* LR 转换表
* + Goto 记录表
* + 状态转换表
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> #include "Common.h"
#include "Closure.h"
#include "LRCal.h"
#include "LRMigrate.h" extern char *Grammer[];
extern char ***GrammerRule; /*
* 创建Goto记录表
struct Record *CreateRecordTable()
struct Record *RecordTable = (struct Record *)malloc(sizeof(struct Record));
memset(RecordTable, '\0', sizeof(struct Record));
RecordTable->RecordRow = -;
RecordTable->RecordRowMax = ;
RecordTable->Record = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int) * );
memset(RecordTable->Record, '\0', sizeof(int) * ); return RecordTable;
} /*
* 记录 Goto[CCi, symbol]->CCj
* RecordTable : struct Record* 记录表
* CCi : int 当前项集 ID
* Symbol : unsigned char 转移符号
* CCj : int 转移目的项集 ID
void Record(struct Record *RecordTable, int CCi, unsigned char Symbol, int CCj)
// [CCi, Symbol] -> CCj
if (RecordTable->RecordRow < CCi) // 新请求的位置大于最大项位,需要更新项位
// 一次分配 32 条记录空间
if (RecordTable->RecordRowMax <= CCi) // 新请求的位置超过最大可使用项数,追加新的项表空间
int NewSize = ((int)(CCi / ) + ) * ;
int** NewRecordTable = (int**)malloc(NewSize * sizeof(int));
memset(NewRecordTable, '\0', NewSize * sizeof(int));
memcpy(NewRecordTable, RecordTable->Record, RecordTable->RecordRowMax * sizeof(int));
RecordTable->RecordRowMax = NewSize;
RecordTable->Record = NewRecordTable;
RecordTable->RecordRow = CCi; int *tmp_spc = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * );
memset(tmp_spc, '\0', sizeof(int) * );
RecordTable->Record[CCi] = tmp_spc;
if (RecordTable->Record[CCi][Symbol] == CCj)
// printf("Find Repeat.\n");
else if (RecordTable->Record[CCi][Symbol] != )
printf("Find Conflict.\n");
RecordTable->Record[CCi][Symbol] = CCj;
printf("[CC%d, %c] -> CC%d\n", CCi, Symbol, CCj);
} /*
* 查找产生式序号
* s : unsigned char* 要查找的产生式
int FindGrammer(unsigned char *s)
int i;
for (i = ; Grammer[i][] != '\0'; i++)
if (strcmp((char*)Grammer[i], (char*)s) == )
return i;
return -;
} /*
* 检查产生式是否为最终接受
* s : unsigned char* 要检查的产生式
bool CheckIsAccept(unsigned char *s)
// 默认第一行语法产生式左非终结符为起始符号
int l = strlen((char*)s);
return (Grammer[][] == s[] && s[l - ] == SYM_PLACEHOLDER && s[l - ] == SYM_EOF);
} /*
* 添加转换项
* LRTable : struct LRElement** LR转换表
* StateID : int 状态ID
* Symbol : unsigned int 转换符号
* Action : enum ActionEnum 转换动作
* ActionValue : int 动作值
void AddState(struct LRElement **LRTable, int StateID, unsigned int Symbol, enum ActionEnum Action, int ActionValue)
if (LRTable[StateID] != NULL)
// 不存在 None 和 Accept 参与的冲突
if (LRTable[StateID][Symbol].Action == None)
LRTable[StateID][Symbol].Action = Action;
LRTable[StateID][Symbol].ActionValue = ActionValue;
else if (!(LRTable[StateID][Symbol].Action == Action && LRTable[StateID][Symbol].ActionValue == ActionValue))
int ConflictType = (int)(LRTable[StateID][Symbol].Action) + (int)Action;
switch (ConflictType)
case : // 移进-归约
printf("Found Shift-Reduce Conflicting.\n");
if (Action == Shift)
LRTable[StateID][Symbol].Action = Action;
LRTable[StateID][Symbol].ActionValue = ActionValue;
case : // 归约-归约
printf("Found Reduce-Reduce Conflicting.\n");
printf("Found Undefined Conflicting.\n");
} /*
* 通过生成的核心项集 CC 填充状态转移表
* CC : struct CoreCollection* 核心项集
* CoreCollectionCount : int 核心项集个数
* RecordTable : struct Record* Goto记录表
struct LRElement **LRFillTable(struct CoreCollection *CC, int CoreCollectionCount, struct Record *RecordTable)
// 虽然 Action 表和 Goto 表的表项存在一定的差异,但是还是可以使用同一个结构体作为元素结构
// 因为每个核心项集生成一项 LR 转移项,所以 LR 转移表的项数和核心项集的个数是一样的
// Goto 表不会使用 Action 字段,因为 ActionValue 字段的值必须为正整数
struct LRElement **LRTable = (struct LRElement**)malloc(sizeof(int) * CoreCollectionCount);
int LRIndex = ;
while (LRIndex < CoreCollectionCount)
LRTable[LRIndex] = (struct LRElement*)malloc(sizeof(struct LRElement) * );
memset(LRTable[LRIndex], '\0', sizeof(struct LRElement) * );
} struct CoreCollection *CCPtr;
for (CCPtr = CC; CCPtr != NULL; CCPtr = CCPtr->next) // for each CCi∈CC
struct Collection *SPtr;
for (SPtr = CCPtr->S; SPtr != NULL; SPtr = SPtr->next) // for each item I∈CCi
unsigned char *Placeholder = (unsigned char*)strchr((char*)SPtr->Expression, SYM_PLACEHOLDER);
unsigned char PrevSymbol = *(Placeholder + ); if (*(Placeholder + ) != '\0' && *(Placeholder + ) != '\0' &&
(PrevSymbol < 'A' || PrevSymbol > 'Z') &&
RecordTable->RecordRow >= CCPtr->id && RecordTable->Record[CCPtr->id][PrevSymbol] != ) // if I is [A -> β·cγ, α] and goto(CCi, c) = CCj then
// Action[i, c] <- "shift j"
AddState(LRTable, CCPtr->id, PrevSymbol, Shift, RecordTable->Record[CCPtr->id][PrevSymbol]);
else if (CheckIsAccept(SPtr->Expression) == true) // else if I is [S' -> S·, eof] then
// Action[i, eof] <- "accept"
AddState(LRTable, CCPtr->id, SYM_EOF, Accept, );
else if (*(Placeholder + ) != '\0' && *(Placeholder + ) == '\0') // else if I is [A -> β·, α] then
// Action[i, α] <- "reduce A -> β"
int i = ;
unsigned char *SExpr = SPtr->Expression;
unsigned char *Expr = (unsigned char*)malloc(strlen((char*)SExpr));
while (*SExpr != '\0')
Expr[i++] = *SExpr;
Expr[--i] = '\0'; AddState(LRTable, CCPtr->id, PrevSymbol, Reduce, FindGrammer(Expr) + );
int NTPtr;
for (NTPtr = ; NTPtr < ; NTPtr++)
if (GrammerRule[NTPtr] != NULL) // for each n∈NT
if (RecordTable->Record[CCPtr->id] != NULL) // if goto(CCi, n) = CCj then
LRTable[CCPtr->id][NTPtr].ActionValue = RecordTable->Record[CCPtr->id][NTPtr]; // Goto[i, n] <- j
return LRTable;
} /*
* 打印状态转移表
* LRMigrateTable : struct LRElement** LR状态转移表
* CoreCollectionCount : int 核心项集个数
void PrintLRMigrate(struct LRElement **LRMigrateTable, int CoreCollectionCount)
// 为了方便压缩打印,将行链表转换为列链表
struct LRElement **LRCompression[];
int index, ItemPtr;
for (index = ; index < ; index++)
LRCompression[index] = NULL;
} for (index = ; index < CoreCollectionCount; index++) // 行
for (ItemPtr = ; ItemPtr < ; ItemPtr++) // 列
if (LRMigrateTable[index][ItemPtr].Action != None || LRMigrateTable[index][ItemPtr].ActionValue != )
if (LRCompression[ItemPtr] == NULL) // 如果该列自始自终没有任何表项,那么不创建该列的指针表
LRCompression[ItemPtr] = (struct LRElement**)malloc(sizeof(int) * CoreCollectionCount);
memset(LRCompression[ItemPtr], '\0', sizeof(int) * CoreCollectionCount);
LRCompression[ItemPtr][index] = &LRMigrateTable[index][ItemPtr];
} // 此时列表头若为 NULL 则该列无数据
for (index = ; index < ; index++)
if (LRCompression[index] != NULL)
if (index != )
printf("\t%c", index);
for (index = ; index < CoreCollectionCount; index++)
printf("%d", index);
for (ItemPtr = ; ItemPtr < ; ItemPtr++)
if (LRCompression[ItemPtr] != NULL)
if (LRCompression[ItemPtr][index] != NULL)
switch (LRCompression[ItemPtr][index]->Action)
case None:
// printf("");
case Shift:
case Reduce:
case Accept:
if (LRCompression[ItemPtr][index]->Action != Accept)
printf("%d", LRCompression[ItemPtr][index]->ActionValue);



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