A heart is a heavy burden.


Follow your heart, but always take your brain with you.

Easy to say, but hard to comply with it in the actual world, because there are many things we need to take account in when we make some decisions.

So, it is really a heavy burden to follow our hearts, and it is a heavy burden to look up at the mountain and want to start the climb.

News: Several days ago, the chief strategist of the Trump administration, Stephen Bannon, has stepped down from his job, maybe his resignation was due to his contradictions with President Trump's view on several issues.

I am not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.


From William Hazlitt.

Scientifical education is very important, it covers many aspects, it involves in many skills.

And there are few people who were borned with the skills needed, many of those great scientists had received good eductation in science in their school-days.

So, it is important to teach the students how to start their own research, often such lessons begin with observation.

What to observe, how to observe, what symptoms indicate the good result, and what the reverse, which of inportance, which of not.

Besides, we must keep curiosity, keep asking why, there are still many things beyond our knowledge.

And most often, what we have observed may be not the nature itself, but what nature has exposed to us, we must explore the very essence of the appearances.

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