Two boys decided to compete in text typing on the site "Key races". During the competition, they have to type a text consisting of s characters. The first participant types one character in v1 milliseconds and has ping t1 milliseconds. The second participant types one character in v2 milliseconds and has ping t2 milliseconds.

If connection ping (delay) is t milliseconds, the competition passes for a participant as follows:

  1. Exactly after t milliseconds after the start of the competition the participant receives the text to be entered.
  2. Right after that he starts to type it.
  3. Exactly t milliseconds after he ends typing all the text, the site receives information about it.

The winner is the participant whose information on the success comes earlier. If the information comes from both participants at the same time, it is considered that there is a draw.

Given the length of the text and the information about participants, determine the result of the game.


The first line contains five integers s, v1, v2, t1, t2 (1 ≤ s, v1, v2, t1, t2 ≤ 1000) — the number of characters in the text, the time of typing one character for the first participant, the time of typing one character for the the second participant, the ping of the first participant and the ping of the second participant.


If the first participant wins, print "First". If the second participant wins, print "Second". In case of a draw print "Friendship".

5 1 2 1 2
3 3 1 1 1
4 5 3 1 5

In the first example, information on the success of the first participant comes in 7 milliseconds, of the second participant — in 14 milliseconds. So, the first wins.

In the second example, information on the success of the first participant comes in 11 milliseconds, of the second participant — in 5 milliseconds. So, the second wins.

In the third example, information on the success of the first participant comes in 22 milliseconds, of the second participant — in 22 milliseconds. So, it is be a draw.

  题目大意 两个人开始打字游戏,每个人有一个速度,以及发送打字的文本串和提交文本串会有一个延时。问谁会赢。



* Codeforces
* Problem#835A
* Accepted
* Time:30ms
* Memory:2100k
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#define Auto "%lld"
#define Auto "%I64d"
using namespace std;
typedef bool boolean;
const signed int inf = (signed)((1u << ) - );
const signed long long llf = (signed long long)((1ull << ) - );
const double eps = 1e-;
const int binary_limit = ;
#define smin(a, b) a = min(a, b)
#define smax(a, b) a = max(a, b)
#define max3(a, b, c) max(a, max(b, c))
#define min3(a, b, c) min(a, min(b, c))
template<typename T>
inline boolean readInteger(T& u){
char x;
int aFlag = ;
while(!isdigit((x = getchar())) && x != '-' && x != -);
if(x == -) {
ungetc(x, stdin);
return false;
if(x == '-'){
x = getchar();
aFlag = -;
for(u = x - ''; isdigit((x = getchar())); u = (u << ) + (u << ) + x - '');
ungetc(x, stdin);
u *= aFlag;
return true;
} int s, v0, v1, t0, t1; inline void init() {
scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &s, &v0, &v1, &t0, &t1);
} inline void solve() {
int a = * t0 + s * v0;
int b = * t1 + s * v1;
if(a > b)
else if(a < b)
} int main() {
return ;

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