
 vim var


echo "the number of parameters passed to the script: $#"
echo "the name of the script itself: $0"
echo "the first parameter passed to the shell script: $1"
echo "the second parameter passed to the shell script: $2"
echo "the list of all the parameters passed to the script(some string): $@"
echo "the list of all the parameters passed to the script(one string): $*"
echo "the current process ID number of the script which is running: $$"
echo "the return value of the last shell command performed: $?"
 chmod +x var


# ./var i j k
the number of parameters passed to the script: 3
the name of the script itself: ./var
the first parameter passed to the shell script: i
the second parameter passed to the shell script: j
the list of all the parameters passed to the script(some string): i j k
the list of all the parameters passed to the script(one string): i j k
the current process ID number of the script which is running: 3746
the return value of the last shell command performed: 0


$# 是传递给脚本的参数个数;
$0 是脚本本身的名字;
$1 是传递给该shell脚本的第一个参数;
$2 是传递给该shell脚本的第二个参数;
$@ 是传递给脚本的所有参数的列表(是多个字符串,每个参数为1个字符串);
$* 是传递给脚本的所有参数的列表(以一个单字符串显示所有参数),与位置变量不同,参数可超过9个;
$$ 是运行脚本的当前进程ID号;
$? 是显示执行上一条Shell命令的返回值,0表示没有错误,其他表示有错误。


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