


3、Backoff restart strategy:是RestartSource,RestartFlow,RestartSink的一个属性。为它们提供“逐步延迟重启策略”

4、Supervision strategy:是数据流构件的“异常监管策略”属性。为发生异常的功能阶段Stage提供异常情况处理方法



* Recover allows to send last element on failure and gracefully complete the stream
* Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements.
* This stage can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.
* Throwing an exception inside `recover` _will_ be logged on ERROR level automatically.
* '''Emits when''' element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and pf returns an element
* '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures
* '''Completes when''' upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle
* '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels
def recover[T >: Out](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): Repr[T] = via(Recover(pf))


  Source( to ).map { n =>
if (n < ) n.toString
else throw new Exception("Boooommm!")
case e: Exception => s"truncate stream: ${e.getMessage}"


truncate stream: Boooommm!


* RecoverWithRetries allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure. It will stay in effect after
* a failure has been recovered up to `attempts` number of times so that each time there is a failure
* it is fed into the `pf` and a new Source may be materialized. Note that if you pass in 0, this won't
* attempt to recover at all.
* A negative `attempts` number is interpreted as "infinite", which results in the exact same behavior as `recoverWith`.
* Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements.
* This stage can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.
* Throwing an exception inside `recoverWithRetries` _will_ be logged on ERROR level automatically.
* '''Emits when''' element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and element is available
* from alternative Source
* '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures
* '''Completes when''' upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle
* '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels
* @param attempts Maximum number of retries or -1 to retry indefinitely
* @param pf Receives the failure cause and returns the new Source to be materialized if any
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if `attempts` is a negative number other than -1
def recoverWithRetries[T >: Out](attempts: Int, pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Graph[SourceShape[T], NotUsed]]): Repr[T] =
via(new RecoverWith(attempts, pf))


 val backupSource = Source(List("five","six","seven","eight","nine"))
Source( to ).map { n =>
if (n < ) n.toString
else throw new RuntimeException("Boooommm!")
}.recoverWithRetries(attempts = , {
case e: RuntimeException => backupSource




* A RestartSource wraps a [[Source]] that gets restarted when it completes or fails.
* They are useful for graphs that need to run for longer than the [[Source]] can necessarily guarantee it will, for
* example, for [[Source]] streams that depend on a remote server that may crash or become partitioned. The
* RestartSource ensures that the graph can continue running while the [[Source]] restarts.
object RestartSource { /**
* Wrap the given [[Source]] with a [[Source]] that will restart it when it fails or complete using an exponential
* backoff.
* This [[Source]] will never emit a complete or failure, since the completion or failure of the wrapped [[Source]]
* is always handled by restarting it. The wrapped [[Source]] can however be cancelled by cancelling this [[Source]].
* When that happens, the wrapped [[Source]], if currently running will be cancelled, and it will not be restarted.
* This can be triggered simply by the downstream cancelling, or externally by introducing a [[KillSwitch]] right
* after this [[Source]] in the graph.
* This uses the same exponential backoff algorithm as [[akka.pattern.Backoff]].
* @param minBackoff minimum (initial) duration until the child actor will
* started again, if it is terminated
* @param maxBackoff the exponential back-off is capped to this duration
* @param randomFactor after calculation of the exponential back-off an additional
* random delay based on this factor is added, e.g. `0.2` adds up to `20%` delay.
* In order to skip this additional delay pass in `0`.
* @param sourceFactory A factory for producing the [[Source]] to wrap.
def withBackoff[T](minBackoff: FiniteDuration, maxBackoff: FiniteDuration, randomFactor: Double)(sourceFactory: () ⇒ Source[T, _]): Source[T, NotUsed] = {
Source.fromGraph(new RestartWithBackoffSource(sourceFactory, minBackoff, maxBackoff, randomFactor))
} /**
* A RestartFlow wraps a [[Flow]] that gets restarted when it completes or fails.
* They are useful for graphs that need to run for longer than the [[Flow]] can necessarily guarantee it will, for
* example, for [[Flow]] streams that depend on a remote server that may crash or become partitioned. The
* RestartFlow ensures that the graph can continue running while the [[Flow]] restarts.
object RestartFlow { /**
* Wrap the given [[Flow]] with a [[Flow]] that will restart it when it fails or complete using an exponential
* backoff.
* This [[Flow]] will not cancel, complete or emit a failure, until the opposite end of it has been cancelled or
* completed. Any termination by the [[Flow]] before that time will be handled by restarting it. Any termination
* signals sent to this [[Flow]] however will terminate the wrapped [[Flow]], if it's running, and then the [[Flow]]
* will be allowed to terminate without being restarted.
* The restart process is inherently lossy, since there is no coordination between cancelling and the sending of
* messages. A termination signal from either end of the wrapped [[Flow]] will cause the other end to be terminated,
* and any in transit messages will be lost. During backoff, this [[Flow]] will backpressure.
* This uses the same exponential backoff algorithm as [[akka.pattern.Backoff]].
* @param minBackoff minimum (initial) duration until the child actor will
* started again, if it is terminated
* @param maxBackoff the exponential back-off is capped to this duration
* @param randomFactor after calculation of the exponential back-off an additional
* random delay based on this factor is added, e.g. `0.2` adds up to `20%` delay.
* In order to skip this additional delay pass in `0`.
* @param flowFactory A factory for producing the [[Flow]] to wrap.
def withBackoff[In, Out](minBackoff: FiniteDuration, maxBackoff: FiniteDuration, randomFactor: Double)(flowFactory: () ⇒ Flow[In, Out, _]): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] = {
Flow.fromGraph(new RestartWithBackoffFlow(flowFactory, minBackoff, maxBackoff, randomFactor))
} /**
* A RestartSink wraps a [[Sink]] that gets restarted when it completes or fails.
* They are useful for graphs that need to run for longer than the [[Sink]] can necessarily guarantee it will, for
* example, for [[Sink]] streams that depend on a remote server that may crash or become partitioned. The
* RestartSink ensures that the graph can continue running while the [[Sink]] restarts.
object RestartSink { /**
* Wrap the given [[Sink]] with a [[Sink]] that will restart it when it fails or complete using an exponential
* backoff.
* This [[Sink]] will never cancel, since cancellation by the wrapped [[Sink]] is always handled by restarting it.
* The wrapped [[Sink]] can however be completed by feeding a completion or error into this [[Sink]]. When that
* happens, the [[Sink]], if currently running, will terminate and will not be restarted. This can be triggered
* simply by the upstream completing, or externally by introducing a [[KillSwitch]] right before this [[Sink]] in the
* graph.
* The restart process is inherently lossy, since there is no coordination between cancelling and the sending of
* messages. When the wrapped [[Sink]] does cancel, this [[Sink]] will backpressure, however any elements already
* sent may have been lost.
* This uses the same exponential backoff algorithm as [[akka.pattern.Backoff]].
* @param minBackoff minimum (initial) duration until the child actor will
* started again, if it is terminated
* @param maxBackoff the exponential back-off is capped to this duration
* @param randomFactor after calculation of the exponential back-off an additional
* random delay based on this factor is added, e.g. `0.2` adds up to `20%` delay.
* In order to skip this additional delay pass in `0`.
* @param sinkFactory A factory for producing the [[Sink]] to wrap.
def withBackoff[T](minBackoff: FiniteDuration, maxBackoff: FiniteDuration, randomFactor: Double)(sinkFactory: () ⇒ Sink[T, _]): Sink[T, NotUsed] = {
Sink.fromGraph(new RestartWithBackoffSink(sinkFactory, minBackoff, maxBackoff, randomFactor))


  val backoffSource = RestartSource.withBackoff(
minBackoff = .seconds,
maxBackoff = .seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
){ () => Source(List("FileA","FileB","FileC"))} val backoffFlow = RestartFlow.withBackoff(
minBackoff = .seconds,
maxBackoff = .seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
){ () => Flow[String].map(_.toUpperCase())} val backoffSink = RestartSink.withBackoff(
minBackoff = .seconds,
maxBackoff = .seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
){ () => Sink.foreach(println)} backoffSource.via(backoffFlow).to(backoffSink).run()




  val killSwitch = backoffSource.viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right)
.run() Thread.sleep()







 implicit val mat2 = ActorMaterializer(
.withInputBuffer(initialSize = , maxSize = )
) Source( to ).map { n =>
if (n != ) n.toString
else throw new ArithmeticException("no 3 please!")
}.runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) Thread.sleep()
Thread.sleep() Source( to ).map { n =>
if (n != ) n.toString
else throw new Exception("no 3 please!")



  val decider : Supervision.Decider = {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => Supervision.Restart
case _ => Supervision.Stop
val flow = Flow[Int]
.scan() { (acc, elem) =>
if (elem < ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative not allowed")
else acc + elem
}.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy(decider)) Source(List(, , -, , )).via(flow)



import akka.actor._
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import scala.concurrent.duration._ object ExceptionHandling extends App {
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("demoSys")
implicit val ec = sys.dispatcher
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer(
.withInputBuffer(initialSize = , maxSize = )
) /*
Source(0 to 10).map { n =>
if (n < 5) n.toString
else throw new Exception("Boooommm!")
case e: Exception => s"truncate stream: ${e.getMessage}"
val backupSource = Source(List("five","six","seven","eight","nine"))
Source(0 to 10).map { n =>
if (n < 5) n.toString
else throw new RuntimeException("Boooommm!")
}.recoverWithRetries(attempts = 0, {
case e: RuntimeException => backupSource
).runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) val backoffSource = RestartSource.withBackoff(
minBackoff = 3.seconds,
maxBackoff = 30.seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
){ () => Source(List("FileA","FileB","FileC"))} val backoffFlow = RestartFlow.withBackoff(
minBackoff = 3.seconds,
maxBackoff = 30.seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
){ () => Flow[String].map(_.toUpperCase())} val backoffSink = RestartSink.withBackoff(
minBackoff = 3.seconds,
maxBackoff = 30.seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
){ () => Sink.foreach(println)} //backoffSource.via(backoffFlow).to(backoffSink).run() val killSwitch = backoffSource.viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right)
.run() Thread.sleep(1000)
val decider: Supervision.Decider = {
case _: ArithmeticException => Supervision.Resume
case _ => Supervision.Stop
} implicit val mat2 = ActorMaterializer(
.withInputBuffer(initialSize = 16, maxSize = 16)
) Source(1 to 5).map { n =>
if (n != 3) n.toString
else throw new ArithmeticException("no 3 please!")
}.runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) Thread.sleep(1000)
Thread.sleep(1000) Source(1 to 5).map { n =>
if (n != 5) n.toString
else throw new Exception("no 3 please!")
val decider : Supervision.Decider = {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => Supervision.Restart
case _ => Supervision.Stop
val flow = Flow[Int]
.scan() { (acc, elem) =>
if (elem < ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative not allowed")
else acc + elem
}.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy(decider)) Source(List(, , -, , )).via(flow)
.runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) scala.io.StdIn.readLine()
sys.terminate() }

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