class Solution {
bool isNumber(string s) {
if(s == " ") return false;
int i = ;
int j = s.size()-;
while(s[i] == ' ') ++i;
while(s[j] == ' ') --j;
++j; if(s[i] == '+' || s[i] == '-') ++i; if(i == j) return false; bool numberic = true;
bool flag = false; int k = scanDigits(s,i,j);
if (k != i)
flag = true;
} i = k; if(i < j){
if(s[i] == '.'){
if(i == j && !flag) return false;
k = scanDigits(s,i,j);
if (k != i)
flag = true;
i = k;
if(i < j && (s[i] == 'E'||s[i] == 'e'))
numberic = flag && isExponential(s, (++i),j);
} }
else if(i < j && (s[i] == 'E'||s[i] == 'e'))
numberic = flag && isExponential(s, ++i,j);
else numberic = false;
} return numberic && i == j; } int scanDigits(string str, int i,int j){
while(i < j && str[i] >= ''&& str[i] <= '') ++i;
return i;
} bool isExponential(string str, int& i, int j){
if(i == j) return false;
if(str[i] == '+' || str[i] == '-') ++i; if(i == j) return false;
i = scanDigits(str,i,j);
return i==j?true:false;

测试了好多次才过了 太不容易 所以贴个上来做下纪念

".9e1","+.1"  "1."都正确

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