DNS resources A collection of DNS related resources
DNS Servers
Name | Description |
BIND | The most widely used DNS software on the Internet |
Bundy | Integrated authoritative DNS and DHCP server (the continuation of the BIND 10) |
Dnsmasq | A lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server |
Knot DNS | Knot DNS is a high-performance authoritative-only DNS server |
MaraDNS | A small open-source DNS server |
NSD | NSD (Name Server Daemon) : authoritative only, high performance name server |
PowerDNS | A versatile nameserver which supports a large number of backends |
SheerDNS | Light-weight, simple and fast DNS server, written with security in mind |
Unbound | A validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver |
YADIFA | A name server implementation developed from scratch by .eu |
DNS Libraries
Name | Description |
c-ares | C library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously |
dns.c | Asynchronous DNS and SPF Resolver |
dnsjava | An implementation of DNS in Java |
dnspython | A DNS toolkit for Python |
getdns | A modern and asynchronous DNS API with DNSSEC support |
GNU adns | Advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities |
Go DNS | DNS library in Go |
JDNS | A simple DNS implementation written in C with no direct dependencies |
ldns | C library to simplify DNS programming, supporting DNSSEC |
Net::DNS | DNS resolver implemented in Perl |
DNS Tools
Name | Description |
Atomia DNS | An open source and free to use DNS management system |
Bind Guard | Protect your BIND-based DNS server (Blocking DDoS Attacks and DNS Amplification) |
DNS Flood Detector | A tool to detect abusive usage levels on high traffic nameservers |
dines | The definitive DNS packet forger |
dnscap | Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic |
dnscat2 | DNS tunnel, allowing two hosts over the Internet to talk to each other |
dnstap | A flexible, structured binary log format (using Protocol Buffers) for DNS software |
DNSCheck | DNS delegation quality checker |
DNSChef | A highly configurable DNS proxy for Penetration Testers and Malware Analysts |
DNSCurve | Usable security for DNS |
DNSCrypt | A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver |
dnsdist | Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer |
dnslogger | A tool for doing Passive DNS Replication |
dnsmap | Passive DNS network mapper a.k.a. subdomains bruteforcer |
DNSharness | A framework for funcational testing of multiple name server implementations |
DNSmezzo | A framework for the capture and analysis of DNS packets |
Dq | DNS and DNSCurve related software package |
DSCng | DNS server monitoring application |
DNSPerf | A tool to gather accurate latency and throughput metrics for DNS |
DNSQuerySniffer | DNSQuerySniffer is a network sniffer utility that shows the DNS queries sent on your Windows system |
DNSSEC-Tools | A set of tools and plugins that will help ease the deployment of DNSSEC |
dnsSnoopy | A tool made to snoop DNS cache and check if some domains have been resolved before |
dnstop | A curses-based application that displays various tables of DNS statistics |
DNSViz | A DNS visualization tool |
DNSwitness | DNSwitness is a AFNIC scientific program to gather information from the DNS |
Domain Name Relay Daemon | Domain Name Relay Daemon is a caching, forwarding DNS proxy server |
DSC | A system for collecting and exploring statistics from busy DNS servers |
ext-Dns | A toolkit to build DNS servers |
Fastresolve | Package to process web log files to get DNS and domain ownership information |
fpdns | A fpdns is a program that remotely determines DNS server versions |
GitNamed | A project that manage name servers with Git |
iodine | Tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server (IP over DNS) |
myresolver | Displays the source IP address of the recursive DNS resolver currently in use |
namebench | Open source DNS Benchmark Utility |
NicTool | An open source DNS management solution |
nsdiff | Create an "nsupdate" script from DNS zone file differences |
nsnotifyd | Handle DNS NOTIFY messages by running a command |
openresolv | DNS management framework |
PassiveDNS | A network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup |
RRDA | REST API written in Go allowing to perform DNS queries over HTTP |
Sentry | A DNS proxy that allows you to inspect, block, rewrite, redirect and resolve queries in-flight |
sshfp | Generate DNS SSHFP records from SSH public keys |
StatZone | DNS zone file analyzer targeted at TLD zones |
validns | A high performance DNS/DNSSEC zone validator |
YAZVS | Yet Another Zone Validation Script |
ZoneCheck | DNS zone checking tool |
Zonemaster | Major rewrite of DNSCheck from .SE and Zonecheck from AFNIC |
zsu | Update serial numbers in DNS zone files |
DNSSEC Resources
Name | Description |
DNSSEC Course | A one hour video course about DNSSEC, presented by Bert Hubert (PowerDNS) |
DNSSEC Hardware Tester | A software project allowing to test network devices for DNSSEC compatibility |
DNSSEC Infrastructure Audit Framework | A framework under which to conduct a review or audit of the DNSSEC related aspects of a registry and authoritative DNS name server service operation |
DNSSEC Reference Card | A DNSSEC reference card covering BIND, NSD, Unbound, and PowerDNS |
DNSSEC Signer migration | Signer migration : a step-by-step guide |
Deploying DNSSEC | White paper covering the implemention of DNSSEC validation on DNS resolvers |
Deploying DNSSEC: what, how and where | An introduction guide about DNSSEC released by AFNIC |
Costs of DNSSEC Deployment | A study on the costs of DNSSEC deployment |
Good Practices on deploying DNSSEC | A good practices guide for deploying DNSSEC |
Recommendations for DNSSEC deployment | Recommendations for DNSSEC deployment at municipal administrations and similar organisations |
Secure DNS Deployment Guide | NIST Secure Domain Name System (DNS) Deployment Guide |
BIND DNSSEC Guide | Introductory information on how DNSSEC works, how to configure BIND to support it |
Name | Description |
DNSSEC Validator | DNSSEC Validator add-on for Web Browsers |
OpenDNSSEC | Open Source software that manages the security of domain names on the Internet |
ZKT (Zone Key Tool) | A tool to manage keys and signatures for DNSSEC-zones |
jdnssec-tools | A collection of Java-based DNSSEC command line tools |
DANE Tools
Name | Description |
DANE Patrol | A fork of Certificate Patrol which brings in implementation of RFC 6698 (DANE) to validate SSL/TLS certificates |
DANE Validator | A tool attempting to perform validation of a TLSA/PKI pair, according to the DANE internet standard |
danish | A tool for generating TLSA records and checking certain properties of certificates |
IANA Resources
Name | Description |
DNS Parameters | Domain Name System (DNS) Parameters |
DNSSEC Algorithm Numbers | Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) Algorithm Numbers |
IANA TLD list | List of all TLDs in the root zone, updated daily |
Root Zone Database | The Root Zone Database represents the delegation details of top-level domains |
Other resources
Name | Description |
AS112 Project | Providing a clean, well lit destination for DNS queries concerning RFC1918 and other Special Use networks |
DNSCurve Community | A community for DNSCurve users |
DNS LOC | Geo-enabling the Domain Name System |
DNS LOC | Create DNS LOC records using Google Maps |
FRED | A set of open source software for running distributed domain registry |
Generic NIC | A project trying to gather in one place all the documents that could be useful for a new NIC |
Public Suffix List | A cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes |
Root Servers | Root Server Technical Operations Association |
Yeti DNS Project | A Live Root DNS Server System Testbed |
Name | Description |
APTLD | Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association |
ccNSO | Country Code Names Supporting Organisation |
CENTR | Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries |
DNS-OARC | The DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
ICANN | ICANN DNS Operations |
InterNIC | Public Information Regarding Internet Domain Name Registration Services |
Audio resources
Name | Description |
Ask Mr. DNS Podcast | Matt Larson and Cricket Liu expound on DNS and other topics |
BSDtalk 206 | Interview with Peter Losher from the Internet Systems Consortium |
HPR 1413 | Interview with Bert Hubert from PowerDNS |
Name | Description |
Alternative DNS Servers | A very complete book covering open source DNS Servers and running DNS operations |
DNS for Rocket Scientists | An Open Source book about DNS, offering a very good and detailed introduction on the topic |
Video resources
Name | Description |
DNS explained | A short movie explaining very simply how the DNS works |
DNSSEC Introduction | A video introduction to the Domain Name System Security Extensions |
The DANE Protocol | What is the DANE protocol and how does it help make the Internet more secure? |
What is DNSSEC? | A short movie aimed at raising public awareness on DNSSEC |
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