
在django的models.py 中,我们定义了一些choices的元组,类似一些字典值,一般都是下拉框或者单多选框,例如 0对应男 1对应女等等


class Area(models.Model):
Area_Level = (
(0, u'全国'),
(1, u'省、直辖市'),
(2, u'市、直辖市区'),
(3, u'区、县等'),
) areaname = models.CharField(max_length=30,unique=True, verbose_name='区域名称')
code = models.CharField(max_length=20,blank=True, default="", verbose_name='区域代码')
parentid = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='父级id', null=True)
level = models.IntegerField(choices=Area_Level,verbose_name='层级', null=True)

在页面中有个table要把表中的字段显示出来,如果数据库中存储的是0就显示 全国, 1就显示省、直辖市 类似:

名称  代码  层级	     上级地区  操作
全国 全国(0) 删除
北京 bj 省、直辖市(1) 全国 删除



Documentation for "choices" should mention "get_FOO_display"


The documentation for the choices attribute on model fields mentions that choices should be a tuple of 2-tuples, including an actual value and a human-readable name, but documentation on how to retrieve the human-readable name of the selected choice from an instance of the model lives elsewhere, in the database API documentation, under the unintuitive name of get_FOO_display. This hinders a new user of Django trying to understand how best to make use of choices.

At the very least, the model documentation should include, under choices, a link to the get_FOO_display entry in the DB documentation for an explanation of how to get the human-readable name back out of a model instance. Ideally, we'd do that and come up with better titles for the sections on the various get_FOO_display/get_next_by_FOO/etc. methods.



 {{ obj.get_level_display  }}({{ obj.level }})

obj.get_字段名称_display 。





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