
​ angr是用于逆向工程中进行二进制分析的一个python框架

​ 符号执行 (Symbolic Execution)是一种程序分析技术。其可以通过分析程序来得到让特定代码区域执行的输入。使用符号执行分析一个程序时,该程序会使用符号值作为输入,而非一般执行程序时使用的具体值。在达到目标代码时,分析器可以得到相应的路径约束,然后通过约束求解器来得到可以触发目标代码的具体值。

​ 以下脚本均用Python3执行,在笔者Ubuntu16.04虚拟机上通过,且能够得到正确的结果


import angr

p = angr.Project("./00_angr_find")
init_state = p.factory.entry_state()
sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(init_state)
sm.explore(find=0x08048678) # 输出GoodJob的地方
found_state = sm.found[0]
found_state.posix.dumps(0) # 标准输入


import angr
import sys def main(argv):
path_to_binary = argv[1]
project = angr.Project(path_to_binary)
initial_state = project.factory.entry_state()
simulation = project.factory.simgr(initial_state) # Explore the binary, but this time, instead of only looking for a state that
# reaches the print_good_address, also find a state that does not reach
# will_not_succeed_address. The binary is pretty large, to save you some time,
# everything you will need to look at is near the beginning of the address
# space.
# (!)
print_good_address = 0x080485e5
will_not_succeed_address = 0x080485a8
simulation.explore(find=print_good_address, avoid=will_not_succeed_address) if simulation.found:
solution_state = simulation.found[0]
print (solution_state.posix.dumps(0))
raise Exception('Could not find the solution') if __name__ == '__main__':


  project = angr.Project(path_to_binary)
initial_state = project.factory.entry_state()
simulation = project.factory.simgr(initial_state) # Define a function that checks if you have found the state you are looking
# for.
def is_successful(state):
# Dump whatever has been printed out by the binary so far into a string.
stdout_output = state.posix.dumps(1) # Return whether 'Good Job.' has been printed yet.
# (!)
return b'Good Job.' in stdout_output # :boolean # Same as above, but this time check if the state should abort. If you return
# False, Angr will continue to step the state. In this specific challenge, the
# only time at which you will know you should abort is when the program prints
# "Try again."
def should_abort(state):
stdout_output = state.posix.dumps(1)
return b'Try again.' in stdout_output # :boolean # Tell Angr to explore the binary and find any state that is_successful identfies
# as a successful state by returning True.
simulation.explore(find=is_successful, avoid=should_abort) if simulation.found:
solution_state = simulation.found[0]
raise Exception('Could not find the solution') if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import sys
import claripy def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path) # 执行前的初始化工作,例如生成中间语言等 start_addr = 0x80488d1 # 指定程序入口地址
init_state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=start_addr) pass1 = claripy.BVS('pass1', 32) # 生成符号向量,前者为名称,后者为32/64位
pass2 = claripy.BVS('pass2', 32)
pass3 = claripy.BVS('pass3', 32) init_state.regs.eax = pass1 # 设置初始状态时各寄存器的状态
init_state.regs.ebx = pass2
init_state.regs.edx = pass3 sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(init_state) # 开始模拟执行 def is_good(state):
return b'Good Job' in state.posix.dumps(1) def is_bad(state):
return b'Try again' in state.posix.dumps(1) sm.explore(find=is_good, avoid=is_bad) # 寻找结果 if sm.found:
found_state = sm.found[0] password1 = found_state.solver.eval(pass1) # 求出结果
password2 = found_state.solver.eval(pass2)
password3 = found_state.solver.eval(pass3)
print("Solution: {:x} {:x} {:x}".format(password1, password2, password3))
raise Exception("No solution found") if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import sys
import claripy def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path) # 执行前的初始化工作,例如生成中间语言等 start_addr = 0x8048697 # 指定程序入口地址
init_state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=start_addr) # 初始化状态 pass1 = claripy.BVS('pass1', 32) # 生成符号向量,前者为名称,后者为32/64位
pass2 = claripy.BVS('pass2', 32)
# 对栈的模拟
# /-------- The stack --------\
# ebp -> | padding |
# |---------------------------|
# ebp - 0x01 | more padding |
# |---------------------------|
# ebp - 0x02 | even more padding |
# |---------------------------|
# . . . <- How much padding? Hint: how
# |---------------------------| many bytes is password0?
# ebp - 0x0b | password0, second byte |
# |---------------------------|
# ebp - 0x0c | password0, first byte |
# |---------------------------|
# ebp - 0x0d | password1, last byte |
# |---------------------------|
# . . .
# |---------------------------|
# ebp - 0x10 | password1, first byte |
# |---------------------------|
# . . .
# |---------------------------|
# esp -> | |
# \---------------------------/
# padding_size = 8 # 栈中填充的长度,即输入的内容入栈时esp=ebp-0x08
# 对栈的情况进行模拟
# ebp是父ebp,保存完父函数ebp才开辟本函数栈空间,当函数执行完以后会有一个pop ebp恢复父函数ebp
# 但是因为我们要执行的代码与父函数无关,只用执行到find的地方就可以了,不用返回父函数接着执行,所以保存不保存父函数ebp都无所谓
# 即:ebp是上一个栈桢的栈基,在这个函数里,这个ebp的值是未知的,在这个angr程序里不会执行到在函数最后几条指令的pop ebp,自然也就不需要再push ebp
init_state.regs.ebp = init_state.regs.esp
init_state.regs.esp -= padding_size
# 模拟scanf的入栈过程
init_state.stack_push(pass2) sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(init_state) # 开始模拟执行 def is_good(state):
return b'Good Job' in state.posix.dumps(1) def is_bad(state):
return b'Try again' in state.posix.dumps(1) sm.explore(find=is_good, avoid=is_bad) # 寻找结果 if sm.found:
found_state = sm.found[0] password1 = found_state.solver.eval(pass1) # 求出结果
password2 = found_state.solver.eval(pass2)
print("Solution: {} {}".format(password1, password2))
raise Exception("No solution found") if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import claripy
import sys def main(argv):
path_to_binary = argv[1]
project = angr.Project(path_to_binary) start_address = 0x8048606
initial_state = project.factory.blank_state(addr=start_address) # The binary is calling scanf("%8s %8s %8s %8s").
# (!)
password0 = claripy.BVS('password0', 8*8)
password1 = claripy.BVS('password1', 8*8)
password2 = claripy.BVS('password2', 8*8)
password3 = claripy.BVS('password3', 8*8) # Determine the address of the global variable to which scanf writes the user
# input. The function ', value)' will write
# 'value' (a bitvector) to 'address' (a memory location, as an integer.) The
# 'address' parameter can also be a bitvector (and can be symbolic!).
# (!)
password0_address = 0xa29faa0, password0)
password1_address = 0xa29faa8, password1)
password2_address = 0xa29fab0, password2)
password3_address = 0xa29fab8, password3) simulation = project.factory.simgr(initial_state) def is_successful(state):
stdout_output = state.posix.dumps(sys.stdout.fileno())
return b'Good Job.' in stdout_output def should_abort(state):
stdout_output = state.posix.dumps(sys.stdout.fileno())
return b'Try again.' in stdout_output simulation.explore(find=is_successful, avoid=should_abort) if simulation.found:
solution_state = simulation.found[0] # Solve for the symbolic values. We are trying to solve for a string.
# Therefore, we will use eval, with named parameter cast_to=str
# which returns a string instead of an integer.
# (!)
solution0 =,cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
solution1 =,cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
solution2 =,cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
solution3 =,cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8") solution = ' '.join([ solution0, solution1, solution2, solution3 ]) print (solution)
raise Exception('Could not find the solution') if __name__ == '__main__':


# malloc出来的内存地址是不确定的,但是,我们可以跳过malloc和scanf,给指针变量buffer一个指定的内存地址
import angr
import sys
import claripy def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path) start_address = 0x0804869E # 跳过malloc和scanf
init_state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=start_address)
buffer0 = 0x44444444 # 随便指定两块内存地址,存放符号化向量
buffer1 = 0x44444544
buffer0_addr = 0xa79a118 # 指向这两块内存地址的指针,存放他们的地址
buffer1_addr = 0xa79a120
# Note: by default, Angr stores integers in memory with big-endianness. To
# specify to use the endianness of your architecture, use the parameter
# endness=project.arch.memory_endness. On x86, this is little-endian.
# (!)
# 内存中的内容是小端序的,故要加上参数endness = p.arch.memory_endness,否则写入的地址是大端序的, buffer0, endness=p.arch.memory_endness), buffer1, endness=p.arch.memory_endness)
# 存入符号向量
p0 = claripy.BVS('p0', 64)
p1 = claripy.BVS('p1', 64), p0), p1) sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(init_state) def is_successful(state):
return b'Good Job.' in state.posix.dumps(1) def should_abort(state):
return b'Try again.' in state.posix.dumps(1) sm.explore(find=is_successful, avoid=should_abort) if sm.found:
solution = sm.found[0]
pass0 =, cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
pass1 =, cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
print("Solution: {} {}".format(pass0, pass1))
raise Exception('Could not find the solution') if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import sys
import claripy def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path)
# 从scanf及ignore_me后,memset前开始执行
start_addr = 0x80488de
init_state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=start_addr) filename = "WCEXPXBW.txt"
filesize = 0x40
# 构造符号向量
password = init_state.solver.BVS("password", filesize*8)
# 构造符号化文件,SimFile函数用于构造文件信息,包括文件名,文件内容和文件大小
sim_file =, content=password, size=filesize)
# 将符号化文件插入到初始状态中,angr.fs.insert是将文件插入到文件系统中,需要文件名与符号化的文件
init_state.fs.insert(filename, sim_file)
sm = p.factory.simgr(init_state) def is_successful(state):
return b'Good Job.' in state.posix.dumps(1) def should_abort(state):
return b'Try again.' in state.posix.dumps(1) sm.explore(find=is_successful, avoid=should_abort) if sm.found:
solution = sm.found[0]
password_str = solution.solver.eval(password, cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
print("Solution: {} ".format(password_str))
raise Exception('Could not find the solution') if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import sys
def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path) start_addr = 0x0804862A
init_state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=start_addr) buffer_addr = 0x0804A050
password = init_state.solver.BVS("password", 16*8), password) sm = p.factory.simgr(init_state) check_addr = 0x08048565#此地址并非调用call check的地址,而是点进去看到的函数的代码段的起始地址
if sm.found:
check_state = sm.found[0]
desired_string = "BWYRUBQCMVSBRGFU"
check_param1 = buffer_addr
check_param2 = 0x10
check_bvs = check_state.memory.load(check_param1, check_param2)
check_constraint = desired_string == check_bvs
password1 = check_state.solver.eval(password, cast_to=bytes).decode("utf-8")
print("Solution: {}".format(password1)) if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import sys
import claripy def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path)
init_state = p.factory.entry_state()#从main函数开始,angr自动帮你处理输入
# Hook the address of where check_equals_ is called.
# (!)
check_addr = 0x080486B8#call check_equals这条指令的位置
check_skip_size = 5#
@p.hook(check_addr, length = check_skip_size)#先指定call hook函数的位置,再指定call hook函数这条指令的大小
def check_hook(state):
user_input_addr = 0x0804A054
user_input_length = 16
user_input_bvs = state.memory.load(user_input_addr, user_input_length)#从指定的位置取出输入
desired_string = "XKSPZSJKJYQCQXZV"#我们想要的字符串
state.regs.eax = claripy.If(desired_string == user_input_bvs, claripy.BVV(1, 32), claripy.BVV(0, 32)) def is_good(state):
return b'Good Job.' in state.posix.dumps(1)
def is_bad(state):
return b'Try again.' in state.posix.dumps(1) sm = p.factory.simgr(init_state)
sm.explore(find=is_good, avoid=is_bad) if sm.found:
found_state = sm.found[0] print("Solution: {}".format(found_state.posix.dumps(0)))
raise Exception("Solution Not found") if __name__ == '__main__':


import angr
import sys
import claripy def main(argv):
bin_path = argv[1]
p = angr.Project(bin_path) init_state = p.factory.entry_state()
class mySimPro(angr.SimProcedure):
def run(self, to_check, length):#传入用户输入的地址和输入长度
user_input_buffer_address = to_check
user_input_buffer_length = length
angr_bvs = self.state.memory.load(user_input_buffer_address, user_input_buffer_length)#让angr从内存中把输入的东西提取出来
return claripy.If(desired == angr_bvs, claripy.BVV(1, 32), claripy.BVV(0, 32)) check_symbol = "check_equals_WQNDNKKWAWOLXBAC"#函数名称
p.hook_symbol(check_symbol, mySimPro()) sm = p.factory.simgr(init_state) def is_good(state):
return b"Good Job" in state.posix.dumps(1)
def is_bad(state):
return b"Try again" in state.posix.dumps(1)
sm.explore(find=is_good, avoid=is_bad) if sm.found:
found_state = sm.found[0]
password = found_state.posix.dumps(0)
print("Solution: {}".format(password.decode("utf-8")))
raise Exception("Solution not found") if __name__ == '__main__':



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