What's new in Windows 10 Enterprise with Microsoft Edge

--带有Edge浏览器的Windows 10 企业版的新功能

本文摘录自公司群发邮件, 推荐大家升级"自带Edge浏览器的Windows 10", 再过几分钟, 就会全球推送Windows 10 的升级包了, Share出来也就无大碍了.


What's new in Windows 10 Enterprise with Microsoft Edge? A lot! Designed for both touch and mouse users, it's also designed to be intuitive for both users of Windows 7 SP1 and users of Windows 8.1, incorporating the "best of both worlds" to enhance your experience and help you be more productive.

(自带Edge浏览器的Windows 10企业版有什么新功能呢? 很多! 同时考虑到触屏和鼠标用户而设计, 还是为Windows 7 SP1 和 Windows 8.1而设计, 因合并而成就"两全其美", 增强您的体验并让您更富创造力. P.S. 因为是Microsoft邮件, 所以经常强调more productive)

Windows 10 Enterprise offers many exciting features, including:

  • The new Microsoft Edge browser is now your default browser. (新的微软Edge浏览器将成为您的默认浏览器. P.S.成为默认浏览器是每个浏览器的梦想, 像小三想转正一样的梦想.)It helps you search online using the address bar; create a reading list for things you want to read later; view your favorites, reading list, browsing history, and current downloads in the Hub; take notes, write, doodle, and highlight directly on webpages; and enjoy a clean and simple layout with the Reading view. Cortana is also available right in the address bar to help you get things done faster and easier.
  • If a page does not display correctly in the Microsoft Edge browser, you can select "Open with Internet Explorer" in the upper right corner to switch browsers and provide feedback on your experience at the same time.(如果页面在微软Edge浏览器中没有正确显示, 你可以选择右上角的"在Internet Explorer中打开"来切换浏览器并同时提交您的体验反馈. P.S.小忧伤, 看来还有issue.)
  • Cortana, your personal assistant, is now available on the desktop in the US, China, France, Italy, Germany and Spain.(Cortana, 您的个人助理, 现在已经可以在美国, 中国, 法国, 意大利, 德国和西班牙国家或地区的桌面系统中使用了. P.S.此处应该有掌声, 小娜其实挺好的.) Just like in Windows Phone 8.1, she can display your daily routine, finance, food, music, news, sports, travel, weather, and more.
  • Office Mobile (Universal) applications are now included for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.(Office移动版本现在已经包括Word, PowerPoint和Excel了. P.S.身价越来越low了啊.) These apps are touch-optimized and designed from the ground up to run on Windows 10 on a wide variety of devices.
  • Updated Start menu.(更新了的开始按钮.) Similar to the rich menu experience you remember from Windows 7, the updated Start menu enables easy navigation of both desktop and modern applications; the ability to search files, apps, settings, and the web; access your apps, documents, pictures, and computer settings; log off or switch accounts; and more.
  • Notification Center.(通知中心. P.S.类似于WP, Android的通知栏吧.) Similar to the notification center that was introduced in Windows Phone 8.1, you now have a persistent list of notifications that you can view and address whenever you like. You can also access links for performing quick actions, such as turning Wi-Fi on or off.
  • Task View.(任务视图. P.S.习惯用ALT + TAB键的installBer哭了吗?) The Task View button on the task bar enables quick switching between all your open apps and files, similar to using the keyboard combination of Alt+Tab.
  • Windows behavior for modern apps.(Modern应用的窗口行为. P.S.其实是说Modern应用的行为更像传统的桌面应用了, 槽点, 那为什么还要叫Modern App???) Modern apps now behave more like traditional apps on the desktop, able to be resized and arranged in "windows" as well as in full screen mode. Move multiple modern apps at your convenience, or scan them all together at once. We also eliminated the Windows 8.1 Charms bar, relocating functionality such as Search, Share, Print, and Settings for modern apps to their respective title bars instead.
  • Snap enhancements. Working from multiple apps at once becomes even easier and more intuitive thanks to improvements with Snap. Have up to four apps snapped on the same screen with a new quadrant layout. Snap apps to be different sizes with Smart Fill, and even have Windows suggest what other apps you have open to snap with Snap Assist.
  • Network Flyout. Right-click on the network task icon and to access a network flyout instead of going to settings.
  • Lock Screen UI.  All the user accounts associated with the device are listed in lower left corner and the account cameo picture is now round.
  • New shortcut locations within File Explorer. Finding recent files is easier than ever with new shortcuts for "Recent Files" and "Frequent Places" you've accessed.
  • Filtered taskbars. Shows only windows on your current desktop by default, rather than across all desktops (global Taskbar).
  • Virtual Desktop improvements let you drag a window to a virtual desktop and access multiple desktop experiences – and the apps on them – from the same Windows PC, so you can always access the files and apps you care about.

Lionden 2015年7月28日



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