CHAPTER 38 Reading ‘the Book of Life’ The Human Genome Project 第38章 阅读生命之书 人体基因组计划
CHAPTER 38 Reading ‘the Book of Life’ The Human Genome Project 第38章 阅读生命之书 人体基因组计划
Humans have about 22,000 genes (the exact number is history in the making). How do we know this? Because scientists in laboratories all over the world collaborated on the Human Genome Project. This hugely ambitious project counted our genes by using DNA sequencing, and answered a question left hanging when Crick and Watson revealed the structure of DNA. The 'sequencing' meant the position, on the chromosomes, of every one of the three billion 'base pairs' of molecules that make up our genome. That's an awful lot of molecules of adenine and thymine, cytosine and guanine arranged in their double helix in the nucleus of each of our cells.
人类大约有22000个基因(精确的数字仍在研究中)。这是怎么知道的呢?因为全世界实验室里的科学家合作进行了人类基因组计划这个工程。Crick和Watson揭示了DNA的结构,人类基因组计划这个宏大的工程通过DNA排序来计算人类基因的数量,回答这个悬而未决的问题。排序是对染色体上的30亿个组成我们基因的碱基对进行。所有的adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine(即ATCG)在细胞核中呈现双螺旋结构,这是数量非常众多的。
If understanding DNA had given us ‘the secret of life’ ~ the Human Genome Project was about reading 'the book of life'. For that is what your genome is, the genes for everything about you, from the color of your hair to the shape of your little toe. It is also about things that cannot so easily be seen: the instructions for one fertilized egg cell to become two and then four and all the way up to a whole baby in the womb. It controls the biological programs in cells that produce proteins like the hormone insulin to regulate our blood sugar. It runs the programs for chemicals in the brain that transmit messages from one nerve to the next.
The Human Genome Project began in 1990 and was supposed to be finished by 2005. But in a moment of science drama, on 26 June 2000, five years ahead of schedule, an unusual thing happened. Amid great fanfare, on live television, the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of Great Britain announced that the first draft of the project had been completed. They were accompanied by some of the scientists who had done the work, but the presence of these two world leaders was an indication of just how important it was to understand the genome.
It would take another three years, until 2003, to produce a much better version of this book of life - filling in the big gaps and correcting most of the errors. Even so, that was two years sooner than originally planned. During the years of the project the methods and technology used by the scientists, particularly the assistance provided by computers, had also advanced.
The genome project had developed from decades of research that followed the discovery of DNA. After Crick and Watson's revelation in 1953, an important thing to do was to 'clone' strands of DNA, to get more of the particular part of the DNA molecule you wanted to investigate. In the 1960s molecular biologists worked out that this could be done using enzymes and bacteria. Enzymes are proteins that can do all sorts of things depending on their individual structure. They were used here to do one of their natural jobs: cutting DNA into little sections. These little sections were then inserted into bacteria in a special way. Bacteria reproduce very quickly, and as these modified bacteria reproduced they also made copies of the added sections of DNA. These copies, the clones, could then be harvested for further research. The process created a lot of excitement but it was only a beginning. Whole cells as well as bits of DNA can be cloned. A sheep called Dolly was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult sheep cell. She was born in 1996 and died in 2003. Cloning techniques continue to develop and are one of the most newsworthy areas of molecular biology research.
Now that the scientists had lots of the bits of DNA to experiment with, they began to try to solve the problem of DNA sequencing: to reveal the order of the base pairs of molecules in DNA. This was a job for the English molecular biologist Frederick Sanger(b. 1918), working in Cambridge. Sanger had already won one Nobel Prize in 1958 for working out the order of the amino acids of the protein insulin.
现在科学家可以进行实验的DNA片段很多,然后就开始尝试解决DNA排序的问题:DNA中碱基对的顺序。这是在剑桥的英国分子生物学家Frederick Sanger(b.1918)的工作,他已经因为研究出胰岛素蛋白质的氨基酸顺序而在1958年获得诺贝尔奖。
One of the key differences between amino acids and DNA is that the DNA molecules are much longer, and have many, many more base pairs than proteins have amino acids. Also each amino acid is less chemically similar, whereas the DNA bases were much like each other, which makes them harder to sort out. Building on his own earlier work, and that of others, Sanger found a way to prepare short strands of DNA using radioactive labels, chemicals and enzymes. He adapted various biochemical methods to find a way of separating out the adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine from each other. To do this, he exploited the fact that as chemical compounds they have slightly different chemical and physical properties. The best results came with a process called electrophoresis.
To make sure the results were accurate enough, Sanger and his team processed multiple copies of each strand several times and compared the results. It was a very time-consuming, repetitive process. But by using lots of the short strands of the long molecule and then looking to see where they started and ended, they managed to match up the strands and produce a readable DNA sequence. In 1977 they had their first success in reading the genome of an organism. It was a humble one, a bacteriophage called phi X 174. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria, and phi X 174 was one often used as a tool in molecular biology laboratories. In 1980 Sanger won his second Nobel Prize for this valuable work.
为了确保结果准确度高,Sanger和他的团队将每段DNA短片都复制了几次,对比其结果。这是一个非常耗时的重复过程。通过观察很多DNA短片的起始位置,他们成功的匹配上了短片并得到了一个可读的DNA序列。1977年他们第一次成功的读取了一种微生物的基因组。这是一种简单的微生物,一种名叫phi X174的噬菌体。噬菌体是能感染细菌的病毒,phi X 174是一种经常用在分子生物实验室的工具。1980年Sanger由于这项工作赢得了第二次诺贝尔奖。
The next genome targets were also laboratory organisms. Despite how hard it was to produce a readable DNA sequence, molecular biologists carried on with their research. Meanwhile, innovations in computing helped with analyzing the patterns of the bases on the short strands. The scientists pressed on keenly. If they knew exactly which genes an organism had, and which proteins each gene could manufacture, they would be able to understand very basic things about how the organism was made, literally cell by cell from fertilized egg to adult.
The fruit fly was an obvious candidate for their research. Thomas Hunt Morgan and his group had already done a lot on its inheritance patterns, and some crude gene-mapping, before 1950. Another was a tiny roundworm called Caenorhabditis elegans. At only one millimeter long, it had exactly 959 cells, including a simple nervous system. Now it might not seem like much of a pet, but C. elegans was the favorite laboratory animal of Sydney Brenner (b. 1927), and had been for many years. Brenner had come from South Africa to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in Cambridge in 1956. Since the 1960s he had been investigating its development, since its cells were easy to see. He thought it would be possible to determine exactly what each of the cells in the embryo worm would become in the adult. He hoped that if he could reveal the worm's genome, he would be able to relate its genes to how the adult worm carries out its living functions.
果蝇是研究的理想备选对象。1950年以前,Thomas Hunt Morgan和他的团队在果蝇的遗传模式和简单的基因定位方面做了很多工作。另一个是一种名叫Caenorhabditis elegans的很小的蛔虫。它只有一毫米长,有959个细胞,还有一个简单的神经系统。这肯定不像是什么宠物,但C. elegans却在很多年里都是Sydney Brenner(b.1927)的最喜欢的实验室生物。Brenner在1956年从南非到了剑桥的分子生物学实验室(LMB),由于其细胞很容易就观察的到,60年代他就在研究其进展。他觉得观察确定其胚胎中的每个细胞在成熟个体中成为什么是可行的,他认为如果他可以找到蛔虫的基因组,他就可以将成熟个体如何发挥作用与其基因联系起来。
In the course of their work, Brenner and his team also learned a lot about the ordinary lives of cells in an animal, including one very important job that the cell must do: die when it is time to die. Plants and animals always make new cells: think of your skin and how it rubs off when you have been in the bath a long time. We get rid of the dead stuff, and new, living cells replace it underneath. All this living and dying within an organism is a regular feature of nature, and the genes program this process. That is why cancer cells are so dangerous: they don't know when it is time to die. Trying to influence the gene that has failed to tell the cell it is time to stop dividing is a major part of modern cancer research. Brenner and two colleagues won the Nobel Prize in 2002 for their work with the lowly roundworm.
By this time, one of those colleagues, John Sulston (b. 1942), was leading the British team taking part in the Human Genome Project. The project stands as a symbol of modern science. First, it was expensive and thousands of people worked on it. The modern scientist is rarely a lone worker, and it is quite normal today for scientific papers to have dozens or even hundreds of authors. The work may require many individuals with different skills. It's been a long time since William Harvey worked alone on the heart, or Lavoisier in his laboratory had his wife as his only assistant. Several laboratories worked together on sequencing the human genome. They divided up the chromosomes between them, so cooperation and trust were needed, and every lab had to produce the sequences to the same high standards. This needed many smaller portions of the DNA, and then computer analysis to fit them together in a single sequence. Running these laboratories was expensive, so generous funding was needed. In the United States it was provided by the government-supported labs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and elsewhere. In Britain, first government grants, and then a large private medical research charity, the Wellcome Trust, paid for the research. The French and Japanese governments funded smaller laboratories, making the project truly international.
现在,其中一个同事,John Sulston(b.1942)正在领导团队英国人类基因组工程。这项工程是现代科学的象征。首先,这项工程非常昂贵,需要数千人一起工作。现代科学家通常都不是单独工作,而且现代科学论文有数十个乃至数百个共同作者都是很正常的。这项工作具有不同技能的很多人一起。像William Harvey独自一个人研究心脏,或者Lavoisier在实验室里只有他妻子作助理,这样的时代已经过去很久了。几个实验室合作进行人体基因组排序,他们将染色体分成几段分发给每个实验室,所以需要合作与信任,每个实验室都需要得到相同的高标准的排序结果。这需要DNA的更小片段,然后用计算机分析将它们形成一个序列。这些实验室运行起来都非常昂贵,所以需要大批基金支持。在美国是由政府支持的NIH的实验室和其他实验室。在英国,首先政府拨款,然后由一个大的私人医疗研究福利基金会,即Wellcome基金会,出资支持研究。法国和日本政府投资的小型实验室也参加了研究,使这项工程真的成为国际工程。
Second, the project - and indeed, modern science itself- would be impossible without the computer. The scientists had to analyze large amounts of information as they looked at each strand of DNA and tried to see where it began and ended. For humans, it would be overwhelming, but computers do this quickly. Many scientific projects now include people who only look after the computers and computer programs, not the fruit flies or test tubes.
Third, modern science is big business, with a lot of money to be made as well as spent. The Human Genome Project became a race between the publicly funded groups and a private company established by the American entrepreneur Craig Venter (b. 1946). Venter, a gifted scientist, helped develop some of the equipment that could speed up DNA sequencing. He wanted to be the first to decode the human genome, patent his knowledge and charge scientists and pharmaceutical companies to use his information. The final result was a compromise. The whole human genome is freely available, but some of the ways that this information can be used can be patented, and the resulting drugs or diagnostic tests can be sold for profit. And, of course, people today pay to have their DNA sequenced, hoping that what they learn will help them maintain their health and avoid diseases that might affect them in the future.
第三,现代科学就像是大规模的生意一样,有大量的资金投入和产出。人类基因组工程成为了一场公共投资与私人公司投资(美国企业家Craig Venter,1946年出生)的竞赛。Venter是一个有天赋的科学家,他开发出了一些可以加速DNA排序的设备。他希望成为第一个解码人类基因组的人,将之注册专利,并向使用其专利信息的科学家和药企收费。最后的结果是一个折中,人类基因组信息是免费的,但使用这些信息的一些途径是可以注册专利的,通过这些途径制成的药品或诊断实验可以出售。当然,现在人们可以付费得到自己的DNA序列,希望这些知识能够在将来保证他们的健康,避免疾病。
Finally, the genome project is a telling example of the 'hype' surrounding today's important science. Scientists must compete for scarce funds, and sometimes exaggerate the significance of their research to get their grants. Journalists cover their stories, putting the most dramatic gloss they can on them, since ordinary science is not news. Each fresh announcement of a discovery or breakthrough raises the public's expectations that a cure or treatment is just around the corner. But mostly science takes longer for its lasting effects to be realized. New knowledge is gained every day, and new therapies are regularly introduced. But most science advances little by little, and media hype is rarely spot-on.
Yet it is a huge achievement to be able to read the human genome, because it can give us a much more precise understanding of health and disease. It will, in time, help us to develop new drugs against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and the other killers of modern times. We all stand to lead healthier lives as a result of this important work, involving scientists in many fields and many countries.
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