






Techopedia explains Presentation Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the following:

  • Data encryption/decryption
  • Character/string conversion
  • Data compression
  • Graphic handling

The presentation layer mainly translates data between the application layer and the network format. Data can be communicated in different formats via different sources. Thus, the presentation layer is responsible for integrating all formats into a standard format for efficient and effective communication.




包含 http的会话管理策略、鉴权策略、ssl加密策略、证书验证策略、缓存策略等等等;





The Presentation Layer (Layer 6)

This layer is sometimes called the syntax layer. It isn’t often referred to, but in general the Presentation Layer is responsible for converting application data to a syntax that is ready for network transport using lower layer protocols.




Application (think web browser, email client)

Application layer usually is the easiest to understand, so we should start our discussion here. This layer can be the program running on your computer (or on a server) that connects you to Google.com, eBay, or this blog. The client application will exchange data with the server application (and vice versa) without understanding Ethernet, TCP/IP, or other networking techniques (in general). This application data requires some processing locally before sending it to the server, care of the next several layers. I've provided examples next to the layer name, to help connect the layer to a common implementation.

Presentation (think encryption, compression)

Presentation layer provides formatting for data to be transferred between systems, so the end-system can readily receive and interpret the application data correctly. This step was vital when differing standards of data format were a problem (think 7-bit ASCII vs 8-bit EBCDIC). The most common examples now would be any encryption/decryption required for transmitting application data (not VPN-based, but application-based encryption) or the use of compression within applications transmitting data between systems.

Session (think Remote Procedure Calls)

Session layer provides a way for applications to "synchronize" their client-server communication and translate between "transport addresses" of Layer 4 and the "session addresses" that represent the application. If a system were running Firefox and Internet Explorer simultaneously, the session layer keeps Layer 4 connections associated with the right browser (or the pages displayed would be unusable in most cases). A good example of this layer are the remote procedure calls (RPC) associated with many client-server applications like Microsoft Exchange and Network File System (NFS).




The session layer provides the mechanism for opening, closing and managing a session between end-user application processes, Communication sessions consist of requests and responses that occur between applications.

Session-layer services are commonly used in application environments that make use of remote procedure calls (RPCs).

Session layer establishes, controls and ends the sessions between local and remote applications.(tracks the dialogs between multiple computers)

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