python3.4 data type
- #coding=utf-8
- #Python 3.4
- #IDE:Eclipse +PyDev Window10
- import atexit
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- import winsound
- import code
- import codecs
- import math
- import csv
- import base64
- import re
- import smtplib
- from email.mime.text import MIMEText
- from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- from email.header import Header
- from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
- from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
- from email.utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
- import email
- import os.path
- import mimetypes
- import configparser
- import string
- import nltk
- import simhash
- import uuid
- import socket
- import functools
- import fnmatch
- import time
- import datetime
- import calendar
- import psycopg2
- from datetime import timedelta
- import random
- import unicodedata
- from decimal import *
- import MailSender #自定义类
- import choices #自定义类
- from jump import long
- print("涂聚文,geovindu") #中文显示必需文件编码格式utf-8
- #获取本机电脑名
- myname = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname( ));
- #获取本机ip
- myaddr = socket.gethostbyname(myname);
- print(myname);
- print(myaddr);
- #Data Types
- print ("hello word 你好,世界");
- print (sys.platform);
- print (2 ** 100);
- #输入
- try: userimput = input("输入的内容: ") #PyDev
- except NameError: pass
- print("你好:"+userimput);
- print(type(userimput));#类型
- nowTime=time.localtime();
- nowDate=datetime.datetime(nowTime[0],nowTime[1],nowTime[2]);
- datasd=["Acme",50,99.8,"2012-12-21",(2015,12,20)];
- productname,productshares,productprice,productdate,productdate2=datasd;
- print("产品名称:"+productname);
- print("产品数量:"+str(productshares));
- print("产品价格:"+str(productprice));
- print("产品日期:"+productdate); #datetime.datetime.strptime
- date1=datetime.datetime(2015,12,20);
- print(type(nowTime)); #time.struct_time
- print(type(nowDate)); #atetime.datetime
- print(type(productdate2)); #tuple
- print(type(productdate)); #str
- print(date1);
- print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",nowTime)); #%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %f
- print(nowDate);
- #print("time %" % nowDate);
- print(time.strptime(productdate,"%Y-%m-%d")); ##字符串转换成time类型 %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
- date2=time.strptime(productdate,"%Y-%m-%d");
- print(nowDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")); ##time类型转换成字符串类型 %y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p
- print(date2);
- print(type(date2));
- d = timedelta(microseconds=-1);
- print(d.days, d.seconds, d.microseconds); # -1 86399 999999
- year = timedelta(days=365);
- another_year = timedelta(weeks=40, days=84, hours=23,minutes=50, seconds=600); # adds up to 365 days
- print(year.total_seconds()); #31536000.0
- print(year == another_year);
- dt = datetime.datetime.strptime("21/11/06 16:30", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M");
- tt = dt.timetuple();
- '''
- 2006 # year
- 11 # month
- 21 # day
- 16 # hour
- 30 # minute
- 0 # second
- 1 # weekday (0 = Monday)
- 325 # number of days since 1st January
- -1 # dst - method tzinfo.dst() returned None
- '''
- for it in tt:
- print (it);
- ic = dt.isocalendar();
- '''
- 2006 # ISO year
- 47 # ISO week
- 2 # ISO weekday
- '''
- for ff in ic:
- print(ff);
- print(calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY)); #None
- #
- d = Decimal(15.6);
- print(d+80);
- ra=random.randrange(0,12001,5); # Even integer from 0 to 1200 inclusive 从0至12000,5位数的随机数 11435
- print(ra);
- mood = choices.PDist([('happy', 0.3), ('neutral', 0.6), ('sad', 0.1)]) #随机选取字符串
- print(mood());
- rstr=random.choice(["geovindu","du","涂聚文","geovi"]); #随机选取字符串
- print(rstr);
- deck = 'ace two three four'.split();
- random.shuffle(deck); # Shuffle a list 洗牌
- print(deck);
- du=int(2);
- print(du*20);
- du=long(200);
- print(du/20);
- du=float(2500.25);
- print(du-200);
- #BitArray 布尔型数组所有的对象类型
- #Cubes OLAP 在线分析处理应用程序框架
- #Disco 分布式计算所用的mapreduce实现
- #Gdata Google数据协议实现
- #Hspy Python HDF5文件格式实现
- #HDF5 快速I/O 操作所用文件格式
- #IPython 交互式开发环境(IDE)
- #lxml 用Python处理XML和HTML
- #matplotlib
- #MPI4Py 消息解析接口(MPI)的并行计算实现
- #MPICH2 另一个MPI实现
- #numexpr 优化的数值表达式执行
- #Pandas 高效处理时间序列数据
- #PyTables 使用HDF5的层次化数据库 pip install tables
- #
- #SciPy 科学函数集合
- #Scikit-Learn 机器学习算法
- #Spyder Python IDE,具有语法检查,调试和检查功能
- #statsmodels 统计模型
- #SymPy 符号计算和数学
- #Theano 数学表达式编译器
- #dateutil
- #pyparsing
- #libpng
- #pytz
- #freetype
- #cycler
- #pyqt
- #pygtk
- #wxpython
- #ffmpeg/avconv or mencoder
- #ImageMagick
- #Pillow
- #pkg-config
- #agg
- #import pyautogui #PyAutoGUI
- #使用双连词生成随机文本
- sent=['In','the','beginning','god','created','the','heaven','and','the','earth','.'];
- mt=nltk.bigrams(sent);
- for mts in mt:
- print(mts);
Anaconda is the leading open data science platform powered by Python
Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
C:\Users\geovindu>conda install scikit-learn
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........
Package plan for installation in environment C:\Program Files\Anaconda3:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
conda-env-2.6.0 | 0 498 B
mkl-2017.0.1 | 0 128.8 MB
numpy-1.11.3 | py35_0 3.4 MB
requests-2.12.4 | py35_0 791 KB
numexpr-2.6.1 | np111py35_2 123 KB
scipy-0.18.1 | np111py35_1 11.6 MB
scikit-learn-0.18.1 | np111py35_1 4.5 MB
pyopenssl-16.2.0 | py35_0 70 KB
conda-4.3.4 | py35_0 534 KB
Total: 149.8 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
conda-env: 2.6.0-0 (copy)
The following packages will be UPDATED:
conda: 4.2.9-py35_0 --> 4.3.4-py35_0 (copy)
mkl: 11.3.3-1 --> 2017.0.1-0 (copy)
numexpr: 2.6.1-np111py35_0 --> 2.6.1-np111py35_2 (copy)
numpy: 1.11.1-py35_1 --> 1.11.3-py35_0 (copy)
pyopenssl: 16.0.0-py35_0 --> 16.2.0-py35_0 (copy)
requests: 2.11.1-py35_0 --> 2.12.4-py35_0 (copy)
scikit-learn: 0.17.1-np111py35_1 --> 0.18.1-np111py35_1 (copy)
scipy: 0.18.1-np111py35_0 --> 0.18.1-np111py35_1 (copy)
CondaIOError: IO error: Missing write permissions in: C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
# You don't appear to have the necessary permissions to install packages
# into the install area 'C:\Program Files\Anaconda3'.
# However you can clone this environment into your home directory and
# then make changes to it.
# This may be done using the command:
# $ conda create -n my_root --clone=C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
C:\>cd C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
C:\Program Files\Anaconda3>conda install scikit-learn
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........
Package plan for installation in environment C:\Program Files\Anaconda3:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
conda-env-2.6.0 | 0 498 B
mkl-2017.0.1 | 0 128.8 MB
numpy-1.11.3 | py35_0 3.4 MB
requests-2.12.4 | py35_0 791 KB
numexpr-2.6.1 | np111py35_2 123 KB
scipy-0.18.1 | np111py35_1 11.6 MB
scikit-learn-0.18.1 | np111py35_1 4.5 MB
pyopenssl-16.2.0 | py35_0 70 KB
conda-4.3.4 | py35_0 534 KB
Total: 149.8 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
conda-env: 2.6.0-0 (copy)
The following packages will be UPDATED:
conda: 4.2.9-py35_0 --> 4.3.4-py35_0 (copy)
mkl: 11.3.3-1 --> 2017.0.1-0 (copy)
numexpr: 2.6.1-np111py35_0 --> 2.6.1-np111py35_2 (copy)
numpy: 1.11.1-py35_1 --> 1.11.3-py35_0 (copy)
pyopenssl: 16.0.0-py35_0 --> 16.2.0-py35_0 (copy)
requests: 2.11.1-py35_0 --> 2.12.4-py35_0 (copy)
scikit-learn: 0.17.1-np111py35_1 --> 0.18.1-np111py35_1 (copy)
scipy: 0.18.1-np111py35_0 --> 0.18.1-np111py35_1 (copy)
CondaIOError: IO error: Missing write permissions in: C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
# You don't appear to have the necessary permissions to install packages
# into the install area 'C:\Program Files\Anaconda3'.
# However you can clone this environment into your home directory and
# then make changes to it.
# This may be done using the command:
# $ conda create -n my_root --clone=C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
C:\Program Files\Anaconda3>conda install matplotlib
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........
Package plan for installation in environment C:\Program Files\Anaconda3:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
conda-env-2.6.0 | 0 498 B
requests-2.12.4 | py35_0 791 KB
matplotlib-1.5.3 | np111py35_1 6.2 MB
pyopenssl-16.2.0 | py35_0 70 KB
conda-4.3.4 | py35_0 534 KB
Total: 7.6 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
conda-env: 2.6.0-0 (copy)
The following packages will be UPDATED:
conda: 4.2.9-py35_0 --> 4.3.4-py35_0 (copy)
matplotlib: 1.5.3-np111py35_0 --> 1.5.3-np111py35_1 (copy)
pyopenssl: 16.0.0-py35_0 --> 16.2.0-py35_0 (copy)
requests: 2.11.1-py35_0 --> 2.12.4-py35_0 (copy)
CondaIOError: IO error: Missing write permissions in: C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
# You don't appear to have the necessary permissions to install packages
# into the install area 'C:\Program Files\Anaconda3'.
# However you can clone this environment into your home directory and
# then make changes to it.
# This may be done using the command:
# $ conda create -n my_root --clone=C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
C:\Program Files\Anaconda3>conda install nltk
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........
Package plan for installation in environment C:\Program Files\Anaconda3:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
conda-env-2.6.0 | 0 498 B
requests-2.12.4 | py35_0 791 KB
nltk-3.2.2 | py35_0 1.9 MB
pyopenssl-16.2.0 | py35_0 70 KB
conda-4.3.4 | py35_0 534 KB
Total: 3.3 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
conda-env: 2.6.0-0 (copy)
The following packages will be UPDATED:
conda: 4.2.9-py35_0 --> 4.3.4-py35_0 (copy)
nltk: 3.2.1-py35_0 --> 3.2.2-py35_0 (copy)
pyopenssl: 16.0.0-py35_0 --> 16.2.0-py35_0 (copy)
requests: 2.11.1-py35_0 --> 2.12.4-py35_0 (copy)
CondaIOError: IO error: Missing write permissions in: C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
# You don't appear to have the necessary permissions to install packages
# into the install area 'C:\Program Files\Anaconda3'.
# However you can clone this environment into your home directory and
# then make changes to it.
# This may be done using the command:
# $ conda create -n my_root --clone=C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
C:\Program Files\Anaconda3>
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- 许多库都有基本不用配置
- Anaconda3
- Spyder Editor
- Python 3.5
- C:\Program Files\Anaconda3>
- This is a temporary script file.
- """
- import sys
- import os
- import nltk
- import matplotlib #标准2D和3D绘图库
- import numpy #强大的数组类及该类上的优化函数
- import networkx #构建网络和分析网络模型算法
- print("geovindu");
- print("涂聚文");
- a=u"geovindu 涂聚文";
- b=20.50;
- c=["a","b","c"];
- print(a);
- print(b);
- for st in c:
- print(st);
- sent=['In','the','beginning','god','created','the','heaven','and','the','earth','.'];
- mt=nltk.bigrams(sent);
- for mts in mt:
- print(mts);
1.使用Anaconda 和 Pycharm搭建Python IDE 在Pycharm File->settings->Project **->Project Interpreter->选择Anaconda 自带的python
2.使用Anaconda 和 Eclipse Java+Pydev搭建Python IDE 在windows->Preferences > Pydev > Interpreter – Python-选择Anaconda 自带的python
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