rom bist 的input 有rom_content file 。校验rom还坏,主要通过signature比较。signature跟rom content file 一一对应的。

rom bist scritps主要有三个:

1.rom_mbist_run: call mbistarchitect tool rom bist flow 定义算法ROM1 输出 主要跟rom bist FSM 有关


mbistarchitect ../netlist/rom_top.v  -top rom_top    -logfile rom_bist_log  -insertion -dofile  ../scripts/ -lverilog ../models/rom_instance.v -rep

load library ../models/rom_instance.lib

add new port bist_mode -dir in

add new port bist_done -dir out

add new port bist_fail -dir out

reports clocks

report pin sharing

set system mode bist

report memory instances

add new controller u_top_bist -do ../scripts/  u_rom_instance

report memory instances

add pin mapping bist_mode u_top_bist/test_h

add pin mapping bist_done  u_top_bist/bist_done

report pin mapping

insert bist logic

report controllers

save design -rep -inc rtl

set system mode int

add pattern translation -all

integrate pattern

report pattern translation

report controller description

save patterns mapped.v -rep -verilog


reset state

add memory model rom_instance_module_name -filename  ../models/rom_content_file  -collar rom_instance_collar_name

setup mbist algorithms rom1/rom2

setup observation scheme -compress

setup mbist compressor -localcomparator

report mbist algrorithms

set bist insertion -on

setup memory clock -test

setup memory test -con

set design name controller -module  controller_name

set file naming -bist rom_bist.v

set file naming -con rom_bist_con.v

set file naming -test rom_bist_tb.v

set file naming -wgl rom_bist_wgl.v

set file naming -ctdl rom_bist.ctdf

report design name

report pin name


report pin name

save bist -verilog -replace

report environment

exit -d

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