Cocos2d:使用 CCCamera 做滚动效果 (Four Ways of Scrolling with Cocos2D)
There are two classes of scrolling, "fake" and "real". Altogether there are four ways to create a scrolling view in Cocos2D: with CCCamera, with CCFollow, manually moving a layer and "faking it". I'll discuss each approach and show their advantages and disadvantages
as well as point out for which types of games they work best.
The example projects for this article can be downloaded from github.
Fake Scrolling - Merely creating the Illusion of Scrolling
Ideal for "endless scrolling" games. Typical genres include jumping or running games like Doodle Jump and Canabalt, as well as shoot'em ups.
These games mainly scroll along one axis, often scrolling only in one direction. The other axis has a limited range or is not scrolled at all. The fake scrolling approach prevents the coordinates of game objects to "explode" to similarly infinite coordinate
points. This could introduce rounding errors in floating point values which may accumulate over time, causing inaccuracies at later stages of the game.
To create the illusion of scrolling, at least two background image sprites are needed. Four are needed if you also want to scroll a little along the minor scrolling axis. The background images must be repeating seamlessly, and each must be at least the size
of the screen. The trick is to use the two or four images and move them in the opposite direction of where the player is supposedly heading. This creates the illusion that the player is actually moving in a certain direction. Once one background image has
scrolled entirely outside the view, it will be repositioned by adding the width or height of the screen (depending on major scrolling axis) to the position of all background sprites. The player does not notice this repositioning, which allows the background
sprites to continue moving in the current direction seemingly endlessly.
Game objects (enemies, items, etc.) usually enter the screen from the side towards which the player is moving, but any location is possible. You would normally spawn these objects one screen ahead (or behind) what is currently visible, then move them on screen.
Movement of enemies can be fixed if the scrolling occurs at a constant rate and never stops. Otherwise all game object's positions must be updated with the delta scroll value every time to keep them fixed at their current position. You would do this at a central
location before or after moving the game objects. Without this, varying the scrolling speed would also speed up or slow down the movement of game objects, which is probably not what you want. This voids the use of CCMove* actions because they don't consider
external modification of the position property while they're running.
From a game construction perspective this type of scrolling lends itself well for randomly generated worlds. You can alway use a certain location in front of or behind the scrolling direction to spawn new game objects. You always have only a relatively short
list of game objects that are alive in this "world", so each object can be allowed to run relatively complex code. And you can dismiss game objects easily by checking if they have moved past the threshold location. All coordinates are relative to screen coordinates,
so at most you're dealing with a value range 3 times that the size or width of the screen (one screen ahead, one screen behind, and the actual screen - more if you allow scrolling along both axes).
Using object pooling you can reuse a predetermined amount of game objects of a certain type and thus also avoid spawning too many of the same type. For example if there can be 10 Zombies on the screen at once, you'd create 10 Zombies up front, set them to inactive
and simply reposition and activate them to spawn one. When you have 10 Zombies on the screen and game logic dictates to spawn another one, you can't and no new Zombie gets spawned. This design lends itself well to high performance and has built-in limits that
avoid many (but not all) possibly unfair game situations that can occur in randomly generated worlds.
Code Example:
The scrolling effect is created by moving the background images. This example uses two images moving from right to left, to give the impression of movement from left to right. You can also put the background images into a separate layer and move them all at
once by adjusting the layer's position.
-( void ) { CGPoint CGPoint bg1Pos.x bg2Pos.x // if
{ bg1Pos.x bg2Pos.x } // bg1Pos.x int )bg1Pos.x; bg2Pos.x int )bg2Pos.x; _bg1.position _bg2.position } |
Use when:
- Your game should scroll endlessly or very far.
- Your game primarily scrolls along one axis, perhaps even in one direction. A "tube-like" world.
- Your game randomly generates most or all of the world as the game progresses.
Avoid when:
- Your game needs to scroll in any direction.
- Your game uses a "designed" world (predetermined locations of objects, backgrounds, etc) of finite size.
- Your game's background images do not repeat.
All objects use relative screen coordinates,
easy to work with. No "explosion" of coordinate values in infinitely scrolling worlds.
No conversion of touch coordinates necessary.
Ideal for randomly generating content.
The player character stays fixed or at least
only moves within screen coordinates or a a little more.
Code complexity increases if direction
of scrolling can go both ways (ie right and left, or up and down) or allows scrolling at variable speed. CCMove* actions can not be used in these cases.
Not suitable for two equally valid
scrolling directions (ie square worlds). Main scrolling direction is either vertical or horizontal, with the other axis either not scrolling at all or only within a small range.
Adapting to various screen aspect ratios
(iPhone, iPhone widescreen, iPad) requires extra care.
"Real" Scrolling - Using the Screen as View onto the World
Ideal for larger worlds. The player can travel freely in all four directions at any speed. Typical examples include games where the player traverses large worlds, for example Zelda or Super Mario.
You can scroll a world either by using CCCamera or my adjusting the position of a parent node. The CCFollow method falls into the latter category. The main difference between CCCamera and CCFollow or layer movement is that CCCamera moves the viewport over the
fixed (non-moving) world whereas CCFollow or layer movement move the world underneath the fixed camera. The end result is the same.
Use when:
- Your game should scroll equally in any direction.
- Your game is a designed world, or randomly generated but has a finite size.
- Your game world is a tilemap.
Avoid when:
- Your game needs to scroll endlessly or very far (far = over ten thousands points in any direction).
- Your game relies on randomly creating its world. Even if it needs to scroll in any direction fake scrolling may be a better solution.
Scrolling with CCCamera
CCCamera is a wrapper for the OpenGL gluLookAt function. It has the most flexibility allowing free rotating, zoom and even perspective views. But it's also more difficult to work with and not fully compatible with all aspects of cocos2d. CCMenu won't work,
and converting touch coordinates will be a challenge. The biggest problem of CCCamera is probably that there's a serious lack of expertise - there are many CCCamera related questions on the cocos2d forum and in other places, but hardly any good answers. Most
questions simply remain unanswered. CCCamera works differently than anything else in cocos2d, and affects cocos2d rendering in ways you may not understand or foresee. Therefore I strongly discourage anyone from using CCCamera unless that anyone is familiar
with OpenGL viewport basics, gluLookAt and transformation matrices (conversion of screen to view coordinates).
Even if you do know about these things, use CCCamera only when you need the full flexibility of a zooming, rotating or perspective camera view. For example if you want a driving game which should keep the car always facing up, rotating the world relative to
where the car is going, then you'd have to use the CCCamera. Implementing this with layer movement will be more difficult and certainly requires a different approach to how the car movement is handled (the car would actually never rotate by itself, and would
always face in a fixed direction).
Code Example:
You first need to get all the camera values by reference (¢erX) in C programming language fashion. Then you need to update both center and eye to be at the same position in order to maintain an orthogonal (top down) view. Introducing 3D effects is as simple
as allowing center and eye to deviate. Then you must set all values back to the camera, including those you haven't modified to ensure you don't accidentally change one of the values you didn't modify.
For example, if you hard code the value 0.0 when setting centerZ and eyeZ, for some reason the screen goes black even though the values for centerZ and eyeZ returned from CCCamera are 0.0 as well. This is just one of the oddities of CCCamera.
-( void ) { // float
[ [ // centerX 0 .5f); centerY 0 .5f); // // centerX 0 .0f, centerY 0 .0f, // [ [ } |
Use when:
- Your game needs a perspective view, or rotation animations, or elaborate zooming actions that would be difficult to implement with any of the other scrolling methods.
Avoid when:
- Always, by default.
- If you do not have an understanding (and don't want to learn about) gluLookAt, the OpenGL viewport, coordinate conversion.
- If you want to use CCMenu in your in-game user interface.
Scroll in any direction.
CCCamera uses world coordinates.
Also allows to zoom in/out of the world as
well as rotation and even perspective (3D) effects.
CCCamera is not well documented or
tutorialized. It's also rarely used so it's hard to get (good) answers to CCCamera related questions. Many issues require a deeper understanding of OpenGL.
CCCamera uses an awkward C-style interface
for getting and setting position and look at points.
Touch coordinates must be converted
to world coordinates. Conversion is complex, involving camera coordinates and "magic numbers".
Not fully compatible with all nodes.
For example CCMenu will not work correctly because it does not implement the necessary touch conversion.
When zooming with CCCamera there is
a value range threshold where objects start to disappear. This threshold is different on different devices.
Scrolling with CCFollow
CCFollow works by changing the position of the node that is running the CCFollow action relative to the position of the followed node. Typically you'll run it on the layer that contains the node (usually the player-controlled object) to be followed.
CCFollow should only run on non-drawing nodes (CCNode, CCLayer, CCScene) and should follow a node that is one of its direct children. Especially if the followed node is not a direct children you might notice that the screen follows the object but it does so
at an offset.
CCFollow is the easiest way to create a scrolling view, but it's also the least flexible. You can choose between limitless scrolling, or scrolling that stops at predefined (world) boundaries. That is all. For everything else you'll have to subclass CCFollow
and add whatever code you need to improve the scrolling behavior.
Code Example:
CCFollow requires the least amount of code to implement scrolling. Just add this code in init or onEnter to allow the layer (self) to scroll so that the followed node (_player) is always centered on screen. Additionally this code enables the world boundaries
check so that scrolling stops before any part outside of the world becomes visible. The player is still able to move up to the world border, or even beyond that if you don't limit the player's movement as well.
// // CGRect 0 , 0 , [self |
Use when:
- You need to get started quickly with a scrolling view.
Avoid when:
- You need to influence any scrolling parameters, such as how closely the node is followed or how the scrolling accelerates and decelerates.
Scroll in any direction.
Always keeps the followed node centered.
Allows to specify world boundaries to clamp
scrolling at world borders.
No control whatsoever. Follow speed,
follow range, acceleration/deceleration of scrolling movement, prevent scrolling in a particular direction, and so on - none of that is supported.
Changes position of the node running
the action. Typically that will be a layer, so it shouldn't matter.
Touch coordinates must be converted
to world coordinates using built-in convertToWorldSpace.
Implementing zoom in/out centered on
a particular object is difficult. Rotating relative to an object is very difficult.
Custom Scrolling by subclassing CCFollow
This is essentially the same method that CCFollow uses, but you will have to implement any additional behavior yourself. Typically you will want to subclass CCFollow because that'll be easier, but you can also rip out the guts of CCFollow and put the scrolling
code in your layer's update method. For example if you want the scrolling to happen only when the followed node is getting close enough to one of the screen borders, you'd have to subclass CCFollow, override the step method, put the original code back in and
then start modifying how CCFollow updates the position. An example is given in the CCCustomFollow demo.
The main downside caused by moving an underlying layer is that the position of that layer is the inverse of the actual movement. For example to scroll 100 pixels to the right, you have to subtract 100 pixels from the layer's position, which then may have a
negative position of -100. You might find it counterintuitive that the targetPos CGPoint in CCFollow uses mostly negative coordinates - because to scroll to the right and up, the target node (usually the layer) must move in the opposite direction, to the left
and down.
Code Example:
First create a subclass of CCFollow, in this case I named it CCCustomFollow. Initialize it like CCFollow above, and override the step method in CCCustomFollow. You can start with the CCFollow code as basis, understand it first, then start modifying it.
This example prevents scrolling while the followed node is within 120 points of the center. Once the followed node crosses that distance, the scrolling will start following the followed node. This is a very simplified example of "border scrolling". You still
need to improve this in several ways, for example to ensure that the scrolling correctly stops at world boundaries and perhaps to improve it so that the non-scrolling area is not a circle but a rectangle. You might also attempt to scroll faster when the followed
node leaves the threshold so that the followed node becomes centered on the screen again. All of those tasks aren't exactly trivial, but they're manageable if you have a reasonably solid understanding of trigonometry.
-( void ) { // // CGPoint targetPos.x targetPos.y // if
{ isCurrentPosValid currentPos } // const
120 .0f; float
{ // CGPoint // currentPos [target_ } previousTargetPos } |
Use when:
- You need full flexibility over the scrolling behavior.
Avoid when:
- You need functionality only CCCamera can provide, such as rotation relative to followed node's movement direction.
Scroll in any direction.
More scrolling flexibility - if implemented.
Do it yourself, but you can use the
CCFollow code as basis. Here's another good starting point but the code has "All Rights Reserved".
May feel counter-intuitive, since position
of the node (layer) that causes the scrolling effect is the inverse of the actual scrolling direction.
Touch coordinates must be converted
to world coordinates using built-in convertToWorldSpace.
Implementing zoom in/out centered on
a particular object is difficult. Rotating relative to an object is very difficult.
PS: 转载请注明出处
Cocos2d:使用 CCCamera 做滚动效果 (Four Ways of Scrolling with Cocos2D)的更多相关文章
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