

 int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
parse_options(argc, argv);



 int fio_backend(void)

在fio_backend()函数中,初始化一些数据结构之后,调用了run_threads()(backend.c)函数,该函数是fio用来创建譬如I/O, verify线程等。

* Main function for kicking off and reaping jobs, as needed.
static void run_threads(void)
todo = thread_number;
while (todo) {
if (td->o.use_thread) {
ret = pthread_create(&td->thread, NULL,thread_main, td);
ret = pthread_detach(td->thread);


* Entry point for the thread based jobs. The process based jobs end up
* here as well, after a little setup.
static void *thread_main(void *data)
* May alter parameters that init_io_u() will use, so we need to
* do this first.
* 下面两个函数的主要功能是生成读写的参数,offset,len
if (init_iolog(td))
goto err; if (init_io_u(td))
goto err;
while (keep_running(td)) {
do_verify(td, verify_bytes);//如果需要verification的话


* Main IO worker function. It retrieves io_u's to process and queues
* and reaps them, checking for rate and errors along the way.
* Returns number of bytes written and trimmed.
static uint64_t do_io(struct thread_data *td)
while ((td->o.read_iolog_file && !flist_empty(&td->io_log_list)) ||
(!flist_empty(&td->trim_list)) || !io_bytes_exceeded(td) ||
td->o.time_based) {
io_u = get_io_u(td);// io_u,是一个io unit,是根据参数生成的io unit
ret = td_io_queue(td, io_u); //将io_u提交到队列中
switch (ret) {
case FIO_Q_COMPLETED: //处理错误,以及同步的操作
case FIO_Q_QUEUED://成功入队
bytes_issued += io_u->xfer_buflen;
case FIO_Q_BUSY: //队伍满了,重新入队
* See if we need to complete some commands. Note that we
* can get BUSY even without IO queued, if the system is
* resource starved.
full = queue_full(td) || (ret == FIO_Q_BUSY && td->cur_depth);
if (full || !td->o.iodepth_batch_complete) {
min_evts = min(td->o.iodepth_batch_complete,td->cur_depth);
* if the queue is full, we MUST reap at least 1 event
if (full && !min_evts)
min_evts = ;
do {
ret = io_u_queued_complete(td, min_evts, bytes_done);
} while (full && (td->cur_depth > td->o.iodepth_low));


 int td_io_queue(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u)
ret = td->io_ops->queue(td, io_u);
else if (ret == FIO_Q_QUEUED) {
int r;
if (ddir_rw(io_u->ddir)) {
if (td->io_u_queued >= td->o.iodepth_batch) {
r = td_io_commit(td);
if (r < )
return r;
int td_io_commit(struct thread_data *td)
int ret;
if (td->io_ops->commit) {
ret = td->io_ops->commit(td);
return ;


 static struct ioengine_ops ioengine = {
.name = "libaio",
.init = fio_libaio_init,
.prep = fio_libaio_prep,
.queue = fio_libaio_queue,
.commit = fio_libaio_commit,
.cancel = fio_libaio_cancel,
.getevents = fio_libaio_getevents,
.event = fio_libaio_event,
.cleanup = fio_libaio_cleanup,
.open_file = generic_open_file,
.close_file = generic_close_file,
.get_file_size = generic_get_file_size,
.options = options,
.option_struct_size = sizeof(struct libaio_options),


* Called to complete min_events number of io for the async engines.
int io_u_queued_complete(struct thread_data *td, int min_evts,
uint64_t *bytes)
...... ret = td_io_getevents(td, min_evts, td->o.iodepth_batch_complete, tvp);
} int td_io_getevents(struct thread_data *td, unsigned int min, unsigned int max,
struct timespec *t)
int r = ; if (min > && td->io_ops->commit) {
r = td->io_ops->commit(td);
if (r < )
goto out;
if (max > td->cur_depth)
max = td->cur_depth;
if (min > max)
max = min; r = ;
if (max && td->io_ops->getevents)
r = td->io_ops->getevents(td, min, max, t);
return r;


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