
以前使用Spring Mvc时候都是返回jsp页面或者ftl页面,昨天想返回html页面,spring-mvc.xml配置如下:

  1. <bean id="viewResolver"
  2. class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"
  3. p:prefix="/WEB-INF/html/" p:suffix=".html" />


  1. @RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  2. public String toAddTest() {
  3. return "addTest";
  4. }


  1. [06/05/14 10:44:35:035 GMT+08:00] DEBUG support.DefaultListableBeanFactory: Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'sqlSessionFactory'
  2. [06/05/14 10:44:35:035 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: Successfully completed request
  3. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: DispatcherServlet with name 'spring' processing GET request for [/MyTest/test/add]
  4. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping: Looking up handler method for path /test/add
  5. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping: Returning handler method [public java.lang.String com.report.controller.testController.toaddTest()]
  6. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG support.DefaultListableBeanFactory: Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'testController'
  7. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: Last-Modified value for [/MyTest/test/add] is: -1
  8. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: Rendering view [org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView: name 'addTest'; URL [/WEB-INF/html/addTest.html]] in DispatcherServlet with name 'spring'
  9. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG view.JstlView: Forwarding to resource [/WEB-INF/html/addTest.html] in InternalResourceView 'addTest'
  10. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: DispatcherServlet with name 'spring' processing GET request for [/MyTest/WEB-INF/html/addTest.html]
  11. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping: Looking up handler method for path /WEB-INF/html/addTest.html
  12. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping: Did not find handler method for [/WEB-INF/html/addTest.html]
  13. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00]  WARN servlet.PageNotFound: No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/MyTest/WEB-INF/html/addTest.html] in DispatcherServlet with name 'spring'
  14. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: Successfully completed request
  15. [06/05/14 10:44:38:038 GMT+08:00] DEBUG servlet.DispatcherServlet: Successfully completed request

可以看出No mapping found for HTTP request with URI错误导致了404,问题原因:


1 First the DispatcherServlet is invoked by the Servlet Container.

2 The DispatcherServlet finds a mapping which maps to the home method of your Controller and the home method returns a view name "HelloWorld"

3 Now the DispatcherServlet uses a View Resolver (your InternalResourceViewResolver) to find the View to render the model through, since the name is "HelloWorld", this maps to the /WEB-INF/view/HelloWorld.html view.

4 Now essentially a call is made to RequestDispatcher.forward("/WEB-INF/views/HelloWorld.html",....

5 The Servlet container at this point tries to find the servlet which can handle /WEB-INF/views/HellowWorld.html uri - if it had been a .jsp there is a JSPServlet registered which can handle rendering the jsp, however for *.html there is no servlet registered, so the call ends up with the "default servlet", which is registered with a servlet-mapping of / which probably your DispatcherServlet is.

6 Now the Dispatcher servlet does not find a controller to handle request for /WEB-INF/views/HelloWorld.html and hence the message that you are seeing


Add this servletmapping for the JSP servlet(web.xml): 



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