cf111D Petya and Coloring 组合数学,二项式反演
Little Petya loves counting. He wants to count the number of ways to paint a rectangular checkered board of size n × m (n rows, m columns) in k colors. Besides, the coloring should have the following property: for any vertical line that passes along the grid lines and divides the board in two non-empty parts the number of distinct colors in both these parts should be the same. Help Petya to count these colorings.
The first line contains space-separated integers n, m and k (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 1000, 1 ≤ k ≤ 106) — the board's vertical and horizontal sizes and the number of colors respectively.
Print the answer to the problem. As the answer can be quite a large number, you should print it modulo 109 + 7 (1000000007).
- 2 2 1
- 1
- 2 2 2
- 8
- 3 2 2
- 40
- 题意:
给出一个 n*m 的矩阵,用sum种颜色染色
n,m <= 10^3,sum <= 10^6- solution:
注意到n,m的范围不大- 显然有以下性质:
2.2~m-1列的颜色只能从1,m列的颜色的交集中选择- m=1的时候,特殊处理,ans=k^n
m>1的时候,我们只需要考虑1,m列的颜色选择还有交集大小- 预处理g[i]表示恰好用i种颜色涂满n个格子的方案数
(此时n是一个常量)- 如果用递推式,求g[i]需要O(n^2),求g数组需要O(n^3),tle
设h(i)表示用i种颜色染n个格子的方案数,则h(i) = i^n
有:h(y) = sigma(i=0,i<=y)(C(y,i)*g(i))
则:g(y) = sigma(i=0,i<=y)((-1)^(y-i) * C(y,i) * h(i))
= sigma(i=0,i<=y)((-1)^(y-i) * C(y,i) * i^n)- 这样求g[i]需要O(nlogn),求g数组需要O(n^2*logn)
当然也可以优化到O(n^2)求g数组- 主要的预处理部分搞定了,然后就是答案了
ans = sigma(j=0,j<=min(n,sum))C(sum,j) * j^(m*n-2*n) *
- //File Name: cf111D.cpp
- //Author: long
- //Mail:
- //Created Time: 2016年05月16日 星期一 01时13分24秒
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define LL long long
- using namespace std;
- const int MAXN = + ;
- const int MAXM = + ;
- const int MOD = (int)1e9 + ;
- LL jie[MAXM];
- LL g[MAXN];
- LL qp(LL x,LL y){
- LL res = ;
- while(y){
- if(y & ) res = res * x % MOD;
- x = x * x % MOD;
- y >>= ;
- }
- return res;
- }
- LL get_c(LL x,LL y){
- if(x < y) return ;
- if(x == y || y == ) return ;
- return jie[x] * qp(jie[y] * jie[x - y] % MOD,MOD - ) % MOD;
- }
- void init(int sum,int n){
- jie[] = ;
- for(int i=;i<MAXM;i++)
- jie[i] = jie[i-] * i % MOD;
- int ma = min(sum,n);
- LL now;
- for(int i=;i<=ma;i++){
- for(int k=;k<=i;k++){
- now = get_c(i,k) * qp(k,n) % MOD;
- if((i - k) % )
- g[i] = (g[i] - now + MOD) % MOD;
- else
- g[i] = (g[i] + now) % MOD;
- }
- }
- }
- LL solve(int n,int m,int sum){
- if(m == ) return qp(sum,n);
- init(sum,n);
- LL ans = ,now,tmp;
- int ma = min(sum,n);
- for(int j=,ma2;j<=ma;j++){
- now = ;
- ma2 = min(n - j,(sum - j) / );
- for(int i=;i<=ma2;i++){
- (now += jie[sum-j] * qp(jie[sum-j-*i]*jie[i]%MOD*jie[i]%MOD,MOD - ) % MOD
- * g[i+j] % MOD * g[i+j] % MOD) %= MOD;
- }
- tmp = qp(j,(m - ) * n) % MOD;
- (ans += get_c(sum,j) * tmp % MOD * now % MOD) %= MOD;
- //cout << j << " " <<ans << endl;
- }
- return ans;
- }
- int main(){
- int n,m,k;
- scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&m,&k);
- printf("%d\n",(int)solve(n,m,k));
- return ;
- }
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