gdb exe
gdb exe core
gdb -p

info m TAB

info b
^list the breakpoint

set args -a test

show args

path directory
(‘:’ on Unix, ‘;’on MS-DOS and MS-Windows).
show path

show environment [varname]
set environment varname [=value]
unset environment varname
^環境変数 表示 設定 削除

info terminal

r > outfile

attach process-id
gdb -p と同じ

kill pid

info inferiors

inferios infno

add-inferior [ -copies n ] [ -exec executable ]

clone-inferior [ -copies n ] [ infno ]

remove-inferior infno

detach inferior infno
        ^cancel debug

kill inferior infno

set print inferior-events on|off <- 表示inferior情報
show print inferior-events

set detach-on-fork on|off <- forkのときdetach発生
show detach-on-fork

set follow-fork-mode parent|child <- on forkのとき親に追いつけ
show follow-fork-mode

set follow-exec-mode new same

set schedule-multiple on|off<- onのときスレッド同時実行
show schedule-multiple


info threads
^list all threads

thread thread-id

thread apply [thread-id or all] command
^実行comand on thread

^set a check point to save the runtime info
info checkpoints

restart checkpoint-id
^restart the check point
delete checkpoint checkpoint-id

break ... if cond

disable breakpoint
enable breakpoint

save breakpoints

finish <-finish function


debug macro

Now, we compile the program using the gnu C compiler, gcc. We pass the ‘-gdwarf-2’1
and ‘-g3’ flags to ensure the compiler includes information about preprocessor macros in
the debugging information.
$ gcc -gdwarf-2 -g3 sample.

info macro Add

macro expand Add(2)

no used
info signals
info handle
Print a table of all the kinds of signals and how gdb has been told to handle
each one. You can use this to see the signal numbers of all the defined types of
info signals sig
Similar, but print information only about the specified signal number.
info handle is an alias for info signals.
catch signal [signal... | ‘all’]
Set a catchpoint for the indicated signals. See Section 5.1.3 [Set Catchpoints],
page 54, for details about this command.
handle signal [keywords...]
Change the way gdb handles signal signal. The signal can be the number of a
signal or its name (with or without the ‘SIG’ at the beginning); a list of signal
numbers of the form ‘low-high’; or the word ‘all’, meaning all the known
signals. Optional arguments keywords, described below, say what change to
The keywords allowed by the handle command can be abbreviated. Their full names
nostop gdb should not stop your program when this signal happens. It may still print
a message telling you that the signal has come in.
stop gdb should stop your program when this signal happens. This implies the
print keyword as well.
print gdb should print a message when this signal happens.
noprint gdb should not mention the occurrence of the signal at all. This implies the
nostop keyword as well.
noignore gdb should allow your program to see this signal; your program can handle the
signal, or else it may terminate if the signal is fatal and not handled. pass and
noignore are synonyms.
ignore gdb should not allow your program to see this signal. nopass and ignore are
When a signal stops y


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