The dis/advantage of forward declaration
In our projects, in C++ head file, if reference to some classes (reference or pointer), instead of include header file directly, we recommend to use forward declaration. Obviously, it can take some advantage to you.
- Reduce the compile time
- Avoid namespace pollution
- Save unnecessary recompile (maybe it is a disadvantage)
But there are disadvantage (from google C++ style), so google guideline is “Avoid using forward declarations where possible. Just #include the headers you need.” Who is right? I don’t know but we did not meet any problem until now.
I copy the google guidelinebelow.
Avoid using forward declarations where possible. Just #include the headers you need.
A "forward declaration" is a declaration of a class, function, or template without an associated definition.
- Forward declarations can save compile time, as #includes force the compiler to open more files and process more input.
- Forward declarations can save on unnecessary recompilation. #includes can force your code to be recompiled more often, due to unrelated changes in the header.
- Forward declarations can hide a dependency, allowing user code to skip necessary recompilation when headers change.
- A forward declaration may be broken by subsequent changes to the library. Forward declarations of functions and templates can prevent the header owners from making otherwise-compatible changes to their APIs, such as widening a parameter type, adding a template parameter with a default value, or migrating to a new namespace.
- Forward declaring symbols from namespace std:: yields undefined behavior.
- It can be difficult to determine whether a forward declaration or a full #include is needed. Replacing an #include with a forward declaration can silently change the meaning of code:
// b.h: struct B {}; struct D : B {}; // #include "b.h" void f(B*); void f(void*); void test(D* x) { f(x); } // calls f(B*)
If the #include was replaced with forward decls for B and D, test() would call f(void*).
- Forward declaring multiple symbols from a header can be more verbose than simply #includeing the header.
- Structuring code to enable forward declarations (e.g. using pointer members instead of object members) can make the code slower and more complex.
- Try to avoid forward declarations of entities defined in another project.
- When using a function declared in a header file, always #include that header.
- When using a class template, prefer to #include its header file.
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