1 web.xml中加入

web.xml所在目录 /opt/solr-7.7.1/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF


2 solr-7.7.1/server/solr/conf中新建dataimport.properties


#Tue Jun 20 15:31:32 CST 2017

# #
# dataimport scheduler properties #
# #
################################################# # to sync or not to sync
# 1 - active; anything else - inactive
syncEnabled=1 # which cores to schedule
# in a multi-core environment you can decide which cores you want syncronized
# leave empty or comment it out if using single-core deployment
syncCores=core1,core2 # solr server name or IP address
# [defaults to localhost if empty]
server=localhost # solr server port
# [defaults to 80 if empty]
port=8983 # application name/context
# [defaults to current ServletContextListener's context (app) name]
webapp=solr # URL params [mandatory]
# remainder of URL
# 修改请求路径
params=/dataimport?command=delta-import&clean=false&commit=true # schedule interval
# number of minutes between two runs
# [defaults to 30 if empty]

3 引入dihs.jar包


4 配置增量索引SQL

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