1206: MathematicalGame

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Xiao Ming likes to play mathematical games very much. One day, he gets a sequence of n positive integers. XOR (l , r) is defined as the XOR and of all numbers in a continuous interval. Now, Xiao Ming wants to know the intervals which make the XOR (l , r) become largest.

Require l, r.


There is an integer T at the first line, indicate the case of data.

In each case, there is an integer N at the first line, indicate the length of the sequence. And there are N integers, a1, a2, … , an, at the second line. (N <= 1,000,000)


In each case, the first line is “Case #k:”, k is the number of test cases, the next line includes two integers l and r, which separated by a space.

l, r output in lexicographic order if there are multiple results.

Sample Input

  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 1 2 3 4 5

Sample Output

  1. Case #1:
  2. 3 4


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