function inherits(ctor,superCtor){
ctor.super_ = superCtor;
ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype,{
constructor : {
value : ctor,
emumerable : false,
writable : true,
configurable : true
}; var Person = function(name){
this.name = name;
}; Person.prototype.sayName = function(){
console.log("Hi my name is "+this.name);
}; Person.prototype.shoutName = function(){
console.log("Hi my name is "+this.name + "!");
}; /*Person.sayName = function(){
console.log("Hi my name is "+this.name);
}*/ var john = new Person("john");
var bobby = new Person("bobby"); john.sayName(); // Hi my name is john
bobby.shoutName(); // Hi my name is bobby! john.name = "johnny"; var Friend = function(name,instrument){
Friend.super_.call(this, name);
this.instrument = instrument;
inherits(Friend, Person); Friend.prototype.getInstrument = function(){
} var julia = new Friend("julia",'trombone'); julia.sayName();
julia.getInstrument(); //实现继承的方法
var human = {
species : "human",//复制函数
create : function(values){
var instnce = Object.create(this);
instnce[key] = values[key];
return instnce;
saySpecies : function(){
sayName : function(){
}; /*var musician = Object.create(human);*/ var musician = human.create({
species : "musician",
playInstrument : function(){
console.log("plays " + this.instrument);
var will = musician.create({
name : "Will",
instrument : "drums"
}); will.playInstrument();

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