




使用时是直接调用QuotaEngine类中的方法,而真正实现功能的是DbQuotaDriver这个类,在DbQuotaDriver类中比较重要的是reserve(), commit(), rollback()这三个方法,这三个方法共同构成了配额管理一个很重要的特性:事务性,这里所说的事务性,就是当资源分配失败或者已达到配额上限等这些异常情况发生时,对已经修改过的数据库,回滚到分配之前的状态,如果不设置成这种特性,那配额管理就乱套了。

资源在配额管理中封装成了一个简单的类体系,资源被分为三类:ReservableResource, AbsoulteResource, CountableResource,至于这三种分类的区别,我现在还不是很清楚,在nova中,是这样来分类的:

  1. resources = [
  2. ReservableResource('instances', _sync_instances, 'quota_instances'),
  3. ReservableResource('cores', _sync_instances, 'quota_cores'),
  4. ReservableResource('ram', _sync_instances, 'quota_ram'),
  5. ReservableResource('volumes', _sync_volumes, 'quota_volumes'),
  6. ReservableResource('gigabytes', _sync_volumes, 'quota_gigabytes'),
  7. ReservableResource('floating_ips', _sync_floating_ips,
  8. 'quota_floating_ips'),
  9. AbsoluteResource('metadata_items', 'quota_metadata_items'),
  10. AbsoluteResource('injected_files', 'quota_injected_files'),
  11. AbsoluteResource('injected_file_content_bytes',
  12. 'quota_injected_file_content_bytes'),
  13. AbsoluteResource('injected_file_path_bytes',
  14. 'quota_injected_file_path_bytes'),
  15. ReservableResource('security_groups', _sync_security_groups,
  16. 'quota_security_groups'),
  17. CountableResource('security_group_rules',
  18. db.security_group_rule_count_by_group,
  19. 'quota_security_group_rules'),
  20. CountableResource('key_pairs', db.key_pair_count_by_user,
  21. 'quota_key_pairs'),
  22. ]



  1. Quotas: Represents a single quota override for a project.
  2. mysql> show columns from quotas;
  3. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  4. | Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
  5. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  6. | id         | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
  7. | created_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  8. | updated_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  9. | deleted_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  10. | deleted    | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  11. | project_id | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  12. | resource   | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
  13. | hard_limit | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  14. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  15. QuotaClass: Represents a single quota override for a quota class.
  16. mysql> show columns from quota_classes;
  17. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  18. | Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
  19. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  20. | created_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  21. | updated_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  22. | deleted_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  23. | deleted    | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  24. | id         | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
  25. | class_name | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
  26. | resource   | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  27. | hard_limit | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  28. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  29. QuotaUsage: Represents the current usage for a given resource.
  30. mysql> show columns from quota_usages;
  31. +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  32. | Field         | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
  33. +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  34. | created_at    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  35. | updated_at    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  36. | deleted_at    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  37. | deleted       | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  38. | id            | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
  39. | project_id    | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
  40. | resource      | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  41. | in_use        | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
  42. | reserved      | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
  43. | until_refresh | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  44. +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  45. Reservation: Represents a resource reservation for quotas.
  46. usage_id is the foreign_key of quota_usages.
  47. mysql> show columns from reservations;
  48. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  49. | Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
  50. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  51. | created_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  52. | updated_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  53. | deleted_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  54. | deleted    | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  55. | id         | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
  56. | uuid       | varchar(36)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
  57. | usage_id   | int(11)      | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
  58. | project_id | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
  59. | resource   | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  60. | delta      | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
  61. | expire     | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
  62. +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+






1. reserve()


  1. @require_context
  2. def quota_reserve(context, resources, quotas, deltas, expire,
  3. until_refresh, max_age):
  4. elevated = context.elevated()
  5. session = get_session()
  6. with session.begin():
  7. # Get the current usages
  8. usages = _get_quota_usages(context, session)#从quota_usages表中获得当前工程的各种资源的使用情况
  9. # Handle usage refresh
  10. work = set(deltas.keys())
  11. while work:
  12. resource = work.pop()
  13. # Do we need to refresh the usage?
  14. refresh = False
  15. #如果当前的resource不在当前工程所使用的资源列表中,那么就把该资源添加进去,并且在数据库中增加一条相应的记录。
  16. #并且in_use和reserv都置为0.
  17. if resource not in usages:
  18. usages[resource] = quota_usage_create(elevated,
  19. context.project_id,
  20. resource,
  21. 0, 0,
  22. until_refresh or None,
  23. session=session)
  24. refresh = True
  25. #如果当前的resource在当前工程的使用列表中,并且该资源的in_use小于0,说明不同步,则refresh
  26. elif usages[resource].in_use < 0:
  27. # Negative in_use count indicates a desync, so try to
  28. # heal from that...
  29. refresh = True
  30. #如果当前resource的until_refresh不为空,那么将其减1,若减1之后,小于0,则refresh
  31. elif usages[resource].until_refresh is not None:
  32. usages[resource].until_refresh -= 1
  33. if usages[resource].until_refresh <= 0:
  34. refresh = True
  35. #如果max_age不为空,并且该资源更新的时间减去当前的时间大于max_age,那么就执行刷新
  36. #max_age==0, 使用的是FLAGS中的值
  37. elif max_age and (usages[resource].updated_at -
  38. timeutils.utcnow()).seconds >= max_age:
  39. refresh = True
  40. # OK, refresh the usage
  41. if refresh:
  42. # Grab the sync routine
  43. sync = resources[resource].sync #获得同步函数:_sync_*(),这些函数定义在quota模块中,不同的资源有不同的同步函数
  44. updates = sync(elevated, context.project_id, session) #查询出当前正在使用的资源的一些情况,是实时的情况
  45. for res, in_use in updates.items():
  46. # Make sure we have a destination for the usage!
  47. if res not in usages:#如果实时的使用的资源没有在usages中,那么把它添加进去
  48. usages[res] = quota_usage_create(elevated,
  49. context.project_id,
  50. res,
  51. 0, 0,
  52. until_refresh or None,
  53. session=session)
  54. # Update the usage
  55. usages[res].in_use = in_use #更新usages中该resource的in_use
  56. usages[res].until_refresh = until_refresh or None
  57. work.discard(res)
  58. # Check for deltas that would go negative
  59. #>检查in_use加上delta之后,可能小于0的情况
  60. unders = [resource for resource, delta in deltas.items()
  61. if delta < 0 and
  62. delta + usages[resource].in_use < 0]
  63. #>检查这个resource的hard_limit是否小于in_use+reserved+delta之和
  64. overs = [resource for resource, delta in deltas.items()
  65. if quotas[resource] >= 0 and delta >= 0 and
  66. quotas[resource] < delta + usages[resource].total]
  67. # Create the reservations
  68. #>如果没有超过的话,更新reservations表,再次更新usages
  69. if not overs:
  70. reservations = []
  71. for resource, delta in deltas.items():
  72. reservation = reservation_create(elevated,
  73. str(utils.gen_uuid()),#uuid,唯一
  74. usages[resource],#当前资源在quota_usages表中的使用情况(更新过的)
  75. context.project_id,
  76. resource, delta, expire, #资源,变化值,超期值
  77. session=session)
  78. reservations.append(reservation.uuid)
  79. if delta > 0:
  80. usages[resource].reserved += delta  #更新usages中的reserved值,加上变化值
  81. # Apply updates to the usages table
  82. # 更新的是quota_usages表
  83. for usage_ref in usages.values():
  84. usage_ref.save(session=session)
  85. if unders:
  86. LOG.warning(_("Change will make usage less than 0 for the following "
  87. "resources: %(unders)s") % locals())
  88. if overs:
  89. usages = dict((k, dict(in_use=v['in_use'], reserved=v['reserved']))
  90. for k, v in usages.items())
  91. raise exception.OverQuota(overs=sorted(overs), quotas=quotas,
  92. usages=usages)
  93. return reservations














2. rollback()


  1. @require_context
  2. def reservation_rollback(context, reservations):
  3. session = get_session()
  4. with session.begin():
  5. usages = _get_quota_usages(context, session)
  6. for reservation in _quota_reservations(session, context, reservations):
  7. usage = usages[reservation.resource]
  8. if reservation.delta >= 0:
  9. usage.reserved -= reservation.delta
  10. reservation.delete(session=session)
  11. for usage in usages.values():
  12. usage.save(session=session)

3. commit()


  1. @require_context
  2. def reservation_commit(context, reservations):
  3. session = get_session()
  4. with session.begin():
  5. usages = _get_quota_usages(context, session)# 查询quota_usages表,获得当前工程中记录的资源的使用情况
  6. for reservation in _quota_reservations(session, context, reservations):
  7. usage = usages[reservation.resource]#某个资源当前记录的使用情况
  8. if reservation.delta >= 0:
  9. usage.reserved -= reservation.delta
  10. usage.in_use += reservation.delta
  11. reservation.delete(session=session)#从reservations表中删除这个reservation的记录
  12. for usage in usages.values():#再次更新quota_usages表
  13. usage.save(session=session)



通过上面的分析,怎么使用应该很清楚了,这里就举一个创建实例的过程中使用到配额管理的例子。创建实例之前,首先要检查申请的资源是否超出了该工程的限额,所以这部分功能是在向rabbitmq发出rpc call/cast请求之前来执行的。创建一个实例需要很多资源,这里创建资源使用的是flavor是m1.tiny, 即申请的资源是1个instance, 1个vcpu, 512M 内存。来看一下主要的代码:

  1. def _create_instance(self, context, instance_type,
  2. image_href, kernel_id, ramdisk_id,
  3. min_count, max_count,
  4. display_name, display_description,
  5. key_name, key_data, security_group,
  6. availability_zone, user_data, metadata,
  7. injected_files, admin_password,
  8. access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6,
  9. requested_networks, config_drive,
  10. block_device_mapping, auto_disk_config,
  11. reservation_id=None, scheduler_hints=None):
  12. ………
  13. if not min_count:
  14. min_count = 1
  15. if not max_count:
  16. max_count = min_count
  17. ………
  18. # 主要就是检查instances,ram,cores是否超过配额。如果没有超过,则返回instances的数目和他们三个的reservation的uuid
  19. num_instances, quota_reservations = self._check_num_instances_quota(
  20. context, instance_type, min_count, max_count)
  21. ………
  22. if instance_type['memory_mb'] < int(image.get('min_ram') or 0):
  23. QUOTAS.rollback(context, quota_reservations)
  24. raise exception.InstanceTypeMemoryTooSmall()
  25. if instance_type['root_gb'] < int(image.get('min_disk') or 0):
  26. QUOTAS.rollback(context, quota_reservations)
  27. raise exception.InstanceTypeDiskTooSmall()
  28. ………
  29. instances = []
  30. instance_uuids = []
  31. try:
  32. for i in xrange(num_instances):
  33. options = base_options.copy()
  34. instance = self.create_db_entry_for_new_instance(
  35. context, instance_type, image, options,
  36. security_group, block_device_mapping)
  37. instances.append(instance)
  38. instance_uuids.append(instance['uuid'])
  39. except Exception:
  40. # Clean up as best we can.
  41. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
  42. try:
  43. for instance_uuid in instance_uuids:
  44. self.db.instance_destroy(context,
  45. instance_uuid)
  46. finally:
  47. QUOTAS.rollback(context, quota_reservations)
  48. QUOTAS.commit(context, quota_reservations)
  49. …………
  50. return (instances, reservation_id)
  51. def _check_num_instances_quota(self, context, instance_type, min_count,
  52. max_count):
  53. req_cores = max_count * instance_type['vcpus'] #req_cores=1
  54. req_ram = max_count * instance_type['memory_mb'] #req_ram=512
  55. try:
  56. reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, instances=max_count,
  57. cores=req_cores, ram=req_ram)
  58. except exception.OverQuota as exc:
  59. …………
  60. raise exception.TooManyInstances(overs=overs,
  61. req=requested[resource],
  62. used=used, allowed=total_allowed,
  63. resource=resource)
  64. return max_count, reservations

主要是_check_num_instances_quota()函数中的QUOTAS.reserv(context, instances=max_count, cores=req_cores, ram=req_ram),其中参数instances=1, cores=1, ram=512。在这里检查申请的资源是否超过限额。如果没有超出限额的话,看其他情况是否正常,如果不正常的话,则rollback(),如果一切正常的话,commit()提交。




1. 创建第一个实例及数据库数据的变化

  1. $ nova boot --flavor 1 --image 6a5a1117-b7cb-4f14-9ab1-0fa9500542a5 --key_name pubkey-01 instance-01
  2. $ nova list
  3. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  4. | ID                                   | Name        | Status | Networks         |
  5. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  6. | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | instance-01 | ACTIVE | private= |
  7. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  8. mysql> select id,uuid,project_id,hostname,vcpus,memory_mb from instances;
  9. +----+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  10. | id | uuid                                 | project_id                       | hostname    | vcpus | memory_mb |
  11. +----+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  12. |  1 | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instance-01 |     1 |       512 |
  13. +----+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  14. mysql> select id,created_at,deleted,project_id,resource,hard_limit from quotas;
  15. Empty set (0.00 sec)
  16. mysql> select id,created_at,deleted,class_name,resource,hard_limit from quota_classes;
  17. Empty set (0.00 sec)
  18. mysql> select id,deleted,project_id,resource,in_use,reserved,until_refresh from quota_usages;
  19. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  20. | id | deleted | project_id                       | resource  | in_use | reserved | until_refresh |
  21. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  22. |  1 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |      1 |        0 |          NULL |
  23. |  2 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |    512 |        0 |          NULL |
  24. |  3 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |      1 |        0 |          NULL |
  25. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  26. mysql> select id,deleted,usage_id,project_id,resource,delta,expire from reservations;
  27. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+
  28. | id | deleted | usage_id | project_id                       | resource  | delta | expire              |
  29. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+
  30. |  1 |       1 |        1 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |     1 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  31. |  2 |       1 |        2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |   512 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  32. |  3 |       1 |        3 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |     1 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  33. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+

可以看到quota_usages表中的in_use值分别为1, 512, 1,  reservations表中的delta值分别为1, 512, 1

2.  创建第二个实例及数据库的变化

  1. $ nova boot --flavor 1 --image 6a5a1117-b7cb-4f14-9ab1-0fa9500542a5 --key_name pubkey-01 instance-02
  2. $ nova list
  3. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  4. | ID                                   | Name        | Status | Networks         |
  5. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  6. | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | instance-01 | ACTIVE | private= |
  7. | 2a0fb8ca-9f5d-4751-b95b-43d6fe6c66d2 | instance-02 | ACTIVE | private= |
  8. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  9. mysql> select id,uuid,project_id,hostname,vcpus,memory_mb from instances;
  10. +----+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  11. | id | uuid                                 | project_id                       | hostname    | vcpus | memory_mb |
  12. +----+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  13. |  1 | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instance-01 |     1 |       512 |
  14. |  2 | 2a0fb8ca-9f5d-4751-b95b-43d6fe6c66d2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instance-02 |     1 |       512 |
  15. +----+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  16. mysql> select id,created_at,deleted,project_id,resource,hard_limit from quotas;
  17. Empty set (0.00 sec)
  18. mysql> select id,created_at,deleted,class_name,resource,hard_limit from quota_classes;
  19. Empty set (0.00 sec)
  20. mysql> select id,deleted,project_id,resource,in_use,reserved,until_refresh from quota_usages;
  21. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  22. | id | deleted | project_id                       | resource  | in_use | reserved | until_refresh |
  23. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  24. |  1 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |      2 |        0 |          NULL |
  25. |  2 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |   1024 |        0 |          NULL |
  26. |  3 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |      2 |        0 |          NULL |
  27. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  28. mysql> select id,deleted,usage_id,project_id,resource,delta,expire from reservations;
  29. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+
  30. | id | deleted | usage_id | project_id                       | resource  | delta | expire              |
  31. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+
  32. |  1 |       1 |        1 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |     1 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  33. |  2 |       1 |        2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |   512 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  34. |  3 |       1 |        3 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |     1 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  35. |  4 |       1 |        1 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |     1 | 2012-11-26 09:09:44 |
  36. |  5 |       1 |        2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |   512 | 2012-11-26 09:09:44 |
  37. |  6 |       1 |        3 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |     1 | 2012-11-26 09:09:44 |
  38. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+

可以看到quota_usages表中的in_use更新了,在原来的基础上,又加上了创建的第二个实例的资源数量,变为2, 1024, 2,而reservations表中的数据是不更新的,只是又增加了三条记录。

3.  删除第二个实例及数据库数据的变化

  1. $ nova delete 2a0fb8ca-9f5d-4751-b95b-43d6fe6c66d2
  2. $ nova list
  3. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  4. | ID                                   | Name        | Status | Networks         |
  5. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  6. | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | instance-01 | ACTIVE | private= |
  7. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  8. mysql> select id,deleted,uuid,project_id,hostname,vcpus,memory_mb from instances;
  9. +----+---------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  10. | id | deleted | uuid                                 | project_id                       | hostname    | vcpus | memory_mb |
  11. +----+---------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  12. |  1 |       0 | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instance-01 |     1 |       512 |
  13. |  2 |       1 | 2a0fb8ca-9f5d-4751-b95b-43d6fe6c66d2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instance-02 |     1 |       512 |
  14. +----+---------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+
  15. mysql> select id,created_at,deleted,project_id,resource,hard_limit from quotas;
  16. Empty set (0.00 sec)
  17. mysql> select id,created_at,deleted,class_name,resource,hard_limit from quota_classes;
  18. Empty set (0.00 sec)
  19. mysql> select id,deleted,project_id,resource,in_use,reserved,until_refresh from quota_usages;
  20. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  21. | id | deleted | project_id                       | resource  | in_use | reserved | until_refresh |
  22. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  23. |  1 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |      1 |        0 |          NULL |
  24. |  2 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |    512 |        0 |          NULL |
  25. |  3 |       0 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |      1 |        0 |          NULL |
  26. +----+---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+---------------+
  27. mysql> select id,deleted,usage_id,project_id,resource,delta,expire from reservations;
  28. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+
  29. | id | deleted | usage_id | project_id                       | resource  | delta | expire              |
  30. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+
  31. |  1 |       1 |        1 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |     1 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  32. |  2 |       1 |        2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |   512 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  33. |  3 |       1 |        3 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |     1 | 2012-11-26 08:55:26 |
  34. |  4 |       1 |        1 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |     1 | 2012-11-26 09:09:44 |
  35. |  5 |       1 |        2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |   512 | 2012-11-26 09:09:44 |
  36. |  6 |       1 |        3 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |     1 | 2012-11-26 09:09:44 |
  37. |  7 |       1 |        1 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | instances |    -1 | 2012-11-26 09:17:30 |
  38. |  8 |       1 |        2 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | ram       |  -512 | 2012-11-26 09:17:30 |
  39. |  9 |       1 |        3 | aefecee7a7ca4cb3bcfac8e3c9fd27d0 | cores     |    -1 | 2012-11-26 09:17:30 |
  40. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+-------+---------------------+

可以看到quota_usages表中的in_use值又变化了,分别减去了1, 512, 1 ,变成了1, 512, 1,而reservations表中又增加了三条记录,而delta值为-1, -512, -1,因为是删除实例嘛,所以delta值为负。

4. 创建实例达到11个,观看异常:

  1. $ nova boot --flavor 1 --image 6a5a1117-b7cb-4f14-9ab1-0fa9500542a5 --key_name pubkey-01 instance-11
  2. ERROR: Quota exceeded for instances: Requested 1, but already used 10 of 10 instances (HTTP 413) (Request-ID: req-2337fb00-d109-46e1-b381-1f4d63df0fd5)


  1. class TooManyInstances(QuotaError):
  2. message = _("Quota exceeded for %(overs)s: Requested %(req)s,"
  3. " but already used %(used)d of %(allowed)d %(resource)s")


  1. $ nova list
  2. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  3. | ID                                   | Name        | Status | Networks         |
  4. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+
  5. | 46013b5c-d246-4544-9be1-6c33398357b8 | instance-01 | ACTIVE | private= |
  6. | 18b4a216-dad3-4e30-8f63-e4fd04ed5cd2 | instance-02 | ACTIVE | private= |
  7. | 76e545b5-fa43-4ff1-b7f1-f3f1e0ee4ff2 | instance-03 | ACTIVE | private= |
  8. | a279f645-f733-4f7d-b95a-42c186582b39 | instance-04 | ACTIVE | private= |
  9. | 3e2c491f-3f3b-48d2-8fbf-c4459956639b | instance-05 | ERROR  |                  |
  10. | 8ff24877-b4d1-4b3d-be20-f7fae03113e7 | instance-06 | ERROR  |                  |
  11. | 3177a8ba-4c01-46a4-a1c1-904aac71fcd2 | instance-07 | ERROR  |                  |
  12. | d4adb08b-c199-48fd-a2f9-024e19ba8bbd | instance-08 | ERROR  |                  |
  13. | ada1c610-2a93-4ee5-bd06-f58f18be04dd | instance-09 | ERROR  |                  |
  14. | fdd9c770-3bae-48cb-987c-00425e917574 | instance-10 | ERROR  |                  |
  15. +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------------+


  1. $ free -m
  2. total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
  3. Mem:          1974       1824        150          0         20        404
  4. -/+ buffers/cache:       1400        574
  5. Swap:         2382        355       2027




1. quotas和quota_classes表为空,我想这可能是因为没有配置的原因吧,因为程序中如果没有从这两个表中得到配额(hard_limit),那么就使用默认的值,所以我的测试里这两个表为空,但是程序正常执行,是因为使用了默认的值。

2. 关于那几个资源分类的,为什么要那样分,他们之间有什么区别,我还不明白。

3. dashboard界面的问题,它的quota界面的限额值是写死了的,还是会根据配置的值来变化,这个我还没有验证过。

4. 关于expire的,我看程序中参数的传递,expire始终为空,但是不知道怎么回事,到数据库中就变成有值的了,而且这个值很奇怪,即使删除了实例,它还是有,为什么呢?

5. 关于quota_usages表中的reserved值,它究竟是干什么用的呢?它的值,在一个事务之外,始终是为0,不为0的情况只在一个事务当中,这种情况只有调试才会看到,难道它就是只起一个回滚的作用?

6. quota_classes表不知道是用来做什么的,难道用一个quotas表还不够吗?难道说这个表保存的是每个资源的整体情况?

7. 还有就是一些资源不知道是什么资源,比如injected_file


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