Time Limit: 2000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions: 1528 | Accepted: 592 |
There are several local companies running small networks (called
subnetworks in the following) that partially cover the n largest cities
of Borduria. WWN would like to setup a network that connects all n
cities. To achieve this, it can either build edges between cities from
scratch or it can buy one or several subnetworks from local companies.
You are requested to help WWN to decide how to setup its network for a
minimal total cost.
- All n cities are located by their two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates.
- There are q existing subnetworks. If q>=1 then each
subnetwork c ( 1<=c<=q ) is defined by a set of interconnected
cities (the exact shape of a subnetwork is not relevant to our problem). - A subnetwork c can be bought for a total cost wc and it cannot be split (i.e., the network cannot be fractioned).
- To connect two cities that are not connected through the
subnetworks bought, WWN has to build an edge whose cost is exactly the
square of the Euclidean distance between the cities.
You have to decide which existing networks you buy and which edges
you setup so that the total cost is minimal. Note that the number of
existing networks is always very small (typically smaller than 8).
A 115 Cities Instance
Consider a 115 cities instance of the problem with 4 subnetworks
(the 4 first graphs in Figure 1). As mentioned earlier the exact shape
of a subnetwork is not relevant still, to keep figures easy to read, we
have assumed an arbitrary tree like structure for each subnetworks. The
bottom network in Figure 1 corresponds to the solution in which the
first and the third networks have been bought. Thin edges correspond to
edges build from scratch while thick edges are those from one of the
initial networks.
first line contains the number n of cities in the country (
1<=n<=1000 ) followed by the number q of existing subnetworks (
0<=q<=8 ). Cities are identified by a unique integer value ranging
from 1 to n . The first line is followed by q lines (one per
subnetwork), all of them following the same pattern: The first integer
is the number of cities in the subnetwork. The second integer is the the
cost of the subnetwork (not greater than 2 x 106 ). The
remaining integers on the line (as many as the number of cities in the
subnetwork) are the identifiers of the cities in the subnetwork. The
last part of the file contains n lines that provide the coordinates of
the cities (city 1 on the first line, city 2 on the second one, etc).
Each line is made of 2 integer values (ranging from 0 to 3000)
corresponding to the integer coordinates of the city.
Sample Input
7 3
2 4 1 2
3 3 3 6 7
3 9 2 4 5
0 2
4 0
2 0
4 2
1 3
0 5
4 4
Sample Output

Figure 3: An optimal solution of the 7 City instance in which which
the first and second existing networkshave been bought while two extra
edges (1, 5) and (2, 4)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAXN 1005 struct Edge
int u,v;
int w;
bool operator < (const Edge a) const
return w<a.w;
}edge[MAXN*MAXN]; int n,m,q;
vector<int> v[];
int cost[];
int lx[MAXN];
int ly[MAXN];
int father[MAXN]; int Find_Set (int x)
father[x] = Find_Set(father[x]);
return father[x];
} int MST()
int ans = ;
int k = ;
for(int i=;i<m;i++)
int fx = Find_Set(edge[i].u);
int fy = Find_Set(edge[i].v);
father[fx] = fy;
ans +=edge[i].w;
if(k==n-) break;
return ans;
} int main()
for(int i=; i<q; i++)
int t;
for(int j=; j<t; j++)
int to;
for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
scanf("%d%d",&lx[i],&ly[i]); m = ;
for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
for(int j=i+; j<=n; j++)
edge[m].u = i;
edge[m].v = j;
edge[m++].w = (lx[i]-lx[j])*(lx[i]-lx[j])+(ly[i]-ly[j])*(ly[i]-ly[j]);
sort(edge,edge+m); for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
father[i] = i; int ans = MST();
//printf("%d\n",ans); for(int mark=; mark<(<<q); mark++)
for(int i=;i<=n;i++)
father[i] = i; int c = ;
for(int i=; i<q; i++)
for(int k=;k<v[i].size();k++)
int fx = Find_Set(v[i][k]);
int fy = Find_Set(v[i][]);
father[fy] = fx;
ans = min(ans,c+MST());
return ;
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