具体实现在项目 HoverTreeWindowsFormsDemo 中,位于HtDemo文件夹下。
h : hovertree
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HoverTreeWindowsFormsDemo.HtFormSet
public partial class Form_ListView : Form
public Form_ListView()
} // Determine whether Windows XP or a later
// operating system is present.
private bool _isRunningXPOrLater =
OSFeature.Feature.IsPresent(OSFeature.Themes); // Declare a Hashtable array in which to store the groups.
private Hashtable[] _groupTables; // Declare a variable to store the current grouping column.
int _groupColumn = ; private void Form_ListView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ ColumnHeader h_columnHeader0 = new ColumnHeader();
h_columnHeader0.Text = "Title";
// columnHeader0.Width = -1;
h_columnHeader0.Width = ;
ColumnHeader h_columnHeader1 = new ColumnHeader();
h_columnHeader1.Text = "Info";
//columnHeader1.Width = -1;
h_columnHeader1.Width = ; ColumnHeader h_columnHeader2 = new ColumnHeader();
h_columnHeader2.Text = "Year";
// columnHeader2.Width = -1;
h_columnHeader2.Width = ;
// Add the column headers to listView_HoverTree.
listView_HoverTree.Columns.AddRange(new ColumnHeader[]
{h_columnHeader0, h_columnHeader1, h_columnHeader2}); // Add a handler for the ColumnClick event.
listView_HoverTree.ColumnClick +=
new ColumnClickEventHandler(listView_HoverTree_ColumnClick); // Create items and add them to listView_HoverTree.
ListViewItem item0 = new ListViewItem(new string[]
ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem(new string[]
{"Keleyi: jQuery and HTML5",
ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem(new string[]
"A Good Site",
ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem(new string[]
ListViewItem item4 = new ListViewItem(new string[]
"HTML5 Clock",
ListViewItem item5 = new ListViewItem(new string[]
"HTML5 canvas",
new ListViewItem[] { item0, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5 }); if (_isRunningXPOrLater)
// Create the groupsTable array and populate it with one
// hash table for each column.
_groupTables = new Hashtable[listView_HoverTree.Columns.Count];
for (int column = ; column < listView_HoverTree.Columns.Count; column++)
// Create a hash table containing all the groups
// needed for a single column.
_groupTables[column] = CreateGroupsTable(column);
} // Start with the groups created for the Title column.
} // Initialize the form.
this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(, );
this.Text = "ListView Groups Example_何问起";
} // Groups the items using the groups created for the clicked
// column.
private void listView_HoverTree_ColumnClick(
object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e)
// Set the sort order to ascending when changing
// column groups; otherwise, reverse the sort order.
if (listView_HoverTree.Sorting == SortOrder.Descending ||
(_isRunningXPOrLater && (e.Column != _groupColumn)))
listView_HoverTree.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending;
listView_HoverTree.Sorting = SortOrder.Descending;
_groupColumn = e.Column; // Set the groups to those created for the clicked column.
if (_isRunningXPOrLater)
} // Sets listView_HoverTree to the groups created for the specified column.
private void SetGroups(int column)
// Remove the current groups.
listView_HoverTree.Groups.Clear(); // Retrieve the hash table corresponding to the column.
Hashtable groups = (Hashtable)_groupTables[column]; // Copy the groups for the column to an array.
ListViewGroup[] h_groupsArray = new ListViewGroup[groups.Count];
groups.Values.CopyTo(h_groupsArray, ); // Sort the groups and add them to listView_HoverTree.
Array.Sort(h_groupsArray, new ListViewGroupSorter(listView_HoverTree.Sorting));
listView_HoverTree.Groups.AddRange(h_groupsArray); // Iterate through the items in listView_HoverTree, assigning each
// one to the appropriate group.
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView_HoverTree.Items)
// Retrieve the subitem text corresponding to the column.
string h_subItemText = item.SubItems[column].Text; // For the Title column, use only the first letter.
if (column == )
h_subItemText = h_subItemText.Substring(, );
} // Assign the item to the matching group.
item.Group = (ListViewGroup)groups[h_subItemText];
} // Creates a Hashtable object with one entry for each unique
// subitem value (or initial letter for the parent item)
// in the specified column.
private Hashtable CreateGroupsTable(int column)
// Create a Hashtable object.
Hashtable h_groups = new Hashtable(); // Iterate through the items in listView_HoverTree.
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView_HoverTree.Items)
// Retrieve the text value for the column.
string h_subItemText = item.SubItems[column].Text; // Use the initial letter instead if it is the first column.
if (column == )
h_subItemText = h_subItemText.Substring(, );
} // If the groups table does not already contain a group
// for the subItemText value, add a new group using the
// subItemText value for the group header and Hashtable key.
if (!h_groups.Contains(h_subItemText))
h_groups.Add(h_subItemText, new ListViewGroup(h_subItemText,
} // Return the Hashtable object.
return h_groups;
} // Sorts ListViewGroup objects by header value.
private class ListViewGroupSorter : IComparer
private SortOrder h_order; // Stores the sort order.
public ListViewGroupSorter(SortOrder theOrder)
h_order = theOrder;
} // Compares the groups by header value, using the saved sort
// order to return the correct value.
public int Compare(object x, object y)
int result = String.Compare(
if (h_order == SortOrder.Ascending)
return result;
return -result;
} }
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