1. 安装

参考   https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1595121885424169378&wfr=spider&for=pc





STEP 1: Editing config.plist

  1. Download Clover Configurator
  2. Open Clover Configurator
  3. Select Mount EFI under Tools
  4. Click Mount Partition for the EFI macOS is installed on
  5. Click Open Partition
  6. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER
  7. Open Config.Plist using Clover Configurator
  8. In Clover Select Boot under SECTIONS
  9. Uncheck nv_disable=1 if checked
  10. Check nvda_drv=1
  11. Select Graphics under SECTIONS
  12. Uncheck Inject Intel if checked
  13. Select System Parameters under SECTIONS
  14. Check Inject NvidiaWeb
  15. Save config.plist
  16. Exit Clover Configurator

STEP 2: Verify EmuVariableUefi-64.efi

EmuVariableUefi-64.efi is needed for NVRAM detection on various motherboards to get acceleration.

Verify file EmuVariableUefi-64.efi exits in location /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI of your mounted partition. If you installed macOS using one of our guides it should be there. if you followed the guide correctly. Otherwise you need to recreate your EFI folder with EmuVariableUefi-64.efi  using Clover EFI Bootloader

If you need steps on how to do that read Step 2 of How-to Make a Clover Hackintosh Bootloader

Note: Reinstalling Clover EFI Bootloader will create a fresh EFI Folder make sure to backup your config.plistand kexts before proceeding.


STEP 3: Required kexts

Verify that NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext & Lilu.kext exist in /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts  of your mountedEFI partition. If not you will need to download both and add them to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other

STEP 4: Verify BIOS Settings

If you have the option  in your BIOS to enable/disable integrated graphics then set Integrated Graphics to Disabled if using an Nvidia Graphics Card. Booting with it enabled may give you a black screen especially if you are using a Gigabyte/ASUS motherboard.


STEP 5: Web Driver Install

You’ll need to download Nvidia web drivers from the links at the bottom of the page based on your macOS version number. If using High Sierra you need to enable SIP before the web driver install. I recommend following this seperate guide: How to properly Install Nvidia Drivers on High Sierra 10.13 (17A405)

  1. Download Nvidia Web Drivers
  2. Open the Web Driver .pkg file
  3. Go through the installer
  4. Click Restart Now when it prompts you at the end
  5. Done.


  一  NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext   使用 WhateverGreen替代

 二。EmuVariableUefi-64.efi  可以使用Clover Configurator进行安装

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