

  1. //全局变量:第一个数左上右下坐标
  2. Global first1x
  3. Global first1y
  4. Global first2x
  5. Global first2y
  7. //全局变量:xp技点位置
  8. Global xpx
  9. Global xpy
  11. //全局变量:读取到的数字
  12. Global x1
  13. Global x2
  14. Global x3
  15. Global x4
  16. Global y1
  17. Global y2
  18. Global y3
  19. Global y4
  21. //全局变量:读到的坐标
  22. Global nowx
  23. Global nowy
  25. //全局变量:屏幕中间点实际坐标
  26. Global actualx
  27. Global actualy
  29. //主体
  31. //初始化变量
  32. Call init()
  34. //自动按键
  35. Call startKey()
  37. //自动点击XP技
  38. If Form1.CheckBox1.Value = Then
  39. BeginThread findclick()
  40. End If
  42. //自动寻路
  43. Select Case Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex
  44. Case
  45. Call go1()
  46. Case Else
  47. End Select
  49. // 子程序:按1寻路
  50. Sub go1()
  51. While
  52. Call headTo(, )
  53. Call headTo(, )
  54. Call headTo(, )
  55. Call headTo(, )
  56. Call headTo(, )
  57. Call headTo(, )
  58. Wend
  59. End Sub
  61. //子程序:初始化
  62. Sub init()
  64. first1x =
  65. first1y =
  66. first2x =
  67. first2y =
  69. xpx =
  70. xpy =
  72. //获取屏幕中间点实际坐标
  73. actualx = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionX /
  74. actualy = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionY /
  76. End Sub
  78. //子程序:得到当前坐标,保存到nowx,nowy
  79. Sub get()
  81. //得出X坐标
  82. x1 = find(first1x, first1y, first2x, first2y)
  84. x2 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  86. If x2 >= Then
  87. x3 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  88. If x3 >= Then
  89. x4 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  90. If x4 >= Then
  91. nowx = x1 * + x2 * + x3 * + x4
  92. Else
  93. nowx = x1* + x2* + x3
  94. End If
  95. Else
  96. nowx = x1* + x2
  97. End If
  98. Else
  99. nowx = x1
  100. End If
  102. //得出Y坐标
  103. y1 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  105. y2 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  107. If y2 >= Then
  108. y3 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  109. If y3 >= Then
  110. y4 = find(first1x + , first1y, first2x + , first2y)
  111. If y4 >= Then
  112. nowy = y1 * + y2 * + y3 * + y4
  113. Else
  114. nowy = y1* + y2* + y3
  115. End If
  116. Else
  117. nowy = y1* + y2
  118. End If
  119. Else
  120. nowy = y1
  121. End If
  123. End Sub
  125. //函数:通过参数first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y返回检测到的数字
  126. Function find(first1x, first1y, first2x, first2y)
  128. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\0.bmp",,intX,intY
  129. If intX > And intY > Then
  130. find =
  131. Exit Function
  132. End If
  133. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\1.bmp",,intX,intY
  134. If intX > And intY > Then
  135. find =
  136. Exit Function
  137. End If
  138. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\2.bmp",,intX,intY
  139. If intX > And intY > Then
  140. find =
  141. Exit Function
  142. End If
  143. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\3.bmp",,intX,intY
  144. If intX > And intY > Then
  145. find =
  146. Exit Function
  147. End If
  148. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\4.bmp",,intX,intY
  149. If intX > And intY > Then
  150. find =
  151. Exit Function
  152. End If
  153. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\5.bmp",,intX,intY
  154. If intX > And intY > Then
  155. find =
  156. Exit Function
  157. End If
  158. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\6.bmp",,intX,intY
  159. If intX > And intY > Then
  160. find =
  161. Exit Function
  162. End If
  163. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\7.bmp",,intX,intY
  164. If intX > And intY > Then
  165. find =
  166. Exit Function
  167. End If
  168. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\8.bmp",,intX,intY
  169. If intX > And intY > Then
  170. find =
  171. Exit Function
  172. End If
  173. FindPic first1x,first1y,first2x,first2y,"Attachment:\9.bmp",,intX,intY
  174. If intX > And intY > Then
  175. find =
  176. Exit Function
  177. End If
  179. find = -
  181. End Function
  183. //子程序:前往目标地点
  184. Sub headTo(x, y)
  185. BeginThread click
  186. While
  187. Call get()
  188. a = nowx - x
  189. b = nowy - y
  191. // 判断是否已经到达
  192. If (a * a + b * b) < Then
  193. Exit Sub
  194. End If
  196. // 屏幕向量
  197. screenx = (b - a) * 1.1
  198. screeny = (a + b) * 0.6
  200. d = / (Sqr( + (screenx * screenx) / (screeny * screeny)))
  201. c = (screenx / screeny) * d
  203. If c * screenx < Then
  204. c = -c
  205. End If
  207. If d * screeny > Then
  208. d = -d
  209. End If
  211. c = c + actualx
  212. d = d + actualy
  214. // 鼠标指向
  215. MoveTo c, d
  216. Delay
  217. Wend
  219. End Sub
  221. // 线程:不停点击鼠标
  222. Sub click()
  223. clickID = GetThreadID()
  224. While
  225. LeftClick
  226. Delay
  227. Wend
  228. End Sub
  230. // 子程序:开始所有键盘点击
  231. Sub startkey()
  232. Select Case Form1.KeyBox1.ListIndex
  233. Case
  234. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  235. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  236. Case
  237. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  238. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  239. Case
  240. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  241. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  242. Case
  243. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  244. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  245. Case
  246. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  247. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  248. Case
  249. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  250. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  251. Case
  252. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  253. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  254. Case
  255. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  256. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  257. Case
  258. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  259. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  260. Case
  261. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  262. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  263. Case
  264. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  265. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  266. Case
  267. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  268. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  269. Case
  270. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  271. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  272. Case
  273. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  274. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  275. Case
  276. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  277. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  278. Case
  279. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  280. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  281. Case
  282. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  283. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  284. Case
  285. ms = Form1.MsBox1.Caption
  286. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  287. Case Else
  288. End Select
  290. Select Case Form1.KeyBox2.ListIndex
  291. Case
  292. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  293. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  294. Case
  295. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  296. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  297. Case
  298. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  299. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  300. Case
  301. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  302. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  303. Case
  304. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  305. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  306. Case
  307. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  308. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  309. Case
  310. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  311. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  312. Case
  313. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  314. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  315. Case
  316. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  317. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  318. Case
  319. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  320. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  321. Case
  322. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  323. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  324. Case
  325. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  326. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  327. Case
  328. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  329. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  330. Case
  331. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  332. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  333. Case
  334. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  335. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  336. Case
  337. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  338. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  339. Case
  340. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  341. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  342. Case
  343. ms = Form1.MsBox2.Caption
  344. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  345. Case Else
  346. End Select
  348. Select Case Form1.KeyBox3.ListIndex
  349. Case
  350. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  351. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  352. Case
  353. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  354. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  355. Case
  356. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  357. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  358. Case
  359. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  360. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  361. Case
  362. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  363. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  364. Case
  365. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  366. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  367. Case
  368. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  369. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  370. Case
  371. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  372. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  373. Case
  374. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  375. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  376. Case
  377. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  378. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  379. Case
  380. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  381. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  382. Case
  383. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  384. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  385. Case
  386. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  387. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  388. Case
  389. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  390. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  391. Case
  392. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  393. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  394. Case
  395. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  396. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  397. Case
  398. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  399. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  400. Case
  401. ms = Form1.MsBox3.Caption
  402. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  403. Case Else
  404. End Select
  406. Select Case Form1.KeyBox4.ListIndex
  407. Case
  408. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  409. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  410. Case
  411. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  412. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  413. Case
  414. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  415. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  416. Case
  417. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  418. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  419. Case
  420. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  421. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  422. Case
  423. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  424. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  425. Case
  426. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  427. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  428. Case
  429. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  430. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  431. Case
  432. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  433. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  434. Case
  435. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  436. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  437. Case
  438. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  439. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  440. Case
  441. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  442. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  443. Case
  444. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  445. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  446. Case
  447. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  448. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  449. Case
  450. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  451. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  452. Case
  453. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  454. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  455. Case
  456. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  457. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  458. Case
  459. ms = Form1.MsBox4.Caption
  460. BeginThread presskey(, ms)
  461. Case Else
  462. End Select
  463. End Sub
  465. //线程:每隔ms按num键
  466. Sub presskey(num,mss)
  467. While
  468. KeyPress num,
  469. Delay ms
  470. Wend
  471. End Sub
  473. // 查找和点击XP技能
  474. Sub findclick()
  475. While
  476. IfColor xpx, xpy, "CF71A9", Then
  477. SaveMousePos
  478. MoveTo ,
  479. LeftClick
  480. RestoreMousePos
  481. Else
  482. End If
  483. Delay
  484. Wend
  485. End Sub


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