



using namespace std; long long MOD = 1e9 + ;
long long x, y;
int n; long long mod(long long a, long long b)
if (a >= ) return a%b;
if (abs(a) % b == ) return ;
return (a + b*(abs(a) / b + ));
} struct Matrix
long long A[][];
int R, C;
Matrix operator*(Matrix b);
}; Matrix X, Y, Z; Matrix Matrix::operator*(Matrix b)
Matrix c;
memset(c.A, , sizeof(c.A));
int i, j, k;
for (i = ; i <= R; i++)
for (j = ; j <= C; j++)
for (k = ; k <= C; k++)
c.A[i][j] = mod((c.A[i][j] + mod(A[i][k] * b.A[k][j], MOD)), MOD);
c.R=R; c.C=b.C;
return c;
} void read()
scanf("%lld%lld%d", &x, &y, &n);
} void init()
n = n - ;
Z.A[][] = x, Z.A[][] = y; Z.R = ; Z.C = ;
Y.A[][] = , Y.A[][] = , Y.A[][] = , Y.A[][] = ; Y.R = ; Y.C = ;
X.A[][] = , X.A[][] = -, X.A[][] = , X.A[][] = ; X.R = ; X.C = ;
} void work()
while (n)
if (n % == ) Y = Y*X;
n = n >> ;
X = X*X;
Z = Z*Y; printf("%lld\n", mod(Z.A[][], MOD));
} int main()
return ;

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