#include<stdio.h> const int maxn = ; int fa[ maxn ];
int vis[ maxn ]; void init( int n ){
for( int i=;i<=n;i++ )
{fa[i] = i;vis[i] = ;}
int find( int x ){
if( x==fa[x] )
return x;
return fa[x] = find( fa[x] );
void union_ab( int a,int b ){
int fa_a = find(a);
int fa_b = find(b);
if( fa_a == fa_b ) return ;
if( fa_a<fa_b ) fa[ fa_b ] = fa_a;
else fa[ fa_a ] = fa_b;
return ;
} int main(){
int n,m;
int Case = ;
while( scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)== ){
if( n+m == ) break;
int x,y;
while( m-- ){
if( x==y ) continue;
union_ab( x,y );
int ans = ;
for( int i=;i<=n;i++ ){
5 4
1 2
5 3
4 5
1 4
for( int i=;i<=n;i++ ){
vis[ fa[i] ] = ;
for( int i=;i<=n;i++ ){
ans += vis[ i ];
//printf("fa[%d] = %d\n",i,fa[i]);
printf("Case %d: %d\n",Case++,ans);
return ;
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