LENGTH bytes. nvProcesses = nvBytesReturned /PROCESSID_LENGTH; // Get the executable associated with eachprocess, and check if
// its filename matches the one passed tothe function. for nvIndex = 1 to nvProcesses
// Get a handle to the process. TheOpenProcess function
// must have full (all) access to beable to terminate
// processes. nvProcessHandle =OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0,nvProcessIDs(nvIndex)); if nvProcessHandle != 0 then
// Get a handle to the first modulein the process, which
// should be the executable. ifEnumProcessModules(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
PROCESSID_LENGTH,nvBytesRequired) != 0 then
// Get the path of the module. ifGetModuleFileNameExA(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
svModuleName,SizeOf(svModuleName)) != 0 then
// Extract the filename(without an extension) from
// the path. ParsePath(svFileName,svModuleName, FILENAME_ONLY); if StrCompare(svFileName,szAppName) = 0 then
// The process modulematches the application
// name passed to thefunction. ifTerminateProcess(nvProcessHandle, 0) > 0 then
endfor; if UnUseDLL(PSAPI_FILE) < 0 then
MessageBox("ERROR: Could notunload [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return -1;
endif; return nvReturn;
end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: _Process_Running
// Description:Determines if the specified process is running in memory.
// Parameters: szAppName - Name of the application to check.
// Returns: TRUE - The process is running.
// FALSE - The process is notrunning.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function BOOLProcessRunning(szAppName)
BOOL bvRunning; // Process isrunning
NUMBER nvProcessIDs(512); // Array ofprocess IDs
NUMBER nvBytesReturned; // Number ofbytes returned in process ID array
NUMBER nvProcesses; // Number ofprocesses running
NUMBER nvIndex; // Loop index
NUMBER nvProcessHandle; // Handle to aprocess
NUMBER nvModuleHandle; // Handle to aprocess module
NUMBER nvBytesRequired; // Number ofbytes required to store values
POINTER pvProcessIDs; // Pointer to process ID array
STRING svModuleName; // Module name
STRING svFileName; // Modulefilename
// The psapi.dll reads the Windows NTperformance database. The DLL
// is part of the Win32 SDK. if UseDLL(WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE) < 0then
// Could not load psapi.dll. MessageBox("ERROR: Could not load[" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return FALSE;
endif; // Get the PIDs of all currently runningprocesses. pvProcessIDs =ArrayToPointer(nvProcessIDs); EnumProcesses(pvProcessIDs, 512,nvBytesReturned); // Determine the number of process IDsretrieved. Each process ID
// is PROCESSID_LENGTH bytes. nvProcesses = nvBytesReturned /PROCESSID_LENGTH; // Get the executable associated with eachprocess, and check if
// its filename matches the one passed tothe function. for nvIndex = 1 to nvProcesses
// Get a handle to the process. nvProcessHandle =OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
PROCESS_VM_READ, 0,nvProcessIDs(nvIndex)); if nvProcessHandle != 0 then
// Get a handle to the first modulein the process, which
// should be the executable. ifEnumProcessModules(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
PROCESSID_LENGTH,nvBytesRequired) != 0 then
// Get the path of the module. ifGetModuleFileNameExA(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
svModuleName,SizeOf(svModuleName)) != 0 then
// Extract the filename(without an extension) from
// the path. ParsePath(svFileName,svModuleName, FILENAME_ONLY); if StrCompare(svFileName,szAppName) = 0 then
// The process modulematches the application
// name passed to thefunction. bvRunning = TRUE; goto ProcessRunningEnd;
endfor; ProcessRunningEnd: if UnUseDLL(PSAPI_FILE) < 0 then
MessageBox("ERROR: Could notunload [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return FALSE;
endif; return bvRunning;

2.然后Setup.rul 代码如下:

// File Name: Setup.rul
// Description: Blank setup main script file
// Comments: Blank setup is an empty setup project. If you want to
// create a new project via. step-by step instructions use the
// Project Assistant.
//=========================================================================== // Included header files----------------------------------------------------
// Note: In order tohave your InstallScript function executed as a custom
// action by the WindowsInstaller, it must be prototyped as an
// entry-point function. // The keyword exportidentifies MyFunction() as an entry-point function.
// The argument itaccepts must be a handle to the Installer database. /* export prototypeMyFunction(HWND); */ function OnFirstUIBefore()
NUMBER nResult,nSetupType;
STRING szTitle, szMsg;
begin if ProcessRunning("SOMME") then
MessageBox("Application isrunning.", INFORMATION); ProcessEnd("SOMME"); Delay(2); // Delay to allow process list to refresh if ProcessRunning("SOMME")then
MessageBox("Application isrunning.", INFORMATION);
MessageBox("Application is notrunning.", INFORMATION);
MessageBox("Application is notrunning.", INFORMATION);
endif; abort; // TO DO: if you want to enable background,window title, and caption bar title
// SetTitle( @TITLE_MAIN, 24, WHITE );
// Enable( BACKGROUND );
// beginning of dialogs label Dlg_ObjDialogs:
nResult = ShowObjWizardPages(nResult);
if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_Start; // setup default status
SetStatusWindow(0, "");
StatusUpdate(ON, 100); return 0;
end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// FUNCTION: OnFirstUIAfter
// EVENT: FirstUIAfter event is sent after file transfer, when installation
// is run for the first time ongiven machine. In this event handler
// installation usually displays UIthat will inform end user that
// installation has been completedsuccessfully.
Disable(STATUSEX); ShowObjWizardPages(NEXT);
end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// FUNCTION: OnMaintUIAfter
// EVENT: MaintUIAfter event is sent after file transfer, when end user runs
// installation that has alreadybeen installed on the machine. Usually
// this happens through Add/RemovePrograms applet.
// In the handler installationusually displays UI that will inform
// end user thatmaintenance/uninstallation has been completed successfully.
Disable(STATUSEX); ShowObjWizardPages(NEXT);
end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// FUNCTION: OnMoving
// EVENT: Moving event is sent when file transfer is started as a result of
// ComponentTransferData call,before any file transfer operations
// are performed.
function OnMoving()
STRING szAppPath;
// Set LOGO Compliance Application Path
// TO DO : if your application .exe is in asubfolder of TARGETDIR then add subfolder
szAppPath = TARGETDIR;
RegDBSetItem(REGDB_APPPATH, szAppPath);
end; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OnBegin
// The OnBegin event iscalled directly by the framework after the setup
// initializes.
function OnBegin()
begin Disable (BACKBUTTON);
SdLicense2 ("License ", "Yes","False",SUPPORTDIR^"2.txt", FALSE);
endif; end;

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