


 #include <iostream>
#define N 500010
using namespace std; int degree[N],bin[N],id = ; struct tree
int flag,id;
struct tree* next[];
struct tree* creat()
struct tree *p=(struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree));
p->flag =;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
p->next[i] = NULL;
return p;
} int find(int x)
if(bin[x] != x)
bin[x] = find(bin[x]);
return bin[x];
} int hash(char s[])
struct tree *p = root;
for(int i = ; s[i]; i++)
if(p->next[s[i]-'a'] == NULL)
p->next[s[i]-'a'] = creat();
p = p->next[s[i]-'a'];
if(p->flag != )
p->flag = ;
p->id = id++;
return p->id;
} int check()
int sum = ;
int x = find();
for(int i = ; i < id; i++)
if(find(i) != x)
return ;
for(int i = ; i < id; i++)
if(sum == || sum == )
return ;
return ;
} int main()
int u,v,x,y;
char s1[],s2[];
for(int i=; i<=; i++)
while(scanf("%s %s",s1,s2)!=EOF)
u =hash(s1); v =hash(s2);
degree[u]++; degree[v]++;
if(check()) printf("Possible\n");
else printf("Impossible\n");
return ;

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