hdfscli 命令行

  1. # hdfscli --help
  2. HdfsCLI: a command line interface for HDFS.
  4. Usage:
  5. hdfscli [interactive] [-a ALIAS] [-v...]
  6. hdfscli download [-fsa ALIAS] [-v...] [-t THREADS] HDFS_PATH LOCAL_PATH
  7. hdfscli upload [-sa ALIAS] [-v...] [-A | -f] [-t THREADS] LOCAL_PATH HDFS_PATH
  8. hdfscli -L | -V | -h
  10. Commands:
  11. download Download a file or folder from HDFS. If a
  12. single file is downloaded, - can be
  13. specified as LOCAL_PATH to stream it to
  14. standard out.
  15. interactive Start the client and expose it via the python
  16. interpreter (using iPython if available).
  17. upload Upload a file or folder to HDFS. - can be
  18. specified as LOCAL_PATH to read from standard
  19. in.
  21. Arguments:
  22. HDFS_PATH Remote HDFS path.
  23. LOCAL_PATH Path to local file or directory.
  25. Options:
  26. -A --append Append data to an existing file. Only supported
  27. if uploading a single file or from standard in.
  28. -L --log Show path to current log file and exit.
  29. -V --version Show version and exit.
  30. -a ALIAS --alias=ALIAS Alias of namenode to connect to.
  31. -f --force Allow overwriting any existing files.
  32. -s --silent Don't display progress status.
  33. -t THREADS --threads=THREADS Number of threads to use for parallelization.
  34. 0 allocates a thread per file. [default: 0]
  35. -v --verbose Enable log output. Can be specified up to three
  36. times (increasing verbosity each time).
  38. Examples:
  39. hdfscli -a prod /user/foo
  40. hdfscli download features.avro dat/
  41. hdfscli download logs/1987-03-23 - >>logs
  42. hdfscli upload -f - data/weights.tsv <weights.tsv
  44. HdfsCLI exits with return status 1 if an error occurred and 0 otherwise.



  1. # cat ~/.hdfscli.cfg
  2. [global]
  3. default.alias = dev
  5. [dev.alias]
  6. url = http://hadoop:50070
  7. user = root






  # hdfscli upload --alias=dev -f /hadoop-2.4.1/etc/hadoop/ /hdfs


  # hdfscli download /logs /root/test/

hdfscli 交互模式

  1. [root@hadoop ~]# hdfscli --alias=dev
  3. Welcome to the interactive HDFS python shell.
  4. The HDFS client is available as `CLIENT`.
  6. >>> CLIENT.list("/")
  7. [u'Demo', u'hdfs', u'logs', u'logss']
  8. >>> CLIENT.status("/Demo")
  9. {u'group': u'supergroup', u'permission': u'755', u'blockSize': 0,
  10. u'accessTime': 0, u'pathSuffix': u'', u'modificationTime': 1495123035501L,
  11. u'replication': 0, u'length': 0, u'childrenNum': 1, u'owner': u'root',
  12. u'type': u'DIRECTORY', u'fileId': 16389}
  13. >>> CLIENT.delete("logs/install.log")
  14. False
  15. >>> CLIENT.delete("/logs/install.log")
  16. True





  1. >>> from hdfs import InsecureClient
  2. >>> client = InsecureClient("",user='ann')
  3. >>> client.list("/")
  4. [u'Demo', u'hdfs', u'logs', u'logss']


  1. >>> from hdfs import Config
  2. >>> client=Config().get_client("dev")
  3. >>> client.list("/")
  4. [u'Demo', u'hdfs', u'logs', u'logss']




  1. >>> with client.read("/logs/yarn-env.sh"encoding="utf-8") as reader:
  2. ... features=reader.read()
  3. ...
  4. >>> print features


  1. >>> with client.read("/logs/yarn-env.sh",chunk_size=1024) as reader:
  2. ... for chunk in reader:
  3. ... print chunk
  4. ...


  1. >>> with client.read("/logs/yarn-env.sh", encoding="utf-8", delimiter="\n") as reader:
  2. ... for line in reader:
  3. ... time.sleep(1)
  4. ... print line



  1. >>> with open("/root/test/kong.txt") as reader, client.write("/logs/kongtest.txt") as writer:
  2. ... for line in reader:
  3. ... if line.startswith("-"):
  4. ... writer.write(line)



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