
  1. tic;
  2. % this method is transform from Galerkin method
  3. %also call it as finit method
  4. %is used for solving two point BVP which is the first and second term.
  5. %this code was writen by HU.D.dong in February 11th
  6. %MATLAB 7.0
  7. clear;
  8. clc;
  9. N=;
  10. h=/N;
  11. X=:h:;
  12. f=inline('(0.5*pi^2)*sin(0.5*pi.*x)');
  13. %以下是右端向量:
  14. for i=:N
  15. fun1=@(x) pi^/.*sin(pi/.*x).*(-(x-X(i))/h);
  16. fun2=@(x) pi^/.*sin(pi/.*x).*((x-X(i-))/h);
  17. f_phi(i-,)=quad(fun1,X(i),X(i+))+quad(fun2,X(i-),X(i));
  18. end
  19. funN=@(x) pi^/.*sin(pi/.*x).*(x-X(N))/h;
  20. f_phi(N)=quad(funN,X(N),X(N+));
  21. %以下是刚度矩阵:
  22. A11=quad(@(x) /h+0.25*pi^*h.*(-*x+*x.^),,);
  23. A12=quad(@(x) -/h+0.25*pi^*h.*(-x).*x,,);
  24. ANN=quad(@(x) /h+0.25*pi^*h*x.^,,);
  25. A=diag([A11*ones(,N-),ANN],)+diag(A12*ones(,N-),)+diag(A12*ones(,N-),-);
  26. Numerical_solution=A\f_phi;
  27. Numerical_solution=[;Numerical_solution];
  28. %Accurate solution on above以下是精确解
  29. %%
  30. for i=:length(X)
  31. Accurate_solution(i,)=sin((pi*X(i))/)/ - cos((pi*X(i))/)/ + exp((pi*X(i))/)*((exp(-(pi*X(i))/)*cos((pi*X(i))/))/ + (exp(-(pi*X(i))/)*sin((pi*X(i))/))/);
  32. end
  33. figure();
  34. grid on;
  35. subplot(,,);
  36. plot(X,Numerical_solution,'ro-',X,Accurate_solution,'b^:');
  37. title('Numerical solutions vs Accurate solutions');
  38. legend('Numerical_solution','Accurate_solution');
  39. subplot(,,);
  40. plot(X,Numerical_solution-Accurate_solution,'b x');
  41. legend('error_solution');
  42. title('error');
  43. toc;


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