使用SDNN (space displacement neural network)进行多字体手写识别
手写单字体的识别,在看过卷积神经网络的mnist例子之后,很容易实现,那么如何实现多字体的同时识别呢? 如下图
LeCun大神所用的是SDNN space displacement neural network,这是什么鬼?
经过一番查询之后,原来它就是滑动窗口+图像金子塔+NMS,2015年yahoo的一篇论文 Multi-view Face Detection using deep convolutional Neural Networks 用的也是这种方法
A neural network that is slided as a detector across all the possible locations in the image. You have a network with an input layer of size NxN pixels, Then, you have an image with size MxM pixels, with M>N. The objects that you want to detect are somewhere in the image but you do not know where. Thus, you sweep your neural network all over the image. At the first position, in the top-left corner, you have certain classification scores for the objects that you want to detect, and you update your score map at that position. Then, you apply your NN on a position shifted of 1 or few pixels horizontally, and you update the score map for that position as well. This process continue until all the image is processed and all the score map completed.
The score map represents a detection map of your objects. A mechanism of non-maxima suppression have to be implemented in order to avoid multiple matches of the same object.
It avoids you to use segmentation. However, also in this case there is not free lunch. For making it scale invariant, you need to create a scale space of your input image. This requires to perform a number of classification on the order of ten thousands for few scale in 1MP image. Even if you can reuse a great part of the computation for convolutional layers for nearby classifications, you have to recompute the fully connected layers all the time, making the process painfully slow.
That is why people started to research in object proposal techniques. Maybe one day enough computational power may let us not think about these problems.
这就是为什么人们开始研究对象的建议技术(术语为region proposal,“区域建议”)。也许有一天足够的计算能力可能让我们不考虑这些问题。
Barath Lakshmanan, works at TVS Motor Company
CNNs extract features from the input and classify them. However, the input has to be size-normalized. In case of a single composite objects, each individual object within them have variable size and it is difficult to segment them. One way to recognize such objects is using a sliding window in the input layer as mentioned by Alessandro Ferrari.
It is to be noted that when convolution is performed, on the inputs which are overlapping regions in an image, same set of features gets extracted repeatedly. In order to avoid this redundant action, convolution is performed on the entire input image till the last conv layer. Finally the classifier is used as sliding window on the obtained feature map to produce the heat map.
Performance of such network should improve drastically as the redundancy is removed. This design is called as Space Displacement Neural Network (SDNN).
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