在SqlServer 中解析JSON数据 [parseJSON] 函数 数据库中 解析JSON
FROM parseJSON('{
"姓名": "huang",
"网名": "HTL",
"AGE": 05,
} }
RETURNS @hierarchy TABLE
element_id INT IDENTITY(1, 1)
NOT NULL , /* internal surrogate primary key gives the order of parsing and the list order */
sequenceNo [INT] NULL , /* the place in the sequence for the element */
parent_ID INT ,/* if the element has a parent then it is in this column. The document is the ultimate parent, so you can get the structure from recursing from the document */
Object_ID INT ,/* each list or object has an object id. This ties all elements to a parent. Lists are treated as objects here */
NAME NVARCHAR(2000) ,/* the name of the object */
StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL ,/*the string representation of the value of the element. */
ValueType VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL /* the declared type of the value represented as a string in StringValue*/ )
BEGIN DECLARE @FirstObject INT , --the index of the first open bracket found in the JSON string
@OpenDelimiter INT ,--the index of the next open bracket found in the JSON string
@NextOpenDelimiter INT ,--the index of subsequent open bracket found in the JSON string
@NextCloseDelimiter INT ,--the index of subsequent close bracket found in the JSON string
@Type NVARCHAR(10) ,--whether it denotes an object or an array
@NextCloseDelimiterChar CHAR(1) ,--either a '}' or a ']'
@Contents NVARCHAR(MAX) , --the unparsed contents of the bracketed expression
@Start INT , --index of the start of the token that you are parsing
@end INT ,--index of the end of the token that you are parsing
@param INT ,--the parameter at the end of the next Object/Array token
@EndOfName INT ,--the index of the start of the parameter at end of Object/Array token
@token NVARCHAR(200) ,--either a string or object
@value NVARCHAR(MAX) , -- the value as a string
@SequenceNo INT , -- the sequence number within a list
@name NVARCHAR(200) , --the name as a string
@parent_ID INT ,--the next parent ID to allocate
@lenJSON INT ,--the current length of the JSON String
@characters NCHAR(36) ,--used to convert hex to decimal
@result BIGINT ,--the value of the hex symbol being parsed
@index SMALLINT ,--used for parsing the hex value
@Escape INT; --the index of the next escape character DECLARE @Strings TABLE /* in this temporary table we keep all strings, even the names of the elements, since they are 'escaped' in a different way, and may contain, unescaped, brackets denoting objects or lists. These are replaced in the JSON string by tokens representing the string */
String_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,
); SELECT--initialise the characters to convert hex to ascii
@characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ,
@SequenceNo = 0 , --set the sequence no. to something sensible. /* firstly we process all strings. This is done because [{} and ] aren't escaped in strings, which complicates an iterative parse. */
@parent_ID = 0; WHILE 1 = 1 --forever until there is nothing more to do
BEGIN SELECT @Start = PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z]["]%',
@JSON COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN);--next delimited string IF @Start = 0
BREAK; --no more so drop through the WHILE loop IF SUBSTRING(@JSON, @Start + 1, 1) = '"'
BEGIN --Delimited Name SET @Start = @Start + 1; SET @end = PATINDEX('%[^\]["]%',
LEN(@JSON + '|') - @Start)); END; IF @end = 0 --no end delimiter to last string
BREAK; --no more SELECT @token = SUBSTRING(@JSON, @Start + 1, @end - 1); --now put in the escaped control characters SELECT @token = REPLACE(@token, FromString, ToString)
FROM ( SELECT '\"' AS FromString ,
'"' AS ToString
SELECT '\\' ,
SELECT '\/' ,
SELECT '\b' ,
SELECT '\f' ,
SELECT '\n' ,
SELECT '\r' ,
SELECT '\t' ,
) substitutions; SELECT @result = 0 ,
@Escape = 1; --Begin to take out any hex escape codes WHILE @Escape > 0
BEGIN SELECT @index = 0 , --find the next hex escape sequence
@Escape = PATINDEX('%\x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]%',
@token); IF @Escape > 0 --if there is one
BEGIN WHILE @index < 4 --there are always four digits to a \x sequence
BEGIN SELECT --determine its value
@result = @result + POWER(16,
@Escape + 2 + 3
- @index, 1),
@characters) - 1 ) ,
@index = @index + 1; END; -- and replace the hex sequence by its unicode value SELECT @token = STUFF(@token, @Escape, 6,
NCHAR(@result)); END; END; --now store the string away INSERT INTO @Strings
( StringValue )
SELECT @token; -- and replace the string with a token SELECT @JSON = STUFF(@JSON, @Start, @end + 1,
+ CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), @@identity)); END; -- all strings are now removed. Now we find the first leaf. WHILE 1 = 1 --forever until there is nothing more to do
BEGIN SELECT @parent_ID = @parent_ID + 1; --find the first object or list by looking for the open bracket SELECT @FirstObject = PATINDEX('%[{[[]%',
@JSON COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN);--object or array IF @FirstObject = 0
BREAK; IF ( SUBSTRING(@JSON, @FirstObject, 1) = '{' )
SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = '}' ,
@Type = 'object'; ELSE
SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = ']' ,
@Type = 'array'; SELECT @OpenDelimiter = @FirstObject; WHILE 1 = 1 --find the innermost object or list...
BEGIN SELECT @lenJSON = LEN(@JSON + '|') - 1; --find the matching close-delimiter proceeding after the open-delimiter SELECT @NextCloseDelimiter = CHARINDEX(@NextCloseDelimiterChar,
+ 1); --is there an intervening open-delimiter of either type SELECT @NextOpenDelimiter = PATINDEX('%[{[[]%',
- @OpenDelimiter)COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN);--object IF @NextOpenDelimiter = 0
BREAK; SELECT @NextOpenDelimiter = @NextOpenDelimiter
+ @OpenDelimiter; IF @NextCloseDelimiter < @NextOpenDelimiter
BREAK; IF SUBSTRING(@JSON, @NextOpenDelimiter, 1) = '{'
SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = '}' ,
@Type = 'object'; ELSE
SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = ']' ,
@Type = 'array'; SELECT @OpenDelimiter = @NextOpenDelimiter; END; ---and parse out the list or name/value pairs SELECT @Contents = SUBSTRING(@JSON, @OpenDelimiter + 1,
- @OpenDelimiter - 1); SELECT @JSON = STUFF(@JSON, @OpenDelimiter,
@NextCloseDelimiter - @OpenDelimiter + 1,
'@' + @Type
+ CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), @parent_ID)); WHILE ( PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%',
@Contents COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN) ) <> 0
BEGIN IF @Type = 'Object' --it will be a 0-n list containing a string followed by a string, number,boolean, or null
BEGIN SELECT @SequenceNo = 0 ,
@end = CHARINDEX(':', ' ' + @Contents);--if there is anything, it will be a string-based name. SELECT @Start = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z@][@]%',
' ' + @Contents);--AAAAAAAA SELECT @token = SUBSTRING(' ' + @Contents,
@Start + 1,
@end - @Start - 1) ,
@EndOfName = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',
@token COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN) ,
@param = RIGHT(@token,
- @EndOfName + 1); SELECT @token = LEFT(@token, @EndOfName - 1) ,
@Contents = RIGHT(' ' + @Contents,
LEN(' ' + @Contents
+ '|') - @end
- 1); SELECT @name = StringValue
FROM @Strings
WHERE String_ID = @param; --fetch the name END; ELSE
SELECT @name = NULL ,
@SequenceNo = @SequenceNo + 1; SELECT @end = CHARINDEX(',', @Contents);-- a string-token, object-token, list-token, number,boolean, or null IF @end = 0
SELECT @end = PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e][^A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%',
@Contents + ' ') + 1; SELECT @Start = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z0-9@+.e][A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%',
' ' + @Contents); --select @start,@end, LEN(@contents+'|'), @contents SELECT @value = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Contents, @Start,
@end - @Start)) ,
@Contents = RIGHT(@Contents + ' ',
LEN(@Contents + '|') - @end); IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7) = '@object'
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
Object_ID ,
SELECT @name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5) ,
SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5) ,
'object'; ELSE
IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 6) = '@array'
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
Object_ID ,
SELECT @name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5) ,
SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5) ,
'array'; ELSE
IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7) = '@string'
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
SELECT @name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
FROM @Strings
WHERE String_ID = SUBSTRING(@value,
8, 5); ELSE
IF @value IN ( 'true', 'false' )
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
SELECT @name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
@value ,
'boolean'; ELSE
IF @value = 'null'
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
SELECT @name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
@value ,
'null'; ELSE
IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',
@value COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN) > 0
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
@name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
@value ,
'real'; ELSE
INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
@name ,
@SequenceNo ,
@parent_ID ,
@value ,
'int'; IF @Contents = ' '
SELECT @SequenceNo = 0; END; END; INSERT INTO @hierarchy
( NAME ,
sequenceNo ,
parent_ID ,
StringValue ,
Object_ID ,
SELECT '-' ,
1 ,
'' ,
@parent_ID - 1 ,
@Type; -- RETURN; END;
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