Chapter 4 Invitations——15
He slouched off, back toward the school.
I heard a low chuckle.
Edward was walking past the front of my truck, looking straight forward, his lips pressed together.
I yanked the door open and jumped inside, slamming it loudly behind me.
I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisle.
Edward was in his car already, two spaces down, sliding out smoothly in front of me, cutting me off.
He stopped there — to wait for his family;
I could see the four of them walking this way, but still by the cafeteria.
I considered taking out the rear of his shiny Volvo, but there were too many witnesses.
I looked in my rearview mirror.
A line was beginning to form. Directly behind me, Tyler Crowley was in his recently acquired used Sentra, waving.
I was too aggravated to acknowledge him.
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