接入的是shopnc,代码改改就可以用了,虽然不是一个完善的类,也可以按照类的方法直接调用,省得再去扣开发文档 农行在接收返回信息也会验证一次,还有一点就是页面通知返回结果




class abchina{

const GATEWAY = 'https://pay.abchina.com/ebus/trustpay/ReceiveMerchantTrxReqServlet';
private $code = 'abchina'; /**
* 支付接口配置信息
* @var array
private $payment;
* 订单信息
* @var array
private $order;
* 发送至农行的参数
* @var array
private $parameter; //发送请求
private $request; //订单数据
private $orderitems; private $payment_info;
private $order_info;
private $res; //签名算法
const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = 'SHA1withRSA'; //商户编号
const MERCHANTID = ''; //商户私钥加密密码
const MERCHANTCERTPASSWORD = ''; //网上支付平台证书
const TRUSTPAYCERTFILE= './TrustPay.cer'; //商户证书储存目录档名
const MERCHANTCERTFILE= './fuwuqi.pfx'; //报文里有的东西
const TRX_TYPE_PAY_REQ = "PayReq";
public function __construct($payment_info = array(),$order_info = array()) {
$this->payment_info = $payment_info;
$this->order_info = $order_info; } //提交订单
public function submit() { // var_dump($this->payment_info);
// var_dump($this->order_info);
// die; //没有自己传参的不要随意修改 $this->order["PayTypeID"] = 'ImmediatePay'; //设定交易类型
$this->order["OrderNo"] = $this->order_info['pay_sn']; //设定订单编号 自己传参数
$this->order["OrderAmount"] = $this->order_info['api_pay_amount']; //设定交易金额 自己传参数
// $this->order["OrderAmount"] = '0.01'; //设定交易金额 自己传参数 测试使用
$this->order["CurrencyCode"] = 156; //设定交易币种
$this->order["InstallmentMark"] = 0; //分期标识
$this->order["OrderDate"] = date('Y/m/d'); //设定订单日期 (必要信息 - YYYY/MM/DD)
$this->order["OrderTime"] = date('H:i:s'); //设定订单时间 (必要信息 - HH:MM:SS)
$this->order["CommodityType"] = '0202'; //设置商品种类 //2、订单明细
$orderitem = array ();
$orderitem["ProductName"] = "GG"; //商品名称 自己写随意
$this->orderitems[0] = $orderitem; //3、生成支付请求对象
$this->request["TrxType"] = self::TRX_TYPE_PAY_REQ; //设定交易类型
$this->request["PaymentType"] = 'A'; //设定支付类型
$this->request["PaymentLinkType"] = 1; //设定支付接入方式
$this->request["NotifyType"] = 1; //设定通知方式
$this->request["ResultNotifyURL"] = SHOP_SITE_URL."/api/payment/abchina/notify_url.php"; //设定通知URL地址 自己设定
$this->request["IsBreakAccount"] = 0; //设定交易是否分账 $aMerchantNo =1;
$tRequestMessage = $this->getRequestMessage(); // echo '<pre>';
// var_export($tRequestMessage);
// echo '</pre>';
// die;
$tRequestMessage = $this->composeRequestMessage($aMerchantNo,$tRequestMessage); // echo '<pre>';
// var_export($tRequestMessage);
// echo '</pre>';
// die;
$tRequestMessage = $this->signMessage($aMerchantNo, $tRequestMessage);
// echo '<pre>';
// var_export($tRequestMessage);
// echo '</pre>';
// die;
$tResponseMessage = $this->sendMessage($aMerchantNo,$tRequestMessage); //验证网上支付平台响应报文的签名
$this->res = $this->verifySign($tResponseMessage); // echo '<pre>';
// var_export($tResponseMessage);
// echo '</pre>'; $PaymentURL = self::GetValue($tResponseMessage,'PaymentURL') ;
$ReturnCode = self::GetValue($tResponseMessage,'ReturnCode') ; //验证报文签名正确而却返回码是0000,就可以跳转支付页面
if($this->res == 1 && $ReturnCode=='0000' ){ header("Location:".$PaymentURL);
header('<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">');
die('abchina pay check error'); } // var_dump($PaymentURL);
// var_dump($ReturnCode);
// echo '<pre>';
// var_export(json_decode($tResponseMessage,true));
// echo '</pre>'; // var_dump($res);
// die; } public static function arrayRecursive(&$array, $function, $apply_to_keys_also = false){
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$array[$key] = $function($value);
protected function getRequestMessage() {
self :: arrayRecursive($this->order, "urlencode", false);
self :: arrayRecursive($this->request, "urlencode", false);
$js = '"Order":' . (json_encode(($this->order)));
$js = substr($js, 0, -1);
$js = $js . ',"OrderItems":[';
$count = count($this->orderitems, COUNT_NORMAL);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
self :: arrayRecursive($this->orderitems[$i], "urlencode", false);
$js = $js . json_encode($this->orderitems[$i]);
if ($i < $count -1) {
$js = $js . ',';
$js = $js . ']}}';
$tMessage = json_encode($this->request);
$tMessage = substr($tMessage, 0, -1);
$tMessage = $tMessage . ',' . $js;
$tMessage = urldecode($tMessage);
return $tMessage; } private function composeRequestMessage($aMerchantNo,$aMessage) {
$tMessage = "{\"Version\":\"V3.0.0\",\"Format\":\"JSON\",\"Merchant\":" . "{\"ECMerchantType\":\"" . "EBUS" . "\",\"MerchantID\":\"" . self::MERCHANTID . "\"}," . "\"TrxRequest\":" . $aMessage . "}";
return $tMessage;
} private function signMessage($aMerchantNo, $aMessage) {
// public function signMessageOp() { //1、读取证书 // $tTrustPayCertFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/TrustPay.cer';
$tTrustPayCertFile = "fuwuqi.pfx";
// $iTrustpayCertificate = openssl_x509_read(self :: der2pem(file_get_contents($tTrustPayCertFile))); // var_dump($tTrustPayCertFile);
// var_dump(self::MERCHANTCERTPASSWORD);
// die; openssl_pkcs12_read(file_get_contents($tTrustPayCertFile), $tCertificate, self::MERCHANTCERTPASSWORD); // var_dump($tCertificate);
// die; //2、验证证书是否在有效期内
$cer = openssl_x509_parse($tCertificate['cert']);
// var_dump($cer);
$pkey = openssl_pkey_get_private($tCertificate['pkey']);
// var_dump($pkey); $key = $pkey;
// $key = self :: $iMerchantKeys[$aMerchantNo -1];
$signature = '';
$data = strval($aMessage);
if (!openssl_sign($data, $signature, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1)) {
return null;
$signature = base64_encode($signature);
$tMessage = "{\"Message\":$data" . "," . '"Signature-Algorithm":' . '"' . self :: SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM . '","Signature":"' . $signature . '"}';
return $tMessage; // return $pkey;
// var_dump($iTrustpayCertificate);
} private function sendMessage($aMerchantNo, $aMessage) {
$tMessage = strval($aMessage);
$tURL = self::GATEWAY;
$opts = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'user_agent' => 'TrustPayClient V3.0.0',
'protocol_version' => 1.0,
'header' => array('Content-Type: text/html', 'Accept: */*'),
'content' => $tMessage
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => false
); $context = stream_context_create($opts);
$tResponseMessage = file_get_contents($tURL, false, $context); // $tTrxResponse = self::init($tResponseMessage); return $tResponseMessage; } private static function der2pem($der_data) {
$pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($der_data), 64, "\n");
$pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . $pem . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
return $pem;
} public static function verifySign($aMessage) { $TrustPayFile = "TrustPay.cer"; $iTrustpayCertificate = openssl_x509_read(self :: der2pem(file_get_contents($TrustPayFile))); $tTrxResponse = self::GetValue($aMessage,'Message') ; $tSignBase64 = self::GetValue($aMessage,'Signature') ; $tSign = base64_decode($tSignBase64);
$key = openssl_pkey_get_public($iTrustpayCertificate);
$data = strval($tTrxResponse); return openssl_verify($data, $tSign, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1); } public function GetValue($json,$aTag)
$json = $json;
$index = 0;
$length = 0;
$index = strpos($json, $aTag, 0);
if ($index === false)
return "";
if($json[$index-1] === "\"" && $json[$index+strlen($aTag)] === "\"")
$index = strpos($json, $aTag, $index+1);
if ($index === false)
return "";
} while (true);
$index = $index + strlen($aTag) + 2;
$c = $json[$index];
if ($c === '{')
$output = self::GetObjectValue($index, $json);
if ($c === '"')
$output = self::GetStringValue($index, $json);
return $output;
private function GetObjectValue($index, $json)
$count = 0;
$_output = "";
$c = $json[$index];
if ($c === '{')
if ($c === '}')
$count--; if ($count !== 0)
$_output =$_output.$c;
$_output = $_output.$c;
return $_output;
} while (true);
} private function GetStringValue($index, $json)
$_output = "";
$c = $json[$index++];
if ($c !== '"')
$_output = $_output.$c;
return $_output;
} } while (true);
} /**
* 返回地址验证(同步)
* @param
* @return boolean
public function return_verify(){ $this->order["PayTypeID"] = 'ImmediatePay'; //设定交易类型
$this->order["OrderNo"] = $this->order_info['pay_sn']; //设定订单编号 自己传参数
$this->order["OrderAmount"] = $this->order_info['api_pay_amount']; //设定交易金额 自己传参数
// $this->order["OrderAmount"] = '0.01'; //设定交易金额 自己传参数 测试使用
$this->order["CurrencyCode"] = 156; //设定交易币种
$this->order["InstallmentMark"] = 0; //分期标识
$this->order["OrderDate"] = date('Y/m/d'); //设定订单日期 (必要信息 - YYYY/MM/DD)
$this->order["OrderTime"] = date('H:i:s'); //设定订单时间 (必要信息 - HH:MM:SS)
$this->order["CommodityType"] = '0202'; //设置商品种类 //2、订单明细
$orderitem = array ();
$orderitem["ProductName"] = "GG"; //商品名称 自己写随意
$this->orderitems[0] = $orderitem; //3、生成支付请求对象
$this->request["TrxType"] = self::TRX_TYPE_PAY_REQ; //设定交易类型
$this->request["PaymentType"] = 'A'; //设定支付类型
$this->request["PaymentLinkType"] = 1; //设定支付接入方式
$this->request["NotifyType"] = 1; //设定通知方式
$this->request["ResultNotifyURL"] = SHOP_SITE_URL."/api/payment/abchina/notify_url.php"; //设定通知URL地址 自己设定
$this->request["IsBreakAccount"] = 0; //设定交易是否分账 $aMerchantNo =1;
$tRequestMessage = $this->getRequestMessage(); //组成完整交易报文
$tRequestMessage = $this->composeRequestMessage($aMerchantNo,$tRequestMessage); //对交易报文进行签名
$tRequestMessage = $this->signMessage($aMerchantNo, $tRequestMessage); //发送交易报文至网上支付平台
$tResponseMessage = $this->sendMessage($aMerchantNo,$tRequestMessage); //验证网上支付平台响应报文的签名
$this->res = $this->verifySign($tResponseMessage); $PaymentURL = self::GetValue($tResponseMessage,'PaymentURL') ;
$ReturnCode = self::GetValue($tResponseMessage,'ReturnCode') ; //验证报文签名正确而却返回码是0000,就可以跳转支付页面
if($this->res == 1){
return true;
return false;
} } public function getPayResult($param){
return $this->res;






 function der2pem($der_data) {
$pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($der_data), 64, "\n");
$pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . $pem . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
return $pem;
} //$tt = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string(base64_decode($_POST['MSG']))), true); function verifySignXML($aMessage) {
include dirname(__FILE__)."/XMLDocument.php";
$TrustPayFile = dirname(__FILE__)."/TrustPay.cer"; $iTrustpayCertificate = openssl_x509_read(der2pem(file_get_contents($TrustPayFile))); $aMessage = new XMLDocument($aMessage); $tTrxResponse = $aMessage->getValue('Message'); $tSignBase64 = $aMessage->getValue('Signature'); $tSign = base64_decode($tSignBase64);
$key = openssl_pkey_get_public($iTrustpayCertificate);
$data = strval($tTrxResponse);
$result['res'] = openssl_verify($data, $tSign, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1);
$result['iRspRef'] =$aMessage->getValue('iRspRef'); //交易流水号
$result['OrderNo'] =$aMessage->getValue('OrderNo'); //网站交易订单号
$result['Amount'] =$aMessage->getValue('Amount'); //订单金额
$result['VoucherNo'] =$aMessage->getValue('VoucherNo'); return $result; } $rr = verifySignXML(base64_decode($_POST['MSG']));
//die; if ($rr['res'] == 1) { $_GET['act'] = 'payment';
$_GET['op'] = 'return';
$_GET['payment_code'] = 'abchina'; $_GET['trade_no'] = $rr['iRspRef'];
$_GET['out_trade_no'] = $rr['OrderNo'];
$_GET['bank_total'] = $rr['Amount'];
$_GET['extra_common_param'] = 'real_order';
} else {
die('abchina notify check error');


class XMLDocument
private $iXMLString = ''; public function getFirstTagName()
$tTagName = null;
$tStartIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, '<');
$tEndIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, '>');
if ($tEndIndex > $tStartIndex)
$tTagName = substr($this->iXMLString, $tStartIndex + 1, $tEndIndex - ($tStartIndex + 1));
} return $tTagName;
} public function __construct($aXMLString='')
} public function init($aXMLString)
$this->iXMLString = $aXMLString;
return $this;
} public function __toString()
return $this->iXMLString;
} public function getValue($aTag)
$tXMLDocument = null;
$tStartIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, '<'.trim($aTag).'>');
$tEndIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, '</'.trim($aTag).'>');
if (($tStartIndex !== FALSE) && ($tEndIndex !== FALSE) && ($tStartIndex < $tEndIndex))
$tXMLDocument = substr($this->iXMLString, $tStartIndex + strlen($aTag) + 2, $tEndIndex - ($tStartIndex + strlen($aTag) + 2));
return $tXMLDocument;
} public function getValueNoNull($aTag)
$tValue = "";
$tXML = $this->getValue($aTag);
if ($tXML !== null)
$tValue = $tXML;
return $tValue;
} public function getValueArray($aTag)
$tValues = array();
$offset = 0;
$tStartIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, '<'.trim($aTag).'>', $offset);
$tEndIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, '</'.trim($aTag).'>', $offset);
if (($tStartIndex === FALSE) || ($tEndIndex === FALSE) || ($tStartIndex > $tEndIndex))
array_push($tValues, new XMLDocument(substr($this->iXMLString, $tStartIndex + strlen($aTag) + 2, $tEndIndex - ($tStartIndex + strlen($aTag) + 2))));
$offset = $tEndIndex + 1;
return $tValues;
} public function getValueArrayList($aTag)
return $this->getValueArray($aTag);
} public function getDocuments($aTag)
return $this->getValueArray($aTag);
} public function getFormatDocument($aSpace)
return $this->getFormatDocumentLevel(0, $aSpace);
} private function getFormatDocumentLevel($aLevel, $aSpace)
$tSpace1 = str_repeat($aSpace, $aLevel + 1);
$tTagName = $this->getFirstTagName();
if ($tTagName === null)
return $this;
$tXMLString = "\n";
$tXMLDocument = new XMLDocument($this->iXMLString);
while (($tTagName = $tXMLDocument->getFirstTagName()) !== null)
$tTemp = $tXMLDocument->getValue($tTagName);
$tSpace = ""; if ($tTemp->getFirstTagName() !== null)
$tSpace = $tSpace1;
$tXMLString = "$tXMLString$tSpace1<$tTagName>".$tTemp->getFormatDocumentLevel($aLevel + 1, $aSpace)."$tSpace</$tTagName>\n";
$tXMLDocument = $tXMLDocument->deleteFirstTagDocument(); }
return new XMLDocument($tXMLString);
} public function deleteFirstTagDocument()
$tTagName = $this->getFirstTagName();
$tStartIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, "<$tTagName>");
$tEndIndex = strpos($this->iXMLString, "</$tTagName>");
if ($tEndIndex > $tStartIndex)
$this->iXMLString = substr($this->iXMLString, $tEndIndex + strlen($tTagName) + 3);
if ($this->iXMLString === FALSE)
$this->iXMLString = "";
return $this;
} } ?>

代码包和开发文档说明下载地址 :http://download.csdn.net/detail/zh7314/9517627



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