


public class SendWX {
public void send(String tel, String sec) {
WeChatMsgSend swx = new WeChatMsgSend();
try {
String token = swx.getToken("wqd51b29a3fb154c92", "KWSGMIpqSmJ_wY8ettuAWafhfAdfTUKN3OParcIfaaY");
String postdata = swx.createpostdata("ErShiYi", "text", 1000002, "content", "手机号:" + tel + "\n内容:" + sec);
String resp = swx.post("utf-8", WeChatMsgSend.CONTENT_TYPE, (new WeChatUrlData()).getSendMessage_Url(), postdata, token);
System.out.println("获取到的token======>" + token);
System.out.println("请求数据======>" + postdata);
System.out.println("发送微信的响应数据======>" + resp);
} catch (Exception e) {
} }
* 微信消息发送实体类
* @author PC-MXF
public class WeChatData {
//发送微信消息的URLString sendMsgUrl="https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=";
* 成员账号
private String touser; /**
* 消息类型
private String msgtype; /**
* 企业用用的agentid
private String agentid; /**
* 十几接收map类型数据
private Object text; public String getTouser() {
return touser;
} public void setTouser(String touser) {
this.touser = touser;
} public String getMsgtype() {
return msgtype;
} public void setMsgtype(String msgtype) {
this.msgtype = msgtype;
} public String getAgentid() {
return agentid;
} public void setAgentid(String agentid) {
this.agentid = agentid;
} public Object getText() {
return text;
} public void setText(Object text) {
this.text = text;
} }
* 微信发送消息
* @author PC-MXF
public class WeChatMsgSend { private CloseableHttpClient httpClient; /**
* 用于提交登录数据
private HttpPost httpPost; /**
* 用于获得登陆后页面
private HttpGet httpGet; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static Gson gson = new Gson(); /**
* 微信授权请求,GET类型,获取授权响应,用于其他方法截取token
* @param Get_Token_Url
* @return String 授权响应内容
* @throws IOException
protected String toAuth(String Get_Token_Url) throws IOException {
httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
httpGet = new HttpGet(Get_Token_Url);
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
String resp = ""; try {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
resp = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "utf-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).info(" resp:{}", resp);
return resp;
} /**
* corpid应用组织编号 corpsecret应用秘钥 获取toAuth(String
* Get_Token_Url)返回结果中键值对中access_token键的值
* @param
public String getToken(String corpid, String corpsecret) throws IOException {
WeChatMsgSend sw = new WeChatMsgSend();
WeChatUrlData uData = new WeChatUrlData();
uData.setGet_Token_Url(corpid, corpsecret);
String resp = sw.toAuth(uData.getGet_Token_Url());
System.out.println("resp=====:" + resp);
try {
Map<String, Object> map = gson.fromJson(resp, new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() {
return map.get("access_token").toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return resp;
} /**
* 创建微信发送请求post数据 touser发送消息接收者 ,msgtype消息类型(文本/图片等), application_id应用编号。
* 本方法适用于text型微信消息,contentKey和contentValue只能组一对
* @param touser
* @param msgtype
* @param application_id
* @param contentKey
* @param contentValue
* @return
public String createpostdata(String touser, String msgtype, int application_id, String contentKey,
String contentValue) {
WeChatData wcd = new WeChatData();
wcd.setAgentid(application_id + "");
Map<Object, Object> content = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
content.put(contentKey, contentValue);
return gson.toJson(wcd);
} /**
* @Title 创建微信发送请求post实体,charset消息编码 ,contentType消息体内容类型,
* url微信消息发送请求地址,data为post数据,token鉴权token
* @param charset
* @param contentType
* @param url
* @param data
* @param token
* @return
* @throws IOException
public String post(String charset, String contentType, String url, String data, String token) throws IOException {
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
httpPost = new HttpPost(url + token);
httpPost.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(data, charset));
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);
String resp;
try {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
resp = EntityUtils.toString(entity, charset);
} finally {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).info("call [{}], param:{}, resp:{}", url, data, resp);
return resp;
* 微信授权请求
* @author PC-MXF
public class WeChatUrlData { /**
* 企业Id
private String corpid; /**
* secret管理组的凭证密钥
private String corpsecret; /**
* 获取ToKen的请求
private String Get_Token_Url; /**
* 发送消息的请求
private String SendMessage_Url; public String getCorpid() {
return corpid;
} public void setCorpid(String corpid) {
this.corpid = corpid;
} public String getCorpsecret() {
return corpsecret;
} public void setCorpsecret(String corpsecret) {
this.corpsecret = corpsecret;
} public String getGet_Token_Url() {
return Get_Token_Url;
} public void setGet_Token_Url(String corpid,String corpsecret) {
Get_Token_Url = "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid="+corpid+"&corpsecret="+corpsecret;
} public String getSendMessage_Url() {
SendMessage_Url = "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=";
return SendMessage_Url;
} public void setSendMessage_Url(String sendMessage_Url) {
SendMessage_Url = sendMessage_Url;
} }









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