
class AddKnowledgeAction extends CAction {
//add and update
public function actionPost() {
if ($_POST) { //如果是post操作
$res = array('code'=>,'message'=>'');
$kid = Yii::app()->request->getPost('kid'); //这里是知识主键id
$cid = Yii::app()->request->getPost('cid');
$title = Yii::app()->request->getPost('title');
$content = Yii::app()->request->getPost('content');
$auth_group = Yii::app()->request->getPost('auth_group');
$end_time = Yii::app()->request->getPost('end_time');
$keywords = Yii::app()->request->getPost('keywords'); if (empty($kid)) { //$kid不存在则说明是走add操作,否则是update
if ($kid = CallCenterService::addKnowledge($cid, $title, $content, $auth_group, $end_time, $keywords)) {
} else {
if (CallCenterService::updateKnowledge($kid, $cid, $title, $content, $auth_group, $end_time, $keywords)) {
} //delete
public function actionDelete (){
$kid = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('kid');
$action = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('action'); //action => ['delete' => '物理删除', 'Invalid' => '逻辑删除']if ($kid && $action) {
if (CallCenterService::delKnowledge($kid, $action)) {


class CallCenterService { private static $instance; public static $auth_group = null; public static function getInstance() {
if (empty(self::$instance)) {
self::$instance = new CallCenterService();
return self::$instance;
} /**
* 添加知识
public static function addKnowledge($cid, $title, $content, $auth_group, $end_time, $keywords) {
$model = new Knowledgenew;
$operator = Yii::app()->user->id;
$created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$model->attributes = array(
'cid' => $cid,
'title' => $title,
'content' => $content,
'operator' => $operator,
'created' => $created,
'auth_group' => $auth_group,
'end_time' => $end_time,
'keywords' => $keywords,
'updated' => $created
); if ($model->save()) {
$id = $model->id;
Knowledgenew::onKnowledgeChanged('add', array('id' => $id));
return $id;
} else {
return false;
} /**
* 编辑知识
public static function updateKnowledge($kid, $cid, $title, $content , $auth_group, $end_time, $keywords) { $knowledge = Knowledgenew::getKnowledge($kid);
if ($knowledge) {
$model = new Knowledgenew;
'cid' => $cid,
'title' => $title,
'content' => $content,
'auth_group' => $auth_group,
'end_time' => isset($end_time) && !empty($end_time) ? $end_time : null,
'keywords' => $keywords,
'updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
Knowledgenew::onKnowledgeChanged('update', array('id' => $kid));
return true;
return false;
} /**删除一条知识
* @param $kid
* @param string $action Invalid => 逻辑删除 ,delete =>物理删除
* @return bool
public static function delKnowledge($kid, $action = 'invalid') {
$knowledge = Knowledgenew::getKnowledge($kid); if ($knowledge) {
$model = new Knowledgenew;
if ($action == 'delete') {
} else {
Knowledgenew::onKnowledgeChanged('delete', array('id' => $kid));
KnowledgenewCollection::model()->deleteAll("kid = $kid");
return true;
return false;
} }


class Knowledgenew extends CActiveRecord
const STATUS_DEL = ; //Invalid public function tableName()
return '{{knowledgenew}}';
} public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
} /**
* 增加浏览数
public static function addClickNum($kid) {
$model = self::model();
Knowledgenew::onKnowledgeChanged('update', array('id' => $kid));
return true;
} //更新es信息
public static function onKnowledgeChanged($action, $param){
//echo '更新知识库索引action='.$action.PHP_EOL;
$base_param = array('es_source' => 'Knowledgenew', 'es_action' => $action);
Queue::model()->putin( //异步
'params'=>array_merge($base_param, $param)


* 基于redis的queue队列
class Queue {
private static $_models; public $queue_max_length = array(
); public static function model($className=__CLASS__) {
if (isset(self::$_models[$className]))
else {
$model=self::$_models[$className]=new $className(null);
return $model;
} //确定redis
private function select_redis($type) {
return QueuePool::model()->get_zone($type);
} private function trim($queue_name) { $type = str_replace("queue_", "", $queue_name);
$max = ;
if (isset($this->queue_max_length[$type])) {
$max = intval($this->queue_max_length[$type]);
if ($max>) {
$zone = $this->select_redis($type);
if($zone) {
$zone['redis']->lTrim($queue_name, , $max-);
else {
EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type);
} /**
* 放入队列,统一队列对外暴露方法,增加类型默认放task队列,指定了就放对应的队列,同时如果不在指定类型内的,也放默认队列
* @param unknown_type $params
* @param unknown_type $type
* @return mixed
public function putin($params=null, $type){
$type = empty($type) ? 'error' : strtolower($type); $base_qname = QNameManagerService::model()->get_base_qname($type); if(!empty($base_qname)) {
$this->queue_name = 'queue_'.$base_qname;
$this->queue_name = 'queue_error';
} if ($params===null) {
return $this->get();
} else {
return $this->add($params); //如果add替换为processTask方法,则同步
} /**
* 取一条队列数据,封装多个队列,统一调用方法
* @param string $type
* @return array
public function getit($type='default')
$base_qname = QNameManagerService::model()->get_base_qname($type); if(!empty($base_qname)) {
$this->queue_name = 'queue_'.$base_qname;
return array();
} $zone = $this->select_redis($type);
if($zone) {
if($zone['brpop']) {
$json = '';
$result = $zone['redis']->brPop($this->queue_name, $zone['brpop']);
if(!empty($result) && isset($result[])) {
$json = $result[];
else {
$json = $zone['redis']->rPop($this->queue_name);
else {
EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type);
return array();
} return json_decode($json, true);
} /**
* 返回队列接收的类型列表
* @return array
public function getQueueTypeList()
$list = QNameManager::model()->findall();
if($list) {
return $list;
} EdjLog::error("Error: get queue list from database");
return array();
} /**
* 设置或者读取位置队列
* @param array $params
* @return mixed
public function position($params=null) {
$this->queue_name='queue_position'; if ($params===null) {
return $this->get();
} else {
return $this->add($params);
} /**
* 心跳队列
* @param string $params
* @return mixed
public function heartbeat($params=null) {
$this->queue_name='queue_heartbeat'; if ($params===null) {
return $this->get();
} else {
return $this->add($params);
} /**
* 最高优先级队列
* @param string $params
* @return mixed
public function task($params=null) {
$this->queue_name='queue_task'; if ($params===null) {
return $this->get();
} else {
return $this->add($params);
} /**
* 保存日志到数据库
* @param string $params
* @return mixed
public function dumplog($params=null) {
$this->queue_name='queue_dumplog'; if ($params===null) {
return $this->get();
} else {
return $this->add($params);
} /**
* 返回各个队列中的任务总数
public function length() { $queue = $this->getQueueTypeList(); $queue_length=array();
$reg = "/P[0-9]+$/";
foreach($queue as $item) {
$base_qname = $item->base_qname;
$zone = $this->select_redis($base_qname);
$key = 'queue_'.$base_qname;
if($zone) {
$len = $zone['redis']->lLen($key);
if(isset($item->max) && $len > $item->max) {
$key = '!'.$key;
} $pkey = '';
if(preg_match($reg, $zone['name'])) {
$pkey = $key.'@'.$zone['name'];
else {
$pkey = $key.'@'.$zone['name']."_P".$item->level;
} $queue_length[$pkey] = $len;
else {
EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $key);
} return $queue_length;
} private function get() {
$type = str_replace("queue_", "", $this->queue_name);
$zone = $this->select_redis($type);
if($zone) {
if($zone['brpop']) {
$json = '';
$result = $zone['redis']->brPop($this->queue_name, $zone['brpop']);
if(!empty($result) && isset($result[])) {
$json = $result[];
else {
$json = $zone['redis']->rPop($this->queue_name);
else {
EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type);
return array();
return json_decode($json, true);
} private function add($params) {
$type = str_replace("queue_", "", $this->queue_name);
$zone = $this->select_redis($type);
$return = ;
if($zone) {
try {
$return = $zone['redis']->lPush($this->queue_name, $json);
} catch (Exception $e) {
EdjLog::error("write redis error,msg:".$e->getMessage());
//echo $e->getMessage();
else {
EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type);
} return $return;
} //如果add 替换为此方法,则同步
public function processTask($task) {
if(!isset($task['method'], $task['params'])) {
$task_content = json_encode($task);
EdjLog::error("can not run task due to no 'method' or 'params' specified, task is $task_content");
} $method=$task['method'];
$class = isset($task['class']) ? $task['class'] : "QueueProcess";
EdjLog::info("REDIS_QUEUE_OUT CLASS:$class METHOD:$method PARAMS:".json_encode($params));
try {
//throw new Exception("Value must be 1 or below");
$queue_process=new $class();
// check this method is exist, if not throw ReflectionException
new ReflectionMethod($queue_process, $method);
call_user_func_array(array($queue_process, $method), array($params));
} catch(Exception $e) {
$errmsg = $e->getMessage();
EdjLog::error("execption queue_run method:$method err: $errmsg");
} public function getLengthByType($type){
$type = empty($type) ? 'error' : strtolower($type);
$base_qname = QNameManagerService::model()->get_base_qname($type);
$zone = $this->select_redis($base_qname);
$key = 'queue_'.$base_qname;
$len = ;
if($zone) {
$len = $zone['redis']->lLen($key);
} else {
EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $base_qname);
return $len;


* 队列处理
class QueueProcess {
private static $_models;
private $message; public static function model($className=__CLASS__) {
if (isset(self::$_models[$className]))
else {
$model=self::$_models[$className]=new $className(null);
return $model;
} public function synchronize_elasticsearch($param)
if (empty($param) || !isset($param['es_source'], $param['es_action'])) {
return false;
} $class_name = $param['es_source'].'Synchronizer';
$method_name = $param['es_action'];
if (class_exists($class_name) && method_exists($class_name, $method_name)) {
call_user_func(array($class_name, $method_name), $param);
} else {
EdjLog::error('synchronize method does not exist. class name '.$class_name.' method name '.$method_name);
} }


* Created by PhpStorm.
*/ class KnowledgenewSynchronizer { static public $index = 'knowledge_index';
static public $type = 'knowledge';
static public $filed = ' id, keywords, title, content, auth_group, cid, operator, click_num, status, created, updated '; static public function add($param)
if (empty($param) || !isset($param['id'])) {
return false;
$id = $param['id'];
$sql = "select".self::$filed."from t_knowledgenew where id=:id";
$doc = Yii::app()->db->CreateCommand($sql)->queryRow(true,array('id'=>$id)); if (empty($doc)) {
EdjLog::error('cannot find knowledge with id: '.$id);
return false;
} return ElasticsearchSynchronizer::addDocument(self::$index, self::$type, $id, $doc);
} static public function delete($param)
if (empty($param) || !isset($param['id'])) {
return false;
$id = $param['id'];
return ElasticsearchSynchronizer::deleteDocument(self::$index, self::$type, $id);
} static public function update($param)
if (empty($param) || !isset($param['id'])) {
return false;
$id = $param['id']; $sql = "select".self::$filed."from t_knowledgenew where id=:id";
$doc = Yii::app()->db->CreateCommand($sql)->queryRow(true,array('id'=>$id)); if (empty($doc)) {
EdjLog::error('cannot find knowledge with id: '.$id);
return false;
} return ElasticsearchSynchronizer::updateDocument(self::$index, self::$type, $id, $doc);
} }



use Elastica\Client;
use Elastica\Query\QueryString;
use Elastica\Query;
use Elastica\Document; Class ElasticsearchSynchronizer
//const ES_HOST='search.n.edaijia.cn';
//const ES_PORT=9200; static public function addDocument($index, $type, $id, $doc)
$client = new Client(array('host' => self::ES_HOST, self::ES_PORT));
$type = $client->getIndex($index)->getType($type);
try {
$response = $type->addDocument(new Document($id, $doc));
if ($response->isOk()) {
EdjLog::info("add document $id succeeded");
return true;
} else {
EdjLog::info("add document $id failed");
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
EdjLog::error("add document $id failed with exception ".$e->getMessage());
return false;
} static public function updateDocument($index, $type, $id, $doc)
$client = new Client(array('host' => self::ES_HOST, 'port' => self::ES_PORT));
try {
$response = $client->getIndex($index)
->updateDocument(new Document($id, $doc)); if ($response->isOk()) {
EdjLog::info("update document $id succeeded");
return true;
} else {
EdjLog::info("update document $id failed");
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
EdjLog::error("update document $id failed with exception ".$e->getMessage());
return false;
} static public function deleteDocument($index, $type, $id)
$client = new Client(array('host' => self::ES_HOST, 'port' => self::ES_PORT));
try {
$response = $client->getIndex($index)->getType($type)->deleteById($id);
if ($response->isOk()) {
EdjLog::info("delete document $id succeeded");
return true;
} else {
EdjLog::info("delete document $id failed");
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
EdjLog::error("delete document $id failed with exception ".$e->getMessage());
return false;
} }


* @param $keyword
* @param int $page
* @param int $size
* @param str $search_type
* 搜索知识
* 搜索标题和内容,多个关键词是并且关系,空格分隔
public static function searchKnowledge($keyword, $page = , $size = , $search_type = 'default') {
// $keywords = explode(' ',trim($keyword));
$start = $page * $size;
$client = new \Elastica\Client(array('host' => ElasticsearchSynchronizer::ES_HOST, 'port' => ElasticsearchSynchronizer::ES_PORT));//更改成线上主机和端口
$search = new \Elastica\Search($client);
$search ->addIndex(KnowledgenewSynchronizer::$index)->addType(KnowledgenewSynchronizer::$type);
// $query = new \Elastica\Query\Bool();
$query = new \Elastica\Query();
// foreach($keywords as $word) {
// if($word) {
// $knowledge_query = new \Elastica\Query\QueryString();
// $knowledge_query->setFields(array('title', 'content'));
// $knowledge_query->setQuery('"' . $word . '"');
// $query->addMust($knowledge_query);
// }
// }
$MultiMatch_obj = new \Elastica\Query\MultiMatch();
if ($search_type == 'default') {
} else {
//这里是字符串,在es的扩展目录下 setMinimumShouldMatch方法把转int去掉//
//$this->setParam('minimum_should_match', (int)$minimumShouldMatch);
$MultiMatch_obj->setMinimumShouldMatch('30%'); }
$query->setQuery($MultiMatch_obj); //命中全部纪录
$query = \Elastica\Query::create($query);
$query->setSource(["id","cid","updated", "title", 'keywords',"content",'auth_group','status']);
// $query->setSort([
// 'click_num' => ['order' => 'desc']
// ]); //设置起始页
'pre_tags' => array('<span style="color: red">'),
'post_tags' => array('</span>'),
'fields' => array(
'title' => array(
'fragment_size' => ,//包含高亮词语,最多展示多少个
'number_of_fragments' => ,//分几段展示,这里一段就可以
'keywords' => array(
'fragment_size' => ,//包含高亮词语,最多展示多少个
'number_of_fragments' => ,//分几段展示,这里一段就可以
'content' => array(
'fragment_size' => ,//包含高亮词语,最多展示多少个
'number_of_fragments' => ,//分几段展示,这里一段就可以
)); $search->setQuery($query); $results = array();
$totalResults = ;
try {
$resultSet = $search->search();
$results = $resultSet->getResults();
$totalResults = $resultSet->getTotalHits();
} catch (Exception $e) {
EdjLog::error("query elasticsearch failed");
} if ($totalResults <= ) { return;
} $poi_result = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$highlight = $result->getHighlights();
$title_hightlight = isset($highlight['title'][])?$highlight['title'][]:'';
$content_hightlight = isset($highlight['content'][])?$highlight['content'][]:'';
$keywords_highlight = isset($highlight['keywords'][])?$highlight['keywords'][]:''; $poi_result[] = array(
'id' => $result->id,
'cid' => $result->cid,
'title' => $result->title,
'keywords' => $result->keywords,
'content' => $result->content,
'auth_group' => $result->auth_group,
'title_highlight'=>$title_hightlight, //高亮展示标题搜索关键词
'keywords_highlight'=>$keywords_highlight, //高亮展示标题搜索关键词
'status' => $result->status,
} //这里过滤了用户非权限列表
$poi_result = self::filterNoAuthKnowledge($poi_result);
$totalResults = count($poi_result) ;
$info = array('totalNum'=>$totalResults,'data'=>$poi_result);
return json_encode($info);




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    78. Subsets While iterating through all numbers, for each new number, we can either pick it or not p ...

  8. Linux性能优化实战学习笔记:第四十八讲

    一.上节回顾 上一节,我们一起学习了如何分析网络丢包的问题,特别是从链路层.网络层以及传输层等主要的协议栈中进行分析. 不过,通过前面这几层的分析,我们还是没有找出最终的性能瓶颈.看来,还是要继续深挖 ...

  9. sqlserver数据库使用navicat生成数据字典

    https://blog.csdn.net/Honnyee/article/details/86156832 SELECT 表名 then d.name else '' end, 表说明 then i ...

  10. Django性能优化的几种方法

    1.一次性取出你所需要的数据 单一动作,需要多次连接数据库里的时候,最好一次性取出所有需要的数据,减少连接数据库的次数.此类需求推荐使用QuerySet.select_related()和prefet ...