Agilent RF fundamentals (8) Oscillator Decisions
Agilent RF fundamentals (8) Oscillator Decisions的更多相关文章
- Agilent RF fundamentals (7) Oscillator characterization
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- Agilent RF fundamentals (3)- TX and RX
1Create carrier:谐振器,如433.92Mhz LC谐振 (频偏控制) 2Add data to carrier 加载数据 3Amplify to broadcast :放大器,如NPN ...
- Agilent RF fundamentals (9)-Mixer basics
Function: change the frequency of the incident RF key parameters ----------------------------------- ...
- Agilent RF fundamentals (11)-Vector modulator
Vector modulator 矢量调制器:调整信号的幅度和相位
- Agilent RF fundamentals (6) - Real TX/RX and RF model
LNA:Low-Noise Amplifier PA: Power Amplifier1 VGA: Variable-Gain Amplifier DC input Bias Volatage, B ...
- Agilent RF fundamentals (5)
2考虑两个因素 3 RX 4 TX RX switch use Duplexer
- Agilent RF fundamentals (4)- Impedance match and distortions
1 Impedance match: 2 distortions: Solar radiation produces background noise
- Agilent RF fundamentals (2)- fundamental units of RF
1Amplitude AM调制 2 Frequency FM调制 3Phase Phase 调制 复合调制 三者关系:
- Agilent RF fundamentals (1)- fundamental units of measure
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