Only someone who is well-prepared has the opportunity to improvise.


From the first day I joined this department, I found to be qualified for the job requires kinds of abilities that I hadn't had yet, for example, the ability to effectively communicate with suppliers on technical problems, the ability to explain my opinions in a clear way.

Maybe it needs to exercise a lot to improve these abilities.

But recently a series of failures made me lose my confidence in the future.

Can I grow up into an accountable coder?

It seems I haven't writen down a program of 100 lines all on my own recently, I spent too many time in reading books about programming, but it seems I have forgotten the most important thing to be a good programmer, that is to write down as many codes as possible.

So, how about setting a small goal every day from now on?

I mean, wrtie down at least 20 lines of codes every day.

Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.


From Seneca.

Enjoy when you can, endure when you must.

Try to establish a positive attitude towards life, when we failled to get what we want as working very hard to pursuing them, don't easily lose the enthusiasm and hope.

Sometimes those best things would happen when we are going to give up and turn to something else.

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