shorter concat [reverse longer]


Given 2 strings, a and b, return a string of the form: shorter+reverse(longer)+shorter.

In other words, the shortest string has to be put as prefix and as suffix of the reverse of the longest.

Strings a and b may be empty, but not null (In C# strings may also be null. Treat them as if they are empty.).
If a and b have the same length treat a as the longer producing b+reverse(a)+b



using System;
using System.Linq; class ReverseLonger
public static string ShorterReverseLonger(string a, string b)
a = a ?? string.Empty;
b = b ?? string.Empty;
string str = string.Empty;
if (a.Equals(string.Empty))
if (b.Equals(string.Empty))
{ }
str = string.Join(string.Empty, b.Reverse());
if (b.Equals(string.Empty))
str = string.Join(string.Empty, a.Reverse());
if (a.Length < b.Length)
str = a + string.Join(string.Empty, b.Reverse()) + a;
str = b + string.Join(string.Empty, a.Reverse()) + b;
return str;



using System.Linq;

class ReverseLonger
public static string ShorterReverseLonger(string a, string b)
if(a == null)
a = string.Empty;
if(b == null)
b = string.Empty; if(a.Length < b.Length)
string d = a;
a = b;
b = d;
} return b + (new string(a.Reverse().ToArray())) + b;

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