


1.  假如没有环


O ( M + N)

// version 1
// test whether two lists are intersected
// assume each list has no circle
bool IsIntersectedNoCircle(ListNode *lhs, ListNode *rhs)
if(lhs == NULL || rhs == NULL)
return false; ListNode *tail1(lhs);
for(; tail1->next; tail1 = tail1->next); ListNode *tail2(lhs);
for(; tail2->next; tail2 = tail2->next); return tail1 == tail2;

2. 可能有环



复杂度同样是 O ( M + N)。

如果还要求求出 进入环的那个节点: 可以用两个指针,一个从链表head 出发,另一个从刚刚快慢指针的相遇点出发,速度相同。


// test whether list has a circle
// if true, return the enter node
// if not, return NULL
ListNode* HasCircle(ListNode *list)
if(list == NULL || list->next == NULL)
return NULL; // fast/slow pointer method
// if circled, slow pointer will catch up with fast one
ListNode *fast(list), *slow(list); while(fast)
fast = fast->next;
if(fast == NULL) return NULL;
fast = fast->next;
slow = slow->next; if(fast == slow)
assert(fast == NULL || slow == fast); if(fast == NULL)
return NULL; // list definitely has a circle
// find the enter node
// fast and enter will meet at the enter node
ListNode *enter(list); while(enter != fast)
enter = enter->next;
fast = fast->next;
} return enter;

根据是否有环,可以分为以下三个 case:

case 1: 都没有环:已经分析

case 2: 都有环: 注意到如果相交,这两个环必定是一模一样的。所以,只要判断是否有一个节点在另一个环中即可。

case 3: 一个有环,一个没有环: 一定不相交

// version 2
// assume lists may have a circle inside
bool IsIntersectedCircle(ListNode *lhs, ListNode *rhs)
ListNode *enter1(NULL), *enter2(NULL); enter1 = HasCircle(lhs);
enter2 = HasCircle(rhs); // case 1: both lists have no circles
if(enter1 == NULL && enter2 == NULL)
return IsIntersectedNoCircle(lhs, rhs);
// case 2: each have a circle
else if(enter1 && enter2)
ListNode *node(enter1->next); while(node != enter1 && node != enter2){
node = node->next;
return node == enter2;
// case 3: one has a circle, while the other not
return false;


// copyright @ L.J.SHOU Feb.27, 2014
// test whether two lists are intersected
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std; struct ListNode{
int val;
ListNode *next;
ListNode(int x)
:val(x), next(NULL){}
}; ListNode* HasCircle(ListNode*);
bool IsIntersectedCircle(ListNode*, ListNode*); // version 1
// test whether two lists are intersected
// assume each list has no circle
bool IsIntersectedNoCircle(ListNode *lhs, ListNode *rhs)
if(lhs == NULL || rhs == NULL)
return false; ListNode *tail1(lhs);
for(; tail1->next; tail1 = tail1->next); ListNode *tail2(lhs);
for(; tail2->next; tail2 = tail2->next); return tail1 == tail2;
} // version 2
// assume lists may have a circle inside
bool IsIntersectedCircle(ListNode *lhs, ListNode *rhs)
ListNode *enter1(NULL), *enter2(NULL); enter1 = HasCircle(lhs);
enter2 = HasCircle(rhs); // case 1: both lists have no circles
if(enter1 == NULL && enter2 == NULL)
return IsIntersectedNoCircle(lhs, rhs);
// case 2: each have a circle
else if(enter1 && enter2)
ListNode *node(enter1->next); while(node != enter1 && node != enter2){
node = node->next;
return node == enter2;
// case 3: one has a circle, while the other not
return false;
} // test whether list has a circle
// if true, return the enter node
// if not, return NULL
ListNode* HasCircle(ListNode *list)
if(list == NULL || list->next == NULL)
return NULL; // fast/slow pointer method
// if circled, slow pointer will catch up with fast one
ListNode *fast(list), *slow(list); while(fast)
fast = fast->next;
if(fast == NULL) return NULL;
fast = fast->next;
slow = slow->next; if(fast == slow)
assert(fast == NULL || slow == fast); if(fast == NULL)
return NULL; // list definitely has a circle
// find the enter node
// fast and enter will meet at the enter node
ListNode *enter(list); while(enter != fast)
enter = enter->next;
fast = fast->next;
} return enter;
} // destroy list
ListNode* Destroy(ListNode *list)
ListNode *next(NULL); while(list)
next = list->next;
delete list;
list = next;
} return NULL;
} int main(void)
ListNode *list(NULL); // testing case 1: both have no circles
list = new ListNode(1);
list->next = new ListNode(2);
list->next->next = new ListNode(3); ListNode *list2 = list->next;
cout << IsIntersectedCircle(list, list2) << endl; // testing case 2: both have circles
list2 = new ListNode(1);
list2->next = new ListNode(2);
list2->next->next = list->next; list->next->next->next = list->next;
cout << IsIntersectedCircle(list, list2) << endl; list->next->next->next = NULL;
list2->next->next = NULL; // testing case 3: only one has a circle
list->next->next->next = list->next;
cout << IsIntersectedCircle(list, list2) << endl;
list->next->next->next = NULL; list = Destroy(list);
list2 = Destroy(list2); return 0;


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