




所以我们用k-D Tree直接搜就好了

#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
inline void read(int &x){
x=0;char ch;bool flag = false;
while(ch=getchar(),ch<'!');if(ch == '-') ch=getchar(),flag = true;
while(x=10*x+ch-'0',ch=getchar(),ch>'!');if(flag) x=-x;
inline int cat_max(const int &a,const int &b){return a>b ? a:b;}
inline int cat_min(const int &a,const int &b){return a<b ? a:b;}
const int maxn = 160010;
const int lim_siz = 2000;
int split[maxn],now;
int dem = 2;
struct Node{
int pos[2],val;
int minn[2],maxx[2],sum;
Node *ch[2];
void update(){
for(int d=0;d<dem;++d) minn[d] = min(pos[d],min(ch[0]->minn[d],ch[1]->minn[d]));
for(int d=0;d<dem;++d) maxx[d] = max(pos[d],max(ch[0]->maxx[d],ch[1]->maxx[d]));
sum = val + ch[0]->sum + ch[1]->sum;
} }*null,*root,*op;
Node T[maxn];
inline bool cmp(const Node &a,const Node &b){
return a.pos[split[now]] < b.pos[split[now]];
inline void init(){
null = &T[0];
null->ch[0] = null->ch[1] = null;
null->val = 0;
for(int d=0;d<dem;++d){
null->pos[d] = 0;
null->minn[d] = 0x3f3f3f3f;
null->maxx[d] = -0x3f3f3f3f;
}root = null;
Node* build(int l,int r,int s){
if(l > r) return null;
int mid = (l+r)>> 1;
split[now = mid] = s % dem;
Node *p = &T[mid];
p->ch[0] = build(l,mid-1,s+1);
p->ch[1] = build(mid+1,r,s+1);
p->update();return p;
int sav[maxn][2],sav_cnt,cnt;
int val[maxn],cmd,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,x;
int query(Node *p){
if(p == null) return 0;
if(p->minn[0] >= X1 && p->minn[1] >= Y1
&& p->maxx[0] <= X2 && p->maxx[1] <= Y2)
return p->sum;
else if(p->maxx[1] < Y1 || p->maxx[0] < X1
|| p->minn[0] > X2 || p->minn[1] > Y2)
return 0;
if( p->pos[0] >= X1 && p->pos[1] >= Y1
&& p->pos[0] <= X2 && p->pos[1] <= Y2)
return p->val + query(p->ch[0]) + query(p->ch[1]);
return query(p->ch[0]) + query(p->ch[1]);
int main(){
int n;read(n);//read(n);
int lastans = 0;
if(cmd == 3) break;
if(cmd == 1){
X1 ^= lastans;Y1 ^= lastans;x ^= lastans;
sav[++sav_cnt][0] = X1;
sav[sav_cnt][1] = Y1;
val[sav_cnt] = x;
if(sav_cnt == lim_siz){
for(int i=1;i<=sav_cnt;++i){
T[cnt+i].minn[0] = T[cnt+i].maxx[0] = T[cnt+i].pos[0] = sav[i][0];
T[cnt+i].minn[1] = T[cnt+i].maxx[1] = T[cnt+i].pos[1] = sav[i][1];
T[cnt+i].val = val[i];
}root = build(1,cnt+=sav_cnt,1);
sav_cnt = 0;
X1 ^= lastans;Y1 ^= lastans;
X2 ^= lastans;Y2 ^= lastans;
int ans = 0;
for(int i=1;i<=sav_cnt;++i){
if(sav[i][0] >= X1 && sav[i][1] >= Y1
&& sav[i][0] <= X2 && sav[i][1] <= Y2)
ans += val[i];
ans += query(root);
printf("%d\n",lastans = ans);
return 0;

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