
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".


如果不存在公共前缀,返回空字符串 ""

Example 1:

Input: ["flower","flow","flight"]
Output: "fl"

Example 2:

Input: ["dog","racecar","car"]
Output: ""
Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.


All given inputs are in lowercase letters a-z.


所有输入只包含小写字母 a-z


​ 很简单又很经典的一道题,我的思路起先是 把第字符串组第一个字符串转为char型。利用StringBuilder逐一累加相同字符。由于字符串长度不一,可以先遍历找出最小长度字符串,这里我选择抛错的形式,减少一次遍历。


class Solution {
public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
int strLen=strs.length;
if(strLen==0) return "";//空字符串组返回""
char[] temp=strs[0].toCharArray();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=0;i<strs[0].length();i++){//以第一个字符串长度开始比较
for (int j=1;j<strLen;j++){
try {
return str.toString();
}catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e){//抛出错误,这里错误是指索引超出字符串长度
return strs[j];
return strs[0];

​ 后面想到Java有 subString() 方法,可指定长度截取字符串,无需转为 char[] 型,但是在 Leetcode 提交时反而不如上面这种方式运算快,这也说明了Java不支持运算符重载,使用 substring() 每次新建一个String字符串,效率并不高。

​ 最后看到一个方法,大致思路是找到最小长度字符串,从大到小截取字符串,既然用到 subString() 方法,不如就从后向前,因为题目是找出最长公众前缀,从大到小效率很高。具体请看:

 public class Solution {
public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
if(strs.length==0) return "";
int min=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String minStr="";
for(int i=0;i<strs.length;i++){//找出最小长度字符串
if(min==0) return "";
for(int i=min;i>=0;i--){//最小长度字符串从长到短截取
String standard=minStr.substring(0, i);
int j=0;
if(strs[j].substring(0, i).equals(standard)) continue;
else break;
if(j==strs.length) return standard;
return "";

原代码链接: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_14927217/article/details/72955791


​ 再次投机取巧,os.path 封装函数 commonprefix() 一步到位。


class Solution(object):
def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
import os
return os.path.commonprefix(strs)

​ 其实该函数是利用ASCll码比较的特性来编写的,源码:

def commonprefix(m):
"Given a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading component"
if not m: return ''
# Some people pass in a list of pathname parts to operate in an OS-agnostic
# fashion; don't try to translate in that case as that's an abuse of the
# API and they are already doing what they need to be OS-agnostic and so
# they most likely won't be using an os.PathLike object in the sublists.
if not isinstance(m[0], (list, tuple)):
m = tuple(map(os.fspath, m))
s1 = min(m)
s2 = max(m)
for i, c in enumerate(s1)://枚举得到s1的每一个字符及其索引
if c != s2[i]:
return s1[:i]
return s1



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